Chapter 2;More Mystery, Less Truth

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Yo everybody, name's Badgerclops. My special talent happens to be around being the "Ultimate Creative Genius". Hiwever I wish my introduction was on more friendlier terms. Mao usually takes charge but....

The cat hero in question was not in the state this time with him having close ties with the victim.  Right now, he was sobbing as his face bare a heartbroken expression while kneel beside the body. If only tears could revive her as they did in movies.

To get Tanya justice and Mao Closure, I will lead this trial and find out who killed Tanya.

Soon the eerie silence was broken by the sound of the Monophone recieving the Monofile. Good. Maybe this would get some leads on where to look for clues. Reading the Monofile truly shocked me.

"What the...?!" My eye widen from reviewing the contents of the file. There has to be some kind of mistake!!

Victim: Ultimate??? Tanya Keys...Body...
Time of Death:9pm exact
Cause of Death: ???
Body Discovery Annoucement: 11pm Body Discovered by ???, Orangusnake, Badgerclops
No additional notes could be recorded due to electrical interference at the time of the murder.

What the ....

"Flakes why is the Monofile so vague vompare to the first one?!" Orangusnake fumed, nearly crushing his reading glasses in the process.

"Think that I include all the answers in the file? Ahhh no. Your job is to figure out how Tanya Keys died, where it happened, and most of all~ Who is the blackened!  Otherwise you all DIE!!" Flakes explaination meant that more trials would provide fewer answers.

Guess only clues will help this trial. Mao Mao was still sobbing in a broken state near the body. His neon green eyes looked so dull, like the light within them gor extinguished. I couldn't begin to imagine the pain he is feeling right now. Tanya may have tried to take me to jail for my past with the "Thicken Thieves", but deep down I think she really came to see Mao Mao again. They only recently became friends again. Now this? Like a poisonous dagger to his heroic heart.

I had to be strong for him. Time to investigate. We decidef to split into groups to cover more ground. Since the "Logoaster Flutide" goes to all the attractions, it's possible the murder happened in each attraction. The strings that tied Tanya to the log were most likely from the "Performer Doll House". I remember seeing a small room that contained wooden parts and gears. Tools were there too. I notice that there was also a giant spool of string too. Quite odd since the living puppets don't require it. Most likely for the other puppets thst performex during Ruby's shows.

Each group was divide into three since Mao Mao and Dr.Cuddlestein remained with the body. Dr. Cuddlestein could do a better examination of Tanya's body and get more clues from the autopsy. Plus as much as I want to hug Mao Mao right now, I trust  Cuddlestein to watch over him till this whole trial mess was over.

That left the remaining eleven of us to investigate MonoPlaza. Penny, Benny, and Rufus searched "Monogames and Chanellenges" since some of the prizes could be used to knock Tanya out  like sleeping powder or knock out gas. Why they were prizes made no sense what so ever. Though it would certainly give the killer an edge up against Tanya. Night, Orangusnake, and Snugglemagne went to check the "Hurricane Swings". Night mentioned the snapped neck could be from being thrown from the ride or something similar. Orangusnake could climb up and check the chains for any tampering or see any clues from above. Night behavior seemed off, wonder why? Cyber, Ol'Blue, and myself went to investigate the "Logoaster Flutide" More since it was the body main transport. Kevin and Sorrow went to search the "Performer's Doll House". At first Kevin was scared but Flakes said he keep an eye on the young ones. Sorrow practically dragged Kevin there, after all Sorrow and Tanya had become close too. This must be impacting them hard. Besides Flakes may be a twisted dark soulless puppet but the game is for us to murder each other. Not him or Monochan to kill us other than the execution. Monochan stated that very clearly. I doubt Flakes would break that rule either.

"Poor Tanya...." Cyber sniffled. His goggles were all clouded from all his crying.

"Yes, it is tragic about what happened to Miss Keys. Though we must continue our investigation" Ol' Blue insisted

"Ol'Blue is right Cy. As hard as it is for us, we all know that Tanya would want us to be strong to find out who killed her" I placed my robo arm on Cyber's shoulder to comfort him.

"I know, but why did this happen again? First Farmer Bun and Muffet....Now Tanya? We all promised that the first trial would be the last! Now we have to do the trial again to only lose yet another friend...." Cyber had a point.

Why did another murder happen? Could it be relatef to the latest motive? Secrets can be dark but not enough to kill right? I mean with the excepti3 of a few players here. There is no one else with a dark enough reason to kill. The only ones I can really think of who would are Myself, Mao Mao, Orangusnake, Night, Rufus, Tanya, possibly Cyber too. Hate to include him though. At least that narrows down the  list of potental suspects.

Another thing that been bothering me is how we found Tanya body in the first place. Covered in scrapes and dirt could only mean that Tanya fought her attacker. Could be how she got that gash too. Probably got hit in the head by something hard. The killer had to be pretty strong or use a powerful force to do that. Why did the killer do all of this if they snapped her neck. Why  bother doing all this overkill to the body. Was it to show off or to throw us off the true cause of murder?

Like the other injuries are there just to disguise the true cause of death. If that were the cause then why? This was for sure troubling....

We followed the water and I came upon something strange. There just as I was rwady to step on it. There was a torned shread of one of Tanya's special leaves. The very leaves that Tanya practically used for everything. Traps, storage, disguises, and even attacking. Mao Mao even fought  copies of her that Tanya made from these very leaves. Tanukis are well known for using unique leaves to aid them in their lives.
Though a piece of the leaf itself had a strange reading when my arm analyzed it. Either it was glowing from being torn, or it was still being used somehow.

Yet Tanya is dead. How were these things still glowing? From what I can remember: Tanua leaves never glew before. Then again...I hardly knew anything about her. Maybe the leaves glowed for a special purpose. Welp, it's now evidence.

"Darn!! Where is it?!" Cyber looked around frantically as he started to get angry

"Cy? What are you looking for exactly?" I know we were looking for clues but what was "it"?

"Tanya's Tail! It was torned off! Why the heck would anyone do that?!" Cyber then resumed his search.
The missing tail was another unsolved question. What reason could anyone have to rip out het tail? Where could it be now? If the killer had it and hid it, then blood or strands of pinkish red fur would be on them. Easier to find the killer if that were the case.

The current of the "Logoastee Flutife" probably dragged the tail somewhere to one of the other attractions. The water could have washed away the blood from murder to when the body was discovered. Considering how I was the first to find the body, it surprised me that thete wasn't a faint trace of blood in the water.

"Badgerclops, If you don't mind me asking. Why were you out past the night time curfew? Mono-chan stated that anyone who broke the rules would be punished just as Rufus was.  What were you doing here in the first plave?" Ol'Blue voice made me face him. His last question was one that I hoped I wouldbe able to avoid.

The reason I was out.....I can't say since it was selfish. The only thing I can do right now is lie.

"I got hungry. Wanna more of that Black Licorice Cotton Candy" I chuckled

"Badgerclops that was dangerous" Ol'Blue keep a monotone in his face and voice as he scolded me.

"I know...sorry y'all" The guilt I felt made me uneasy. Though them learning the true reason would make them far more angry.

Thankifully Cy and Ol'Blue seemed to believe my lie.

No more clues could be found. There was only a couple of minutes left before thebtrial would begin. Hopefully the others had better luck.

We went back to the others who returned to Tanya's body. Mao Mao remainec unmoved from her body. His spirit looked completely shattered. Orangusnake had to lift him up, he practically had to carry Mao Mao away to join the rest of the group.

"Geez...he's really out of it. Normally he threaten to run me over with his aerocycle for even touching him. He may be my arch enemy but it's painful to see him in this state" Orangusnake had to keep a firm grip on the cat hero shoulders so he wouldn't slump to the floor.

"He was quite close to Miss Keys. If memory recalls correctly, she was his previous partner before Deputy Badgerclops correct?" Snugglemagne turned to me for my answer

"Yeah, she was Mao's partner as a hero before becoming a bounty hunter. She was probably his girlfriend at some point too. I haven't asked Mao Mao if my thoughts are right, but I'm sure after seeing their behavior towards each other" So not only did Mao lose a dear friend but also his ex girlfriend.

"The best we can do for both Tanya and Mao Mao is go through with the trial and find whose responsible. For now, we should go over the clues we have discovered ans see how they lead to Tanya's death. Then we can find out who is truly the culprit. Remember if we chose the wrong person, not only will they go free but we all die instead" Night took charge before I could speak.

"Well i-it isn't hard to figure t-this one out" Benny stuttered a bit "N-night is the likely suspect"

All are eyes widen at what Benny just said. More surprisef that he even spoke up at all. Heck, Penny look the most shock out of all of us, Benny being the silent one of the couple who pointed out the most likely suspect is quite the shocker. Yet he wasn't wrong either. Fighting her in Pure Heart Valley, I saw how creative she was when dealing with those in her way. Her and Orangusnake talking earlier did arouse some suspicion too.

"How dare you peasants accuse her?!" Snugglemagne looked at us with turquoise orbs of anger. "Her Ultimate may be the "Ultimate Villianess" does NOT mean that she killed!"

Orangusnake and Kevin were standing right beside Night. They believed in her innocence too.

Noches may be evil, but she never let those she care about die! She always puts the needs of others before herself! Why would she kill if it means she loses Snugglemagne, Kevin, and me?!" Orangusnake put a hand on Night's shoulder

"Big sis Night is not the culpwit!" Even Kevin got in fromt of Night. In a protective way as a knight was shielding a damswl in distress from a monster.

In hus eyes, we were the monsters.

However Night looked down silently as if she looked guilty of something. Whether she was the cuprot or not, Nighr clearly had something to hide. I squinted a bit to get a better look at Night. I had to hold in a gasp. Night had small tear droplets in her eyes which she fought not to let fall.

"Let's go over the clues we found, if any do indicate me then I am the culprit. However our main goal should be figuring out how it happened. All of us nearlt made this mistake on the first trial. If not for Mao Mao then none  of us would be here right now" Night became her usual self again. Like she wasn't vrying a few seconds ago.

That's the "Ultimate Villianess" for you, able to put  on a strong front to mask her true emotions. Putting the situation and safety of  others above her own life. Look like Orangusnake was right about something. Night puts others before herself.

"I agree with Night. We should go over the clues that we all found. We really don't have a ton of time either. Flakes can start  the the trial anytime. Best thing we can do is go over what we found" I need to get as much information as I can.

Evidence will be are only aid in findinf out how murder happened. I'll have to do what Mao Mao did last trial. Hear everyone's input while defending my logic with evidence. Furthermore, using all the information to see how the murdee played out. With luck and a few witness reports....find the killer.

I can only hope that I can lead this trial right, after all if I chose wrong we all die and the murder goes scott free. Was this the pressure Mao Mao felt during the trial?  If it is , I don't like it! Worse than crushing self doubt! Way WaY WORSE!!!

Sorrow and Kevin went first. Sorrow did confirm my suspicions when they said that the large spool of puppet wire was missing. Meaning the killer used that to tie Tanya to the log. That solves one mystery. Kevin then mention finding torned poeces of cloth. He brought the two blood stained ones in for evidence. One was green. The other was too stained to tell.

Though it did narrow the list more. Since Night, Orangusnake, Rufus, and Benny all had tears in their clothes. Though till I had more concrete proof it was a baseless claim that any of them were involved so far.

"That's all we....found....sorry" Sorrow seemed more sad than monotone.

Losing the person that got the closest to them....Sorrow was a kid too. Not fair and insanely cruel to their heart dude.

"It's okay. What you two found has been extremely helpful.  Don't be so hard on yourselves. You two did your very best! Your efforts will surely aid this trial" I kneel down to their level and gave them the best smile I could.

Have a strong feeling that this evidence will come in handy. Plus they needed some reassurance in a situation like this. Again, they were just kids.

Next was Orangusnake's group. They seemed pale as a ghost from their findings. Night looked sick which was rare. Bad feeling forming.

"We found sights of a struggle and there was also some blood on the back of one of theseats. According to the controls of "Hurricane Swings" the ride itself was set to "Hurricane". Tanya must have been there since we found her leaves scattered about. The killer must have locked her into the seat. There was one seat that had it's seatbet destroyed. Traces of broken puppet wires. Probably how they got to stay in place. Considering the insane ride speed, the strings would have snapped  within mere seconds. Being flung from that ride at that speed is enough to snap someone's neck..." Orangusnake voice trailed off, remembering the state of Tanya's body.

"My main question is how Tanya and the killer got passed Jade? Let alone who destroyed those puppets? Tanya or the killer?" Night spoke up while still looking as if she seen a ghost.

The destruction of the puppets did seem connected to this case. Jade, Ruby, and Acro would have alerted Flakes if they spotted anyone in the plaza at night time. Other than Jolt who was still missing. The other three were too loyal to Flakes. Too useful for him to simple destroy. Leaving that the killer or Tanya was the one to destroy the puppets.

"We also wonder why they were here in the plaza to begin with?" Snugglemagne question was quickly answered

"I can't speak for Tanya, but it's clear that the killer didn't want any witnessrs. One of the main reasons of how we caught Muffet is thanks to Orangusnake eye witness account. The killer wouldn't want the same mistake to happen to them. Thus why they chose the plaza as we all lay asleep in our dorms" Night explained.

"Another question is why Tanya was here in the first place" Snugglemagne had a point.

Could she have been lured? The motive shouldn't have effected her since hers and Mao Mao secret was exposed already. That meant that the killer used another method to get her to come to the plaza. Wonder if she found the secret entrance like me and Orangusnake.

I'll hold on to that information till it comes up in the trial, or revealed to be relevant in the murder. Orangusnake only found out because he secretly followed me. Could the killer have used it and left it openef? That explains how I found it so easily.

"Lured probably. Considering how crafty that Monoster is, wouldn't surprise me if she had more than one secret on all of us. The killer must have left some sort of note asking to meet them at the plaza" Rufus spoke up. His reason did sound like a strong possibility.

He's suddenly being helpf. Did he do a complete 380 and decide to actual help. Not saying that he didn't help last trial. It sti angers me how he just accused both Cyber and Kevin. Both may have seemed guilty but he accused both without a solid reason. Cyber was blamed due to an arguement with Farmer Bun, Kevin was blamed for simply being at the scene. Yet now he was providing logical scenerios?

Why the sudden change? Could it be related to what his group found in "Monogames and Chanellenges"? That was the only reason I could think of. He was smart for a con man.

"What did your group find?" Cyber asked. He still seemed uncomfortable talking to him since last trial.

"I'll let the "Perfect Couple" tell you. After all, they did do most of the searchinf. My injury was acting up so I wasn't much help" His nerves were badily damaged. That pain must make doung things impossibly hard now.

Though he still could have looked for clues with his eyes. Maybe he just wanted to sit out of investigating, using his injury as an excuse. I have tried that before I builded my robo arm. Ah~ Four months without chores. Something fishy going on.

"Penny, what did you and Benny find?" Turning my attention to the two dog sweetypies.

"We found two prizes were missing from the games. The Knock out pelts which are the second prize of the Balloon Pop game. They aren't very strong from what the instructions say, they only one  keep the target knocked out for a half hour tops" Penny explained. Submitting the instructions as evidence.

That would keep Tanya from fighting back without a doubt. The killer could've used them up which is why there whould be no trace of them left. According to the instructions, there were four pelts. It's safe to assume that the killer used all of them. Using one pelt would knock the target out for a half an hour. With that logic, four of the pelts together be strong enough to keep the target knocked out for at least two hours.

So then the murder took place between 7pm to 9pm. Therocially speaking at least.

"What about the second prize taken?" Ol'Blue writing down all this new information down in the notebook

Something tells me that he was an A+ student in skool as a kid. Well he is the very few sweetypies that has an actual job. How most of them are still surviving fiancially still puzzle me to this dat. Does Snugglemagne just randomly give them money? Actually that one doesn't surprise me.

I should focus on this case now. Gotts keep all outside thoughts away!
"Well it was a titanium baseball bat that secretly conceal a highly toxic poison in a surgical needle. T-though we  we found the bat hidden in Acro tent. It....It....It..." Benny stuttered, looking ready to throw up.

"It what?" Kevin asked

Oenny calmly took Benny hand to comfort him before embracing into a tight hug. After a few deep breathes as well as well as some soothing words from Penny, Benny seemed ready to finish what he was struggling to finish.

"I-It was covered in blood....the killer must have used it  to hurt Tanya....we didn't find the poison though" That isn't good.

Someone hiding a deadly poison on them is even worse! Should we have everyone searched?

Poison wasn't mentioned in the Monofile. Either the killer still had it on them or ditched it somewhere.

Then to everyone's surprise, Kevin pulled out the broken pieces of glass from what appeared to be from the needle. The glass  shards had some strange green liquid. Which we all soon realize what it was.

Kevin found the poison?!

"Kevin! Where did you find this? You should have told someone older! Did any of that green liquid touch you?! Tell me right now!" Night immediately put the shards in a bag before going full mother hen mode on Kevin.

"Ahhhh!! Sowwy!! I found it in the water" Kevin shivers at Night for the sudden rush of questions. "All I did was put the pieces in my pockets"

That means the needle was at the "Performer's Doll House". Sorrow must have not seen Kevin put it in his pockets.

"Come on! You have to wash your hands right now!!" Night picks up Kevin before taking him to the nearest sink.

"Moonflower, you know about that poison?" Night only respond was a nodd to Snugglemagne question.

"I made it a hanit to know many poisons and other toxins. If that poison remains in contact with the skin for an hour or ingested, the person will die" No wonder why she was panicking over Kevin right now.

That is serious

"Oh my heavens! Kevin please do inform one of us next time please. Otherwise we cpuld have had two murder trials on our hands. Moonflower please wash your hands too" Snugglemagne was concerned for both now.

"Of course! I will as soon as Kevin finish washing his" She reassures her worrywart of a husband. "Though the small amount will cause just skin damage if not treated quickly"

Hm, that seems useful. I better remember that.

"Thank goodness" He seemed relieved to hear that were the rest of us.

"So Badgerclops what did our group find. I would appreciate a recap please" Ol'Blue turned to me with his notebook in hand. Does he have that on constant standby or something?

"Well we really didn't find much to be honest, y'all. It's more of what we didn't find that is much more intetesting. We all search our areas bur did any of us find Tanya's tail?" I adked the group.

They either shook their heads no in respond or just said "No".

Strange. Even with the current of the log ride, that tail had to end up at least somewhere. Where could it be?

"Anything else?" Dr.Cuddlestein asked. She been quiet for some time now.

"Well we found a torn piece of Tanya's leaf but for some reason it's still glowing" I then noticed Mao Mao ears perk up upon hearing that.

He seemed like he knew what that mean. He still kept silent. The trial is likely when he'll tell us, or make him tell us.

Mao...What are you not telling us? What aren't you telling me?

"How are her leaves still working? No offense to the dead but shouldn't they be plain leaves now?" Cyber shared the same thoughts I did earlier.

Canthe tanuki leaves still function without their master? Ughhh!!! The one time I could use one of Mao's long boring explaination on heroes and he is in no shape to give it.

No one seems to know either. Great...

"Dr. Cuddlestein...what...about the...autopsy...?" Sorrow faced the teal squirrel doctor.

"Nothing  aside from what the monofile told us. Though I will say that her body didn't seem real to me. Despite being before my eyes. Perhaps I need a stronger prescription for my glasses. Once again, I was too late to save a patient's life" She sighed. Given her professsion...Seeing two dead bodies and Muffin death is probably hard for her.

"So no evidence really pins this on Noches, huh? Told ya jerks that she was innocent" Orangusnake seemed relieved about that.

"Orangusnake..." Night appeared geniunely touched by how he was defending her.

Orangusnake may be a villian but deep down is a caring guy for those who he cares about. Don't really know how the two became friends or how deep their friendship is. Though it's clear that it is deep if he respects her that much. They were on team villian so it makes sense that they are allies in arms.

Night is still are prime suspect. Only she knew the poison plus onlt she who could've have destroyed those p-puppets. Not to mention her and Tanya fought yesterday and earlier today about something. M-Mostlikely the motive" Benny still wasn't convinced.

"Nighr, what were you and Tanya fighting about?" I asked

Night gave me a glare that basically said "That is not your businesss"

Well excuse me for trying to be nice. Ugh!! Why is she being so stubborn!! Why won't she tell us why?! What were fighting about?!

Does it relate to the murder somehow? What role does Night have in all this? A minor one? A major one? Still no idea.



"Big Sis?"

Kevin, Orangusnake, and especially Snugglemagne were also concerned were also concerned why Night decided to go silent.

Before we could question her more, that eerie circus music started to play again. Sent shivers down my spine. Out of who knows where, Flakes appeared. He was humming some sort of song along with the music. For some reason, I swear that I know this song. Not sure how but I do.

"Welp investigating time is over~ Hope the clues you found help ya in the trial. Otherwise your strings of life will be snipped by the razor sharp scissors of death. Like my former friends. No really that I care about them. Easy to replace those wooden animals! Though whoever wreck them owes Flakes a huge cash settlement, caiche?!! I swear Mono-chan made this sound funnier than it would be" Flakes really was like Mono-chan underneath that friendly mask he wore earlier.

Though the minute he mentioned Mono-chan is when I felt pain in my heart. Flakes may truly be a monster  like Mono-chan, though there is one clear difference. Flakes is a monster that wears a mask that makes him appear to be a geniunely friendly puppet. While Mono-chan is a virus like enity that takes control of Bobo-chan whenever it feels like it. Ironically the stringless puppet has more freedom than the one who never had any from the start.

Then with a mere whistle from Flakes. The room goes pitch black. Just how it did for the first trial.

Here we go. Hope that this will be the final trial.

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