Chapter 1

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Maplekit lay fast asleep by her adopted mother's side. "When will she open her eyes?" "Look at her fur! Its so fluffy!" "I wish my fur was tortoiseshell!" "She's so cute!" "I can't wait to play with her!" Two feminine voices spoke to each other. Maplekit pricked her ears. Huh? She opened her eyes. "Momma! Look! She's opened her eyes!" A silver she kit popped into view. Maplekit blinked her eyes,trying to adjust to the light. "Hello,little one." A male voice came from behind her. Maplekit turned around,"Who are you?" "I'm Stormygaze,your father. Those are you denmates,Rosekit and Daisykit, and she is your foster mother. Her name is Grayheart." Her father purred. Maplekit smiled,"I like you." Stormygaze chuckled,"I'm glad you do."

Maplekit's tail drooped as her father left for patrol. He had told her he'd come back later. "Hi,Maplekit! Do you wanna play?" Specklehearts kit squeaked. "Ok,Cloudkit!" Maplekit smiled. He purred happily,"We're playing Warriors!" "I'm Leafstar!" Leafkit roared. "I'm Cloudrunner!" Cloudkit yelled. "I'll be Clearsky!" Clearkit purred. "I'm Dawnstar!" Dawnkit bellowed. "What about you Maplekit?" Dawnkit squeaked. "I'll be Mapledrop!" She smiled.

"Roar! DawnClan will get revenge!" Dawnstar playfully yowled. Clearkit and Maplekit ran behind Dawnkit. "Retreat!" She yelled. The three kits ran behind the nursery. They giggled as Cloudkit whined about Leafkit being a bossy kit.

"Maplekit! I'm back!" Stormygaze called. "Stormygaze!" Maplekit squealed. She ran to her father and nuzzeled him. A few cats smiled at the pair. "I missed you!" She squeaked. Stormygaze purred. "Stormygaze! May I have a word with you?" Redstar asked his lead warrior. Stormygaze nodded,"I'll be back,my little warrior."

"I wish Redstar would visit us." Leafkit complained. "He's the leader! He has a lot to do!" Clearkit reminded her sister. "I know." She sighed.

"Maplekit! Its time for sleep!" Grayheart called. "Ok." Maplekit sighed and walked inside the nursery. She lay by Rosekit and snuggle closer to the she cats.




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