Chapter 11: Wide Support!

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It's been about a week or so since Jake did the interview for OutKick with Charly and it's gone pretty much viral, seeing someone like Jake Bryce talking about going through all that stuff when he was just a kid was not only surprising to people but it has helped a lot of people that are either going through the same sort of things or has been through it, Jake's become even more of an inspiration to millions around the world thanks to his story.

Jake: I get it helped people but does it have to be replayed on every single sports channel.

He sighed as he flicked through the channels, just looking for something to watch, Margot is still working on the wedding plans, Jake helps when she wants him too but it's her big day, the guy doesn't get much say in it other then simply who his best man is, which he still has to pick, he's narrowed it down to two people, Simu and Duncan, he's not sure which.

Duncan: You helped a lot of people bro. That shit's crazy though.

It's not everyday you hear about a friend having been sexually assaulted when he was a kid, well, you hear of it happening but hearing that it happened to someone so close to you isn't something you'll ever prepare for, you wouldn't think you'd need to be apparently you do, it's incredible to them all though that it doesn't seem to affect Jake anymore, it's like it's all be lifted of his shoulders.

Jake: Yeah, well with the baby coming. Margot thought it would be a good idea to help others and clear my conscience.

They could see that, today isn't a busy day for them though so they can just relax while flicking through the channels, Simu came over earlier because Alisson is helping Margot, Anne, Cara and Kelly with the wedding, Jake's looking forward to what she can come up with, she has an amazing creative ability and the wedding will be perfect, she wants it after the baby's born though which is far, she wants to be in perfect shape when she walks down the aisle, Jake did tell her she was being ridiculous but she said it wasn't to do with her body image, she just wanted to pictures of that day to be perfect and have their baby there with them.

Anne: Any names yet?

Margot's only a few weeks pregnant but she's so excited, they both are, Margot's already picked out the room their baby will take and Jake's made sure to get all the best of everything, their baby will be spoiled but their going to make sure that they don't turn into an asshole, they'll give them what they want but while making sure the baby understands that they can't have it whenever they want.

Margot: Well, I want a girl and Jake wants a boy...

That was understandable, a lot of parents would prefer their own gender when they have kids, although the girls too want them to have a baby girl, Jake's friends really couldn't care about the gender, their going to spoil them as well whether it's a boy or girl, their going to love Uncle Duncan and Aunt Jenni.

Margot: ... So we picked the names each, if it's a boy. Jake picked Colby Dorian Bryce. If it's a girl, she'll be Kiara Amelia Bryce.

Both names were obviously really nice, also it was sweet to hear that Jake wanted to give his son his dad's name, they obviously never met Dorian Bryce but Jake says he remember little moments with his parents and from what he can remember his parents were really good people, they were taken from the world too soon.

Cara: I'm honestly so jealous your having baby before me.

They all smiled over to Cara as she's made it pretty clear to everyone in the world that she wants to be a mother, they only thing is she isn't too good at keeping relationships from falling apart, Margot told her so and Cara retaliated by tossing a grape at her, it hit Margot in her forehead making them all laugh then turn into a fruit fight.

Jake: How come when I throw shit I get told off.

Jake said walking into the kitchen where their all sitting around looking over all the different things to do with a wedding, there's colour schemes, locations, different types of flowers and other stuff, the thing he didn't like about everyone now knowing about what he went through is the looks he now gets, people look at him like he's a victim now and he hates that, only Margot and Kelly don't.

Jake: Hey, knock that shit off. I'm not a victim alright...

Jake grabbed a bottle of water not wanting to be with the guys anymore because all that's on the screen is the interview and everyone giving their opinion about his story, Jake never remembered asking for people to comment on what he spoke about, he just wants people to know that just because they went through so tough shit that it's not the end of the road, you can still do whatever you want to do you just have to work through it.

Cara: Your not a man either.

Jake and the others looked to her as they tried not to laugh, Jake though did laugh, it was harsh, it hit hard but that was funny, Jake quite liked dark humor and he'd rather she made jokes about it like that then looked to him like he was actually a lesser man, he's still the same guy they all know and love, just because he was taken to some sick bastards when he was a kid doesn't matter, Jake Bryce is still the same man.

Jake: Fuck you too.

Jake walked past her and messed her hair up, Cara through her empty bottle at him as he left the room, the girls still needed to process the joke, they thought it was funny, they just didn't expect any of them to actually say something like that, they however eventually got back to work, making small talk and getting the work done for the big day, Margot's aiming for a June wedding in Bel-Air, that's the dream anyway, trying to get one of them is like finding a needle in a haystack, luckily Margot and Jake have a magnet so it shouldn't be too hard, plus Margot has a back up location, Jake's said "Yes" to it already and it's here in New York...

... Part of her actually prefers this place, majority of their friends and family live in New York, the only family that don't is her's, their still over in Australia, they'll be going over there soon to see them and tell them the good news, not only of their engagement but also the pregnancy, Margot knows her brothers and father give's Jake a hard time but that's only because that's how Australian's do things, if they didn't like him then he'd know about it.

Jake: Cara just sent me crying to my mom.

Jake was talking about the joke which obviously confused Duncan and Simu, they apparently got tired of hearing them talking about the interview as well because they put the PS5 on and are just messing around playing the new Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Jake wished he never spent the money on that game, it sucks.

Simu: Why?

He chuckled as Jake sat beside him, Simu between the two New York Jets on the couch still trying to concentrate on the game, he's beating Duncan but not by much, too be fair, Simu plays video's a lot more then they do so to see him actually holding his own against Simu is pretty impressive, however he was distracted when Jake told him what Cara said to him, long enough for Duncan to take the lead then run around the map trying to avoid Simu like he had Covid.

Duncan: Oh yeah. I'm the King! Let's go Cap.

Simu cussed a little as he swapped places with Jake, it was now his turn and their going to play Madden, Jake sucks at Call of duty, he only plays the game for the campaign but sometimes they haven't even got campaign these days, so Jake doesn't spend much time playing them, he does however spend a lot of time on Madden, he loves Football and Football loves him, even when their both the same team, New York Jets, Jake always wins.

Duncan: I hate this game.

Jake's spent a lot of time on Madden over the years, he's even the cover star of this year, he's solo for the Standard Edition, it's him about to throw a pass, his name and number clear to see, the Deluxe Edition he shares with Buffalo's Josh Allen, the two in their gear without their helmets standing back to back, it looked cool and Jake got a free copy because of it, so it's a win.

Simu: Please, he can't be that good.

Duncan handed the controller of to him, it was the 4th quarter and Jake's winning 38 to 12, as soon as Simu got the controller though, he made the play, Jake intercepted and ran the rest of the field for a touchdown making Simu perch his lips and put the controller down, Jake just smiled with a smug look on his face.

Simu: I'm man enough to say fuck that.

They all shared a laugh as Jake's phone started to ring, Jake checked the caller and saw it was the coach, so he told them to keep playing as he went to answer the call, he's not sure what it's about, it could be to tell him about a meeting or something but normally that get's announced on the teams group chat, not over call.

Jake: What's up coach?

Jake asked as he stepped out to the garden, letting Arno out so he can go to the bathroom, Jake loves this pup, seeing him run around with a smile on his little face makes him happy as well, Jake lost focus on the small puppy when Robert spoke, drawing his attention to the teams coach.

Robert: How you feeling, Bryce?

They made a little small talk about how he's doing after the interview, Jake knew something was up when he kept asking him how things are, like how's the wedding planning going and how the baby pre is, Jake wanted to know what was going on though so he ripped the bandage off and just asked.

Jake: If you wanna say something then just say it.

Robert knew better then to beat around the bush witch Jake, he's the type of guy that just wants to cut to the chase, if you need him to do something then just ask, he doesn't need the kiss assing and hates the sucking up, just ask what you want to ask or say what you wanna say.

Robert: Fair enough. I've been speaking to some of the other coach's and we think that you could benefit from some time away from the NFL.

Jake was kind of expecting that but isn't going to accept that, Jake feels better then he ever has, Jake is in his prime, the New York Jets are in their Golden Era, there's no way he's not going to take this season by the horns and take that Super Bowl title home, he wants it, the team wants it and without sounding like an asshole, without Jake, they have no chance of winning anything this year, much less the Super Bowl title in Vegas.

Jake: You drop me and I'll just turn up to every game anyway ready to play. Taking me out right now won't change a thing. I feel better then I ever have, you want that Super Bowl, you keep me in. Simple as that.

Robert agreed, he didn't want him to be dropped, he just wanted Jake to know that if he needed some time then he has it, apparently Jake's hunger is just bigger then he could have expected, Jake is already a 1x Super Bowl Champion but he doesn't count that one, he was second to Tom at the Bucc's and sat on he bench most the season so he didn't win it, he was handed it, him joining the Jets was his way to earn that ring, and maybe another one...


{To Be Continued!}

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