Chapter 2: Party Time!! Secrets can Kill~

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Another Game~

I woke up in my dorm room, my mind still hazy though. Mono-chan must have somehow brought me here. The last thing I can remember is the trial.....We lost Farmer Bun and Muffet. Farmer Bun who died while protecting Kevin. Muffet who killed to see her baby again but lied to by a false motive...

I failed to save them both. Grr... How could I let this happen?! I punched the wall a couple of times in rage. GRRR!! Why? Why are we even here?! Why....why couldn't I being a hero....Who planned this twisted game? Hot tears streamed down my face.


After throwing a couple more punches, I finally managed to calm down. I check myself to finally notice that I'm wearing a....suit? It was the very same one I wore during the Pet Competition against Snugglemagne to win Bao Bao back. Why am I all fancied up?

I gasped as I realized something important. My hero clothes were yaken and I don't know where they arw! I'm practically thrashing my entire room to find them. Much to my dismay, no luck. They aren't here.

I swear if Mono-chan does anything to them, I'll-

"Good Morning, players. I deeply apologize for yesterday.... so to liven everyone's mood, I'm hosting a party. So please come to the newly decorated Meeting Room for the celebration. Don't worry all of you are fully prepared" Judging from the gentle tone, Bobo-chan was in control for now.

I went to the Meeting Room. As I walked there, thoughts and questions flooded my mind. One in particular.

Why is Mono-chan letting Bobo-chan take control now? She said it herself, Bobo-chan only comes out in trials. So why would she allow Bobo-chan to host a party? Right after two deaths no less. I should check the others too. Probably as freaked out as I still am.

Before I open the door of the Meeting Room, I straighten my tie. This is a party after all. Gotta look my heroic best after all!!

I opened the door to reveal quite a scene. The rows of chairs were replaced with tables covered in golden silk tableclothes. The two tables had luxary class food that could only ever be served at weddings, or esteemed gatherings. Roasted meat delicates along with scrumptious other foods. Assprtments of ciders and other exclusive drinks as well. Flashing moonlights danced around the room as melodies of song filled the room. On stage, Bobo-chan greeted the guest while keeping the music going on the harpicord. She's pretty good. Looks like Snugglemagne has competition.

"Welcome Ultimate Heroic Sheriff, plesse enjoy and be merry with your fellow players. Eat, drink, as well as try to have fun tonight. I'm sorry about yesterday... Though for just today, please forget. Even if it is only for today" She couldn't look me in the eye. Still feels guilty that Mono-chan controls her like a marionette and forces this game to continue.

Bobo-chan wore a small black sun dress with small turquiose swirl patterns on the shoulder stripes. She wore black dress shoes. On her robo-looking arm, she wore a turquiose beaded bracelet. On her head fin was a black bow that had a turquiose crystal heart in it's center. Pretty cute on her.

"Alright, I will" I nodded. "Bobo-chan, try to have fun too. By the way, where are my heroe clothes?" I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"Oh, you'll get them back after the party. I promise. Just have fun for now. Tomorrow the game will resume" She went back to playing the soft melody of the harpicord.

I sighed in relief. I decided to go see how everyone else is doing. I saw Ol'Blue chatting with Night and Kevin by the drinks and snacks. Best to start with them. Ol'Blue took Muffet's death the hardest due to them being long time friends. Best to talk to them first. Kevin too. I'm surprised that Snugglemagne isn't near Night. I'll ask about it once we talk.

I could use something to drink anyways.

"You should forgive him. His judgement was clouded and he made what he believed the most logical conclusion at the time. I'm sure he deeply regrets his actions and wishes to make amends with both of you. Considering our current situation, I advise that less tension will lead to a better survival rate. Night. Holding a grudge is not healthy for your marriage either"

"I know. I just need time. Not ready yet"

"That's understandable. However I suggest not waiting too long"

"I'll talk to him after the party"


I heard a bit of their conversation before joining them.

"Hey Ol'Blue, Kevin, Night. How are you three doinf? Having fun I assumed" I got myself a glass of razzle fizz juice.

"Oh greetings, Sherrif" Ol'Blue look much better than yesterday. Night must have talked to him.

"It's good to see you here, Mao . Just this once... let's get along. There's been enough tension. We need not to add to it" Night placed a paw to her hip with the other on Ol'Blue shoulder.

She seems to sympathies with him as if she has gone through something similar.

"Hwllo mister Sheriff!" Kevin appears quite cheerful. Night is practically becoming the shoulder everyone seems to be leaning on. She must have helped them both.

They all appeared to be dressed up as well. Bobo-chan really pulled out all the stops on this. Possibly a way of trying to apologize to us.

Ol'Blue wore a dark blue double breasted silk suit jacket which had six golden buttons, three of them close the suit. He also wore a pair of golden cufflets on the shelves. He wore matching suit pants. The shirt he wore in the suit was white like most wear with suits. He wore a dark blue bowtie to complete the ensemble.

"Looking sharp there, Ol'Blue" He smiled as I complimented him.

"Why thank you. I woke up in this. I must say Bobo-chan is throw quite the party. I can't say I'm not scared or freaked out how accurate she got my measurements" A nervous look appeared on his face.

I think everyone is..... It is really making me uneasy.

I turn my attention to Kevin. Just yesterday, he was a sobbing mess and now it was like yesterday's events didn't faze him. He was getting a fruit tart or at least he tried to. Night ended up helping him.

"Thank you Night" He smiled sweetly before eating the tart.

"Not a problem, Kevin. Let me know if you want more ok?" She softly patted his head. Smiling a warm smile.

He nodded happily.

I couldn't help but smile at the two of them. They truly acted as if they were blood siblings. Though I see Night as his temporary motherly figure too.

Night looked up to see me. I gestured that I wanted to talk. She nodded in secret before turning to Kevin.

Kevin wore a small two button white suit with the pants to match. His puffy tail stuck out the back. He even wore a silk top hat with a golden yellow rose on it. Right now, his little face was cover in crumbs.

"Kevin, can you pleasego with Ol'Blue for a bit? Mao Mao and I need to chat for a bit. I won't be gone long, I promise" Night kissed the littlesweetypie head.

Kevin nodded before him and Ol'Blue went off to chat to the others. Ol'Blue seemed to be worried about Night and Snugglemagne. I should ask her about it now that we are alone.

"Hey Night, how are you holding up?" I started off with that

"I would be lying if I say I wasn't shaken up. I've seen things and caused things. Yet Mono-chan made a whole new level of sick. I'm glad I was able to calm Kevin and Ol'Blue" She passed me a cider and got one for herself.

"Thank you" I took a long sip of my cider. It tasted really good, fruity paradise in my mouth. "How are things with Snugglemagne? I'm surprised he isn't with you"

She tightened her grip on her glass. Her face looked calm, yet it's clear that something happened between them.

I kept silent after that. Now was not the time. I then noticed the dress she wore. Truly stunning to the eye.

Night wore a soft blue wrap dress with small star designs. The bow itself resembled a starry nebula. She wore two diamond star earrings. Though on her head was a floral crown of freshly cut moonflowers. The true eye catcher was the Ruby Pure Heart in the center of the dress.

Just as her name, the dress resembles the night sky and all the mystery that lies within.

"You look good in the dress" I tried to changed the subject.

"Thanks...." She didn't seem any better.

"Thanks..." She didn't seem any better.

"Moonflower..." A voice approached us. Night turned away. She didn't seem happy to see him at the moment.

Before the two of us was Snugglemagne. He really didn't seem to notice me, he seemed solely focused on Night. Makes me feel like a third wheel now.

"What is it, Ultimate King?" She wasn't even addressing him by name. He must have really upset her.

"You can call me by my name, sweetie. Look that fight we had was not our best moment and we deeply regret it. We have apologize several times now. What more will it take for you to forgive us?" In his eyes, we both could tell he meant every word.

"I need time" She turned, leaving the two of us alone.

Snugglemagne looked crestfallen after that.

Snugglemagne wore a single breasted, one button peak lapel black suit jacket with a moonflower attached to it. He wore a white shirt underneath like most wears with suits. Matching suit pants along with white powder snow gloves. His crown was polished that it appeared to be a brand new one. His mane was all glittery and looked like it did during the Pet Show Competition.

Did Bobo-chan make his look like this or does she have access to his spare ones? Does she know the King's secret?

Snugglemagne finally noticed me after snappinf back to reality. "Oh greetings, Sheriff Mao Mao"

"Hello my liege... Are you two okay?" This could cause problems if we don't resolve it soon. Mono-chan could use tjis against them for another motive.

He just ignored me and went off to another corner of the Meeting Room. Poor guy....

"Heya Dude!"

"Mittens, glad to see you made it!"

"Hi Mao Mao..."

Tanya, Badgerclops, and Cyber came over to greet me. Badgerclops probably came over to eat all the food. Heh, classic Badgerclops. Cyber seemed quieter than usual. He hidbehind Badgerclops while avoiding eye contact from everyone.

Cyber wore a bright red suit jacket with matching pants. He wore a black shirt underneath with a red bowtie. His tail looked perfectly polished to a sun gleam like shine. His shades remained the same.

Badgerclops wore a black tuxedo suit with a black bowtie. His fur was combed with the scent of colonge. His eyepatch looked more fancier then previous one.

I'm starting to wonder if Mono-chan or Bobo-chan bought or tailor them for us.

Tanya's dress was quite beautiful. She wore an emerald green halter dress which sparkled in the room's light. She smelted of lavender and jasmine, a perfume possible. On her right ear was a pibk carnation.

"Like what you see Mittens?" She teased me, winking at me.

"You look nice, Keys" I rolled my eyes playfully and chuckled.

"Aww~ You think I look nice? Maybe I'll dance with you later Mittens" She eats one of the treats before going to dance with Badgerclops.

I'm not jealous! I'm a far better dancer than Badgerclops! I'll prove it after I check in with everyone. Just you wait, Tanya!

It was no surprise to see Penny and Benny together on the dance floor. They held one another's hand as if their lives depended on it. Just like before they wore matching formal attire as well. The "Perfect Couple", matching one another in someway. Judge by the brightness of their smiles, it seems like they are having fun.

Penny wore a soft yellow bubble dress with golden yellow flowers on her head. The dress's seams composed of pink thread that made small heart designs. On her neck was a golden silk ribbon witj a crystal chocker heart.

Benny wore a light pink single breasted, one button peak lapel suit. He wore a pink rose on the suit. He wore a light green tie and a pink bowler hate with green ribbon.

"You truly looked like an angel, Penny. Im r-really glad that we're a couple" Benny twirled Penny around before embracing her in a slow waltz.

"Oh Benny~" Penny leanher head on Benny's shoulder as the two continued to slow dance.

I thought it best to leave them be. The music truly captured the romancw of that moment.

My neon green eyes found Orangusnake talking to Night, he seemec to be comforting her about something. He even hugged her. How close of friends are they? Just how badily did Snugglemagne hurt Night? More importantly, what exactly was the fight about?

"I'm fine, Orangusnake. I'm actually ashame of how I'm acting right now. He was upset and needed someone to take it out on. It just so happened to be me at the time. I'm sorry that you have to see me this emotinally vulnerable, how weak I must seem now" She sadly chuckled.

"Noches... I'm the most emotional pirate villian you'll ever meet. You help all villians around the world, putting their needs before your own. You have every reason to shed a few tears or be upset. Emotions don't mean that you're weak. They only prove how strongly you care for others. Anyways, that husband of yours had no right to bring "Him" up in the first place. He knows how painful that is for you! Grr!! I'm going to give him a piece of my mine! " Night put a hand on his shoulder to keep him from storming off to yell at Snugglemagne.

"Orangusnake... Thank you, my friend. Though let's leave him alone tonight okay" She smiled.

Orangusnake huffed in defeat but smiled back. "Anytime Noches"

Unlike everyone here, all Orangusnake wore was a white bowtie. A suit would most likely suffiocated him since Tanner's face breathes for the both of them.

Wish I could have wore my Wedding style heroes clothes....

Those two chatted for a while later. Snugglemagne joined in but Orangusnake kept him a good distance from Night.

Was he a bodyguard to her now? Is he protecting her as a friend or as a boss like figure, since she's a legendary villianess?

I should probablycheck on Sorrow too. They're a kid too after all. Besides since we are all in formal wear, may I can figure out their gender based on their attire.

Sorrow wore a cloak like dress suit. A combination of a man's suit and a girl's dress. Still concealing the gender. Would it be rude if I just asked? Back to the outfir, the dress suit as black with four silber buttons on the top and a flowing skirt on the bottom. A white bow was around their neck. Their usual porcelain mask was more happy sad, if that's a thing. It was coated in silver glitter. The black painted crescent moon eyes were a mixture of happiness and sadness. Small heart tears below them. Yet a smile replaced the frown that was usually patted there.

They were chatting with Ol'Blue and Kevin. I'll ask them about it later.

Sorrow truly is a mystery that I like to unravel here. I can't put my finger on it but.... I feel as if I know them behind that theater mask. HoweverI can't remember exactly who.

"Just who are you, Sorrow the Ultimate Sadness?" I whispered to myself.

The harpicord music was suddenly accompanied by a ukulele. My attention returned to the stage, where I saw Snugglemagne was now playing the harpicord. Bobo-chan played the ukulele beside him. Two completely different instruments that play in harmony for just one day.

"You play well, Snugglemagne" Bobo-chan praised while strumming the ukulele strings.

"You play quite well yourself, Miss Bobo-chan. Perhaps we can play a duet later" He smiled, his fingers dancing on the piano keys.

"I would truly like that" She smiled, before the two resumed to play.

Looks as if those two are necoming friends through their love of music. Good for both of them.

Only two left to check on, Rufus tbe Ultimate Con Man, and Dr. Cuddlestien the Ultimate Doctor. One who suffered before this twisted game began. The other was gravely hurt from losing a paitent before her eyes, worse that it was a friend of hers. Neither really spoke after coming here.

All they seem to be doing is redressing Rufus bandages every few hours. They seem pretty sad, yet the two kept to themselves.

I decided to walk over to them. I should check how they are doing anyways. Rufus seemed to be have noticed since he looked pretty annoyed at me.

However Dr.Cuddlestien didn't seem to care that I was coming over. Though she seemed upset about something. Probably the losses of Farmer Bun and Muffet. She knew them both well. Must be pretty painful for her. Poor Doctor...

"Hey you two. How are the two of you doing after....well you know..." No matter how hard I tried. I couldn't finish that sentence. I was afraid to. Hard to admit it but it's true.

Dr.Cuddlestien wore a pure white shirt dress which greatly resembled a nurse outfit. Even had a red cross on the left top corner. It had light brown buttons on it's top. She wore a white silk headband witn teal colored lilies decorating it. She wore the same type of glasses but with white frames. Her tail was beushed so perfectly that it appeared as perfect as if it was a professional taken photo. I smelt a rosy scent on her too, perfume maybe.

"You look lovely, D.C." I ease her into starting a conversation.

"Thank you Sheriff. To answer your earlier question....No. I failed to save not only my paitent but a dear friend. I have a personal code to do everything in my power to help anyone in my care. If I had found him earlier then I could have saved him. Then our two friends would still be with us today. I can not help but blame myself" I know how she feels.

She isn't the one to blame anyways....I blame myself from preventing this from happening...

"Don't be so hard on yourself, my dear doctor" Rufus decided to chime in on our conversation. "After all, if anyone here is to be blamec. It would be Mono-brat. They are the ones who operate this game. They manipulated two people who are now dead. So please don't burden your heart with something you aren't responsible for. Tears don't suit you dear" Rifus offered Cuddlestien a hankerif to dry her newly formed tears.

Huh, he can be geniunely nice for once. What do you know, heh.

"Thank you" She accepts it.

Rufus wore a white single breasted, one button notch lapel suit jacket with gleaming golden buttons along with a red rose on the top right corner. He wore a teal tie and a white under shirt as well. He even wore matching suit pants.

"How are you doing Rufus?" I finally asked him. "You should really eat something, it's really good. If you don't then Badgerclops will eat it all. Trust me, I know from experience"

"Forgive me if I am wary of the food. That trial proves that nothing can be trusted here" Guess it's natural not to trust anyone cooking after that.

No one wants to be drugged again. Not me especially. I should've suspected this earliet when I felt drowsy from the first cobbler. How could I have been so blind?!


Such an idiot. My family would be ashamed of me. I'm ashamed of myself. I fail...


Failure of a hero....


I snapped out of my thoughts to see Badgerclops staring at me, he looked really worried about me. I could see everyone else shared the same look.

Badgerclops pulled me into a hug. He would do this when he wanted to tell me something in private. He embraced me tighter as he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"Dude, calm down. I know you're blaming yourself right now, but it wasn't your fault. Please just relax. I'm here for you dude. Let your mind forget those thoughts and have fun today" Badgerclops released me from the hug and smiledsmiled at me.

He's right. I couldn't save Farmer or Muffet. That doesn't mean that I can't protect my remaining friends. There wl be no more killing games!

I walk over to Tanya and keep my word on that dance I promised her. My dancing today was truly a legendary sight to behold. I haven't had this much fun in such a long time.

Night even got up on the stage and sang a lovely song for us. Her singing isn't quite as perfect like mine, but she did have quite the angelic voice. Snugglemagne played the harpicord beside her. The two seemed to have made up with each other, at least for the party.

Orangusnake and Badgerclops seemed to be having their own personal eating contest. I remember that the Sky Pirates rarely eat or doing any sort of grocery , so this must be a real blessblessing for him. Badgerclops is just the type for eating all the party food or snacks. Even admitting to it on multiple occasions. Just hoped that everyone got something to eat beforehand. By what I can tell, Badgerclops and Orangusnake were tied so far. Though Orangusnake seemed to be getting full. On the other hand, Badgerclops eat more as if his stomach was a bottomless pit.

Tanya and Ol'Blue were chatting about their jobs. The two exchange tips on how to benefit from certain tasks with unique skills.

Kevin and Sorrow played together on the dance floor. A game of chase. Sorrow was currently it and they we're going after Kevin. It's pretty wholesome seeing the two playing together. Gives the rest of us hope.

Cyber, Rufus, and Dr. Cuddlestien seem to be discussing something among themselves. It appeared to ve be a serious too. Could it be about Rufus hand? I didn't know Cyber had any medical training. So why are they asking him for help?

Benny and Penny were still slow dancing. Unaware of what was happening around them. They were only focused on one another. Still as lovey dovey as ever. Holding the title of "Perfect Couple" for all to see.

As for Bobo-chan, she seemed very pleased that all of us were having fun.

After the party, we all when to our dorms to turn in for the night.

Meanwhile, it seems that Bobo-chan was speaking to the Mastermind like she does every night . Well it was usually Mono-chan who spoke to the Mastermind, though that wasn't the case tonight.

"Aww it's really sweet. Trying to build up their hope back up, only for me to knock it back down. Seriously wht do you so desperately cling to hope when we all know that despair wins in the end. So tell me, dearest little Bobo-chan. Is this fight truly worth it? You'll only lose in the end" The Mastermind asked in a bittersweet tone.

"I may be a puppet in your twisted game, you put "Her" in my mind to hurt others! Forcing me to host trials that only cause more death and suffering! Limiting my freedom to make my will break! Though the others continue to fight against you despite how much you have taken from them. So as long as they hold hope in their hearts, then I'll do everything in my power to help them! Hope and Despair forever have clashed one another. Two eternal rivals who are at a stand still to win a battle that has gone through losses and victories from both sides. Hope shall win" Bobo-chan stood up to the figure on the screen.

"Ugh... That is the exactly the reason I programmed Mono-chan to take over. At least she knows that "Despair" Will be the true winner. You know what? You got your little party ot of the way. I think my darling hostess should return, don't you think?" The Mastermind snickered before snapping their fingers. "Time to go nighty night Bobo-chan"

Bobo-chan gasps sharply before going limp.

"Mono-chan, welcome back. Bobo-chan is really annoying! I'm so sorry you put up with that" Th Mastermind sighed, being quite apologetic towards the monster baby before the screen.

Mono-chan was back in control. The first expression on her face was anger. "AUGG!! How could she dress me up like a flower girl?!! She made me play with that cowardly excuse for a king! And of all the stupid excuse of an instrument, she plays the ukulele and harpicord!! The ukulele is already the top on my hate list, but the harpicord...DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED-!"

"Mono-chan. Calm down" On cue, Mono-chan shut her mouth. Going back to listening to the Mastermind.

"Sorry Boss. Still can't understand why you let her that host a party. Despair is our game, not being all buddy buddy with our players. She even used our funds for fancy clothes for them losers! I was gonna use the cash for Mono-chan relax time! If I could I teach that little brat a thing or two" Mono-chan growled

"I need them distracted while our agent got some dirt on our remaining players. Besides, consider it a gift for them passing the first trial. Truly a marvelous show. That bluff of yours truly pushed Muffet to true despair. To kill a dear friend, oh my heart went wild with excitement! Hehehehaha!!" The figure clapped as the room echoed with their mad laughter.

"Ah! Got our best agents on the job, huh? Tell my favorite to keep up the chaos and bloodshed! Dirt huh? Ooooh~ Do I smell a juicy motive forming?" Mono-chan snickered

"Oh yes. Quite so" The Mastermind nodded. "Very much so~"

"Yes, maybe wearing a dress was worth itfor once" Mono-chan ripped the dress in multiple shreds in a matter of seconds. "Maybe that brat having control once in a while ain't that bad"

"I'll keep that in mind. It is quite amusing to crush her hopes every time. The battle of Hope and Despair. A once in a lifetime fight which I really like to see" The Mastermind fingers repeatedly parted and touched in a menacing way.

"By the way, Boss....Did you run into trouble? I heard you have a few troublemakers on your tail. Should I send our little helper to give ya a hand? I can always do a cover story for why they went missing" Mono-chan offered. Looks pretty confident in whatever cover story she had planned.

"Not yet. It's best to keep our agent on the inside in the shadows for as long as they should be. It took forever to train them, let them enjoy our little game. Our agents on the outside can handle them. A hunting game for them will be fun. To think they can stop me. " The figure laughed again. "Guess it shouldn't surprise me that we have a resistance"

"That's honestly their most fatal mistake in their lives. Though who dares challenges you, may be fun to toy with later. Beside they did managed to slay one of our precious pets. They are the first to do so, no?" Mono-chan seem quite intrigued by the news.

"Number 45N3 was careless! Should have let that one rot! However it did surprise me that one of my beasts were taken down. Even the most perfectly refined designs will have flaws" The Mastermind sighed

"Well look on the bright side, boss" Mono-chan smiled

"And that is?" The figure asked annoyed. A bit of anger thrown into the mix.

"It will be even more satisfying once ya crush their hopes in the end. See the hope flee their eyes as you overwhelm them with sweet crushing despair. After all, they may play a game against ya but they don't make the rules do they? You're the Judge! The rule maker! A leader! Crushing them will be easy peast3~ Though you don't wanna destroy them... YOU WANNA MAKE THEM SUFFER!!" Mono-chan then erupted into crazied laughter.

"Haha! You're right. I do like making others suffer! That is the TRUE desire of despair, to CRUSH hope at all cost" The figure smiled.

"That's the spirit!" Mono-chan cheered

"I must go now, our agents request a meeting with me. Seems like our troublemakers are having a problem with the resistance. Keep me updayed on any progress" The figure was about to vanish from the screen.

"Hold it Boss, not to pry but who are these troublemakers. May I know their names pretty please" Mono-chan put on her best puppy dog eyes.

"Eugene, the Ultimate Accountant. The last living resident of what used to be Pure Heart Valley. Alongside him, it seems a member of the Mao family survived our attack on them. Yasu Mao, the Ultimate Sorceress" The Mastermind answered before the screen went completely black.

"A sweetypie bat and a cat hero huh? Do I smell deja vu? Heherawr~ Well I should get ready for tomorrow. Got more hopes to crush and despair to spread" With that Mono-chan left the room as well.

What events await our remaining players?

Who are these agents that the Mastermind keeps mentioning?

What troubles are Eugene and Yasu causing for the Mastermind?

Will hope win? Will despair triumph? Who knows. See ya next chapter! Heherawr~

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