Don't worry, Love. I'll take care of them

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It was Friday night, and Nathaniel and Marc were on a date at a nice restaurant. They didn't usually go on fancy dates like this, but this was a special night. It was their anniversary, and their comics were becoming very popular

Nathaniel didn't usually get dressed up, and he didn't exactly have the best taste in clothes. An orange shirt with purple pants? But, he was having a romantic dinner with his boyfriend, so he had Marinette help him pick an outfit- A simple black blazer with a red dress shirt, black dress pants, and shoes

When he picked Marc up from his house, he nearly got a nosebleed from the outfit he had on. A sleeveless red dress with a black belt, black tights, and black flats

When the two walked into the restaurant, they could feel eyes on them. They were used to it though. They were two guys dating, and one of them was wearing a dress, there's bound to be some people staring at them

The hostess gave them a smile and took them to a booth

"Your server will be right with you." She said in a perky voice that reminded Nathaniel of Rose, then left

"So," Marc started "did you get rid of her?" He asked in a hushed voice since they were in a crowded restaurant

A devious smirk appeared on Nathaniel's face "I ran Césaire over with my mom's car." He chuckles to himself "You should've seen the look on her face."

"I wish I did." Marc sighed. Nathaniel reaches over and holds his hand "Next time?"

"Just say the word." He gives Marc's hand a little squeeze "Tell me who you want gone, and I'll make it happen."

"I love you."

"I love you, too, Rainbow."

They lean over the table and kiss. This goes on for a few seconds until they hear...


They stop kissing, and look around to find out who had the guts to say that. Then they found the source. Her...

Lila Diabla Rossi was sitting at a table with Adrien. No doubt his father forced him to go so the brand could keep up its image

"Lila, stop." Adrien chastised. He looked over to the two boys, giving them an apologetic look

"They are disgusting! I'm surprised they were even allowed in. They should be outside with all the other trash." The bitch said, (I'm sorry, this is offensive to bitches) acting as if they couldn't hear the words coming out of her bitch mouth

Nathaniel wanted to rip her head off. He wanted to hang her by those sausages on the sides of her fat face. He wanted to cut off all her limbs and dip them in acid!... But he couldn't do that unless Marc asked. That was their system. He killed whenever Marc asked him to.

"Her." He heard Marc say "I want her gone now."

Nathaniel internally cheered, and brought his boyfriend's hand to his lips

"Anything for you, Rainbow." He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a small glass vial filled with blue liquid "I'll just put a little bit of this in her drink, then we won't have to worry about her again."

They wait for about five minutes for Lila to leave the table and go to the bathroom, leaving her drink unattended. Now they just wait for Adrien to get up and apologize to them out of guilt. Classic Sunshine Boy

"Hey, guys..."


While Adrien is talking to Marc, he has his back turned on Nathaniel, giving the redhead the perfect opportunity to make his move. He checks to make sure no one is looking, and then gets out of his seat so he can pour the blue mystery liquid into Lila's drink. Then he gets back in his seat. Just in time

"... I didn't even want to be here."

Nathaniel nods as if he's been listening the whole time "It's alright, Adrien. Really."

The blonde smiles, "I'll try to keep her quiet." Then he walks back to the table. He didn't hear Marc muttering something

"You won't have to worry about that."

Lila returned from the bathroom (Bet the bitch didn't even wash her hands) and sat back in her seat. She glared at the comic book duo's direction and continued to make homophobic comments

"They shouldn't even be here! Isn't there a law that protects us from people like them?" She whined while Adrien just looked down in embarrassment

Marc and Nathaniel smirked when they saw her reaching for her drink

"Next thing you know, they'll wanna get married-" She took a few sips... "Ladybug and Chat Noir should really do something about those people-" ... Then she started coughing

Adrien looked at her in confusion, then frowned "Well, you shouldn't have been talking while drinking."

Then she started choking. Adrien was getting a little worried. He got up, went behind her, and patted her on the back, thinking it would help. He started panicking

"I think she's choking!", He yelled

People crowded around the table, doing anything they could to help. The writer and artist watched this all from their table with satisfied looks on their faces

"What a shame." Marc whispered

Nathaniel nodded in agreement, then leaned over to kiss his insane lover on the cheek "Wanna go to André's?" Marc nodded

The two got out of their booth, and left the restaurant without anyone noticing as they were too busy trying to save Lila. But, it was too late. She passed out in the floor and died right in front of everyone

"So, what did you pour in her drink?" Marc asked as they walked home

Nathaniel shrugged and answered "Just a little drain cleaner." Marc raised an eyebrow and smirked

"You just got that from Heathers."

"You loved that movie." He kisses Marc on the cheek

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