Don't Hide From Me

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Nathaniel walks through the halls of François-Dupont, clutching a bloody knife, and a sinister smile plastered on his face

"Marc! Come on out!" He steps over Adrien and Alya's dead bodies and looks in one of the classrooms "Honey, I did this for you! So we'll be together." The insanity was clear in his voice "Marc, don't hide from me! I don't wanna hurt you, too!"

He walks out of the classroom and notices Sabrina limp on the floor. Her hand moves a bit, she's just barely alive. He tsks, then presses his foot on her throat for about a minute. She's now dead "Marc, sweetie, I'm getting a little angry. Come out, and I won't hurt you too much."

There's still no answer. He becomes angry until he realizes something. "Well, if you wanted to play hide and seek, you should've said something." He continues to look in every classroom for the writer "Just remember, you can't hide from me."

Meanwhile, Marc was hiding in a storage closet, trying to stay as quiet as possible so Nathaniel wouldn't find him. This was scarier than any Akuma he's ever seen. Where was Ladybug and Chat Noir? Could they even help?

How did this even happen?... Oh, right. Over time, Marc noticed how possessive Nathaniel was. He would always glare at someone whenever they talked to him. He flipped off Lila just for talking to him about a professional comic book artist that could've helped with the comics (Liar). And he started becoming more violent.

There was an incident where Nathaniel beat up Kim. KIM, just for putting an arm around Marc. That happened just last week- The week Marc broke up with him. He hasn't heard from him since that day and worried constantly.

Marc decided to talk to him and ask if he was okay, but when he found him in the art room, stabbing Rose and Juleka, he knew that he wasn't in the right state of mind. So he ran, hid in a closet, and listened to the cries of students and teachers as they were stabbed to death

The cries of anguish still haunted him as he clutched his legs close to his chest and cried silently to himself

Nathaniel was having so much fun. His boyfriend was being cute and playing hide and seek, and everyone keeping them apart was gone. He couldn't wait until he found Marc. He'd be so happy to see him

"Marc... Please come out! I miss you."

"I hope I find you soon. I want you to see what I did for you!"

"Sweetie, I hear you crying. Don't worry, I'll find you."

"If you would just come out here, I'd love that."

Nathaniel was quiet for a while until he heard quiet sobs coming from the supply closet. He smiles, pleased he found his love

"Found you." He whispered

After a few more minutes, Marc finally stopped crying and felt a bit of hope. It was quiet for a while. Maybe Nathaniel gave up and left, maybe he was safe. He cracks the door open and looks at his surroundings- Nothing but students and teachers in pools of their own blood. He nearly cries again at the sight, but he had to stay focused and get out of here.

He opened the door, slipped out, and was about to run for the door. But he suddenly froze, and was overcome with horror when he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder

"I found you."

Marc could hear the insanity in his voice. He turned to Nathaniel, the fear is evident on his face when he sees his blood-soaked ex

"I told you I'd find you. Now we can finally be together, and no one can tear us apart."

Not thinking, and feeling only anger, Marc raised his fist to punch the redhead, but he caught it just an inch away from his face, the same for his other fist. He was squeezing them pretty tight, too; when did he get so strong?

"Honey, you should know better than to hit me." He spoke in a condescending tone "But I forgive you. You're probably still in shock. Is that why you tried to hit me?"

"I tried to hit you, because you're a psychopath!" Marc couldn't tell if that sudden outburst was due to bravery or stupidity, but he didn't have time to wonder when Nathaniel twisted both of his arms, breaking them. Marc fell to the floor, crying and screaming in pain

"If you hadn't hid from me, I wouldn't be doing this. This hurts me, too." He takes Marc into his arms and carries him bridal style down the hallway and "Don't worry. There's a nice soft bed waiting for you at our new home."

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