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FalconFeather soothed his mate,JadeFire as she was having his kits.The last kit,a tortoiseshell she-cat like JadeFire rolled onto the moss.FalconFeather smiled,"Their beautiful.."He looked at his kits,one was grey and white tom like him,and the other looked exactly like JadeFire.JadeFire licked her kits,"Im thinking we can call the tortoiseshell MapleKit.."FalconFeather smiled and nodded,"And the tom will be DuskKit."JadeFire and her mate purred and touched muzzles,"Our kits are perfect..."FalconFeather purred and licked her cheek,"Just like you.."JadeFire blushed and batted his ear softly,"AND like you.."She laid her head on her paws and fell asleep,FalconFeather curling around her.

They woke to the sound of a screech.FalconFeather dashed outside of the nursery and saw IndigoStar rushing out of her den and FalconFeather looked at where his leader was looking.Up in the sky,there was a hawk circling over something in the clearing.FalconFeather looked where the hawk was circling and saw a tiny,squeaking kit,MapleKit!She must have snuck out!FalconFeather crouched over his daughter,so the hawk could only see him.MapleKit's muffled Yowls sounded beneath his stomach,"Daddy!No!"FalconFeather all of a sudden felt claws scorch his pelt.He was dragged into the air,and was brought back down again.He saw his mate,JadeFire,hissing and clawing at the hawk,"LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!"Some of the clan joined in,until the hawk screeched and flew away.JadeFire had one scratch on her ear and on her side but she rushed over to FalconFeather and their kits as fast as she could,"Are you okay???"FalconFeather gasped as he felt a burning sensation on his shoulders.JadeFire started to lick her mates wounds,"You'll be okay.."She meowed softly and kindly while sweeping her tail over her kits to protect them.FalconFeather knew that he was going to be okay.The clans medicine Cat,CloudBreeze,padded over and soothed his wounds.CloudBreeze shook off her sweet smelling pelt,"All you have to do now is rest,and no patrols until I say."FalconFeather nodded and limped to the nursery with his mate and their kits and curled up beside them,licking all of their heads before they all fell asleep.He knew everything was going to be okay..

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