You will stay here, and you do not have a choice in the matter.

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Contrary to what the villagers believed, Marc was not happy. Sure, his husband was the king of Paris, he lived in a beautiful palace, he had all the riches he could ask for, and servants waited on him hand and foot.

This was the life people would kill for.

Before his life of luxury, Marc lived in the village with his mothers. He had his friends Aurore and Mireille. He was happy, and couldn't ask for anything else, he didn't want his life to change... But then the prince turned sixteen...

Marc was reading in his room. He heard the front door and his mothers talking to someone

"What are you doing here?" His mom asked timidly

"We've come for your son."

This caught Marc's attention. He set his book down on his bed and listened to their conversation through his bedroom door. Who were his mothers talking to? What did they want with him?

"The prince ordered us to take him to the palace."

So they were guards. That still didn't ease Marc's worries. Why did the prince want him?

"You can't take him!" His mama yelled

"Please, madame, don't make this hard." One of the guards said in a non-threatening voice "The prince refuses to take no for an answer. Just give us your son, and this will be much easier."

Marc slowly cracked his door open a little bit and walked down the hall and peered around the corner where he saw his mothers standing in front of the guards. One was blonde, the other was brunette. Both looked quite remorseful, a side to them he's never seen before.

Once a week, the guards would patrol the streets of Paris and keep people in line. They always had cold, emotionless looks on their faces, but Marc was now starting to believe it was a facade

"We won't let you take our son! We don't care what the prince says!" His mama yelled

The blonde guard shook his head "Madame, you don't understand. The prince will see to it that the village faces severe hardships if he doesn't have your son." He explained. Marc was horrified. What was this prince's problem?

"Well, what does he even want with Marc?" His mom asked. Was she considering giving Marc up?

"As you know, the prince has turned sixteen. Which means he's of age to become king, and... Marry your son."


Their heads turned... Did he say that out loud?

His mom walks over to him "Marc, please go back to your room."

"Did you not hear them?" He gestures to the guards "The prince will make everyone in the village miserable!"

Mama gave him a stern look "Marc, that boy is unstable. We will not let him have you!"

The green-eyed boy looked to the guards, then back to his mothers "I'm going."

His mothers start crying and begging him to stay. He gives them one last hug, the two women savored every second of it before the brunette guard walks over to them and held his arm out for Marc. He took it and was led outside where he saw most of the villagers watching the scene before them

Among the crowd were Aurore and Mireille. The two girls looked terrified for their friend. He looked back at his home and saw his tearful mothers standing at the doorway

The blonde guard opened the door to a pristine white horse-drawn carriage, and Marc was escorted inside

They arrived at the palace. The moment Marc dreaded... At least everyone was safe. The two guards who arrived at his home escorted him inside. Whenever he passed by the staff, they would bow or curtsey as if he was royalty.

He noticed a few giving him sad looks. They knew he didn't want this

The guards led him upstairs and stopped at a door. The blonde pulled out a key and unlocked the door. He gave Marc one last glance before opening it, showing a lavish room

Red silk sheets on the bed, white furniture, a few tapestries with the family crest on the wall, and a balcony that had a view of the village. Great. Rubbing salt right on the open wounds.

"The dressmaker will be up in a moment to fit you with an outfit." The blonde guard spoke. Marc nodded and stepped into the room

"... We're sorry." The blonde said before he and the brunette left the room and closed the door behind them. Marc heard a click and tried to open the door, but it was locked

He sighed and walked over to the balcony to gaze over at the village... He missed home already, but at least his friends and family were safe. After a few more minutes of staring off into the distance, he heard a click at the door. Expecting the prince, he straightened himself up to look presentable despite how much he hated the pompous little jerk right now.

But instead of the prince, a petite girl with blue hair tied into pigtails stepped in. She was carrying a basket filled with sewing materials and red fabric

She was about to curtsy, but Marc stopped her "Y-you don't have to do that."

The bluenette nodded "I'll need you to put on the dress to see if I need to make any modifications."

Marc was taken aback "I-I'm wearing a dress?"

Another nod "Prince's orders." She set the basket down on the floor and pulled out a red dress with black sleeves "You'll be wearing a lot of dresses while you're here."

Marc sighed "So I don't even have a say in what I get to wear?"

"I'm afraid not.  But I'll try to make them as comfortable as I can." The bluenette assured, then pointed to a divider on the other side of the room "For privacy." She hands him the dress

After an hour of the girl, who Marc learned was named Marinette, making some modifications to his dress and styled his hair a little bit. Another guard, Alix, took him on a tour around the palace so he could get acquainted with his new home.

As they walked down a hallway covered wall to wall with paintings, one caught Marc's eye. It showed a man and a woman dressed in regal clothing, standing with a red-headed boy with turquoise eyes. However, his bangs covered his left eye

Alix sighed "I've known Nathaniel since we were kids."

"What's he like?" Marc asked. If he was going to marry the guy, he should know about him

Alix looked down "He's not the person you'd wanna piss off..." She notices the nervous look on Marc's face "You'll be fine, though."

"It's everyone else that has to worry."

The two turned to the source of the voice and saw the prince walking down the hallway. Alix straightened up and bowed before the prince

"You're dismissed, Alix." The girl nodded, but before leaving, Nathaniel spoke again, "And you will not address me in such a way again." Alix nodded again, then left. Marc was now alone with his future husband.

As Marc was about to speak, Nathaniel pulled him in for a kiss and wrapped his arms around his neck to keep him there. Marc pushed him away, making the prince shoot him a glare.

"Darling, if you're going to be my husband, you shouldn't do that." He chastised

Marc nodded and muttered an apology much to Nathaniel's satisfaction. Nathaniel looked at the painting and smiled "My parents. Everyone loved them."

"... I'm so sorry."

Nathaniel sighed "Yeah... I was fourteen, and they told me I wasn't allowed to marry a villager."

At that, Marc looked confused "E-excuse me?"

"When I first saw you in the village, I thought you were the most beautiful person I have ever seen. I told my parents I wanted to marry you, but they wouldn't allow that." He chuckled to himself "And, well I couldn't let that slide." He turns to Marc and holds his hand "Now we can be together, love."

'What did he mean by that? Did he do something to his parents?' Marc thought to himself. He feels Nathaniel wrap his arms around his waist

"I'll have you all to myself." He whispered, "And I'll get rid of anyone who dares to separate us."

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