Chapter 9: A Surprise Turn Up!

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Jake woke up the next morning feeling a little awkward, even if that was just a dream he still feels bad about, he's not sure what he feels worse for the fact that his brain seemed to think it was appropriate to imagine his fiancé's best friend or the fact that if it was real, then what the hell Cara was thinking, all Jake did know was to tell Margot the truth, so while she was sitting at the kitchen island Jake decided to just tell her what happened last night.

Jake: Umm... I gotta tell you something...

Margot of course looked up to him from her tablet, she uses that over a laptop like Jake does, their easier to use and lighter to carry, plus it was Jake that put her onto it, she used to use a laptop but now they just share a tablet and things are so much easier for them, only she wasn't focused on anything now, except the man she loves.

Jake: ... Last night, I might or might not have fantasized about Cara.

Margot didn't need anymore then that, she knew what he meant and wasn't sure what to think about it, other then the fact he said he "might or might not have", she wasn't so sure about that part so she needed to ask.

Margot: What do you mean "might or might not have"? What does "might or might not have" mean?

Jake knew what he meant and what he was trying to say but without saying that he screwed her best friend it's not all that easy, Margot though was really curious to see where this goes, mainly because he's so worried about it, it's cute that he get's so worked up over a dream.

Jake: Well, one minute she was there the next she wasn't. I don't know.

Margot played like she was angry or upset about this while Jake just stood there and waited for her to say something, Margot knew that neither of them would do anything like this, she trusts Cara to not try anything and she knows that Jake wouldn't, look how upset he's getting over a simple dream.

Margot: Relax, nothing happened. It was just a dream.

Jake had to do a double take from how quick she was to change her mood and to wave it off, he watched her get up from the stool and go over to the coffee pot to fill her cup up again, he's not sure if she should be drinking coffee while pregnant but he's not going to say anything, she's the one with that "Mother's Instinct" stuff so whatever she feels is right or wrong for the baby, he'll trust.

Jake: Uh, wait what? Aren't you pissed that I dream't about your friend at least?

Margot chuckled to him then sat back in her seat, Jake was really confused about what's going on right now, he might not be a pro of relationships but he's pretty sure that she's supposed to be shouting at him, calling him a cheating scumbag, a few others as well, not sitting there sipping on a cup of coffee like nothing happened.

Margot: I'm not mad because it was just a dream, I dream about other guys all the time. It doesn't mean anything.

Jake stood there for a second and thought about what she just said, Margot went back to what she was doing on the laptop, honestly not caring about the situation, Jake though was worrying even more then before now with what she just said.

Jake: What do you mean "other guys"? What other guys?

Margot chuckled to him then indicated for him to go over to her, Jake did what he was told and stood beside her, he looked at the laptop for a split second but then stopped when she pushed herself up on the stool and kissed his cheek, he smiled to her as she hovered there for a second before one last kiss then sitting back down going back to what she was doing before hand.

Margot: I also dreamed about kissing a frog when I was 9 because I thought it would turn into a prince. That does't mean I'm going to give a toad a frenchie.

Jake laughed at her as she smiled to having have made him relax a little, dreams are harmless, no matter who it's with, if he acted on the dream that's when it turns to real stuff but it's not, just a thing his brain was curious about for a moment, Jake realised how lucky he was to have her again, he seems to realise this all the time more and more.

Jake: Thank you.

Margot smiled up to him after he leant do to her and rested his chin on her shoulder, Margot chuckled as she sat between his arms both helping him keep himself up so he didn't put all his weight on her, his arms then wrapped around her though making her smile but pretend he's squeezing the air out of her, she pulled a face that made her eyes buldge making Jake laugh and give her another kiss.

Cara: Aww, aren't you two cute.

Jake pretty much jumped back, so much so that Margot thought he was going to hit the wall at first, but he didn't, Cara didn't even notice him acting weird as she went over to fridge and took out a bottle of water, Margot face palmed though when he tried to seem relaxed and normal, Jake's never done anything like that before, it is funny though watching him fumble around.

Jake: Yeah, we are. We engaged as well. Cute and engaged.

Cara stopped what she was doing, holding the bottle and shutting the fridge as she looked between Jake and Margot, Margot chuckled at her while leaning on her interlocked hands, Jake though was pretty much hiding behind Margot for protection, you'd think that a man who got sacked for a living would be able to cope with a fantasy.

Cara: Okay, I give up. What's he doing?

Margot and Cara both looked to Jake as he just shrugged like nothing was wrong, which it wasn't but apparently Jake still doesn't feel comfortable around her, she didn't even do anything wrong but Margot was happy to fill her in on what Jake just told her.

Margot: He had a naughty dream about you last night.

Jake looked to Margot like a dear in headlights then the same look to Cara thinking she's going to roll her eyes, make a gagging sound and call him a pervert but she didn't, she just laughed with Margot making Jake think it was all just in his head and he's just blowing it all out of proportion.

Cara: That's actually kinda hot, I'm not gonna lie.

Margot laughed at her as even Jake knew she was just taking the piss then, to be honest, deep down he knew it was a dream but something about that moment just felt so real and fake all at the same time, it was weird, something he's never experienced before, Jake's not the type to have those sort's of dreams because of what happened when he was a kid, it's kind of put him off.

Cara: Don't worry. Your not my type anyway.

Jake nodded a little releaved that she wouldn't do anything like that, also he completely forgot that she's Bi, most of the world knows that by now, she doesn't really try to hide it, she does tend to be dating females more then men so she's probably more Gay then Bi, not that Jake really minds, he's the sort of guy that don't care about skin colour, sexual preference or anything as long as your a good person, he'll get a long with you.

Margot: Can you get that?

Jake nodded because there was a knock at the door, Margot used to live in a gated place in LA but when she got married she moved to New York, then they split and now she's getting married again, this time for the last time, Jake made his way towards the door, just expecting someone to have ordered a parcel here or something, it wouldn't be the first time his parents got something sent here so Kelly doesn't figure out what it is.

Jake: Sorry, can I help you?

Jake opened the door to see that it wasn't a parcel, it wasn't even anyone he knew, he feels like he's seen her before though but he can't really be sure, so instead of assuming something he asked her because she didn't look all too happy...

... She did a double take on Jake then on the number by the door, apparently she's looking for a place around here but with the yellow cab parked on the street behind her, he's guessing that she's never been to this place before.

Anne: Uh, I'm not sure. I was looking for this place but your not who I expected to be honest.

Jake smiled with a chuckle as she chuckled nervously, it might not have helped with the fact that Jake hasn't got a shirt on, he didn't mean to, his mind was so far elsewhere that he just forgot to put one on, she didn't seem distracted by that though and just pulled her phone out clearly not knowing where to go, Jake isn't going to not help either.

Jake: Can I? I kinda grew up here all my life.

She nodded to him as she handed her phone over to him, Jake looked over the address that she put into Google maps and this is the place but he's not sure why she'd be looking for his home, but then he noticed the name at the top of the screen, it said Margot's nickname from when she was a teenager in Australia, she told him what that was so maybe she's here to see Margot.

Jake: Are you looking for Margot?

The women looked up to him as if surprised he knew the name, she nodded though and took the phone back Jake waited as the driver was getting a little impatient, Jake waved to him for an apology for making him wait so long but when the women got his attention again, she showed him a picture of a really young Margot, way before Hollywood fame.

Anne: We've been friends since School. She said I could come by anytime. I know it's out of the blue but...

Jake could piece it all together now, the reason Margot didn't tell him about a friend of her's coming is because she had no idea either, it's not a bad situation, they have plenty of space in the house, it just came as a pretty big surprise, surprises can be good though, it was a surprise for Jake finding out Margot was pregnant so it's all good.

Jake: It's okay, you got the right place. I'm Jake, Jake Bryce.

Jake held his hand out to her for her to shake, he's never met her before so now would be a great time to introduce himself, she took his hand and shook it but before she could say anything, Margot came to see what was going on because Jake had been here longer then it normally takes to answer the door, to see her friend for the first time in a while.

Margot: Anne! What are you doing here!? Here...

Jake chuckled as she handed Arno over to him, the last thing they need is for the puppy to go running around the neighbourhood, he was happy to hold him as well while he watched his soon to be wife hug her friend, it must have been a while since they've seen each other because they've been dating for over a year now and Jake's never met or heard of her.

Anne: Sorry for just dropping by but I needed to get away from things at home. Figured I'd come and see my best friend.

Margot was so happy to see her, she was of course more then welcome here and more then welcome to stay for however long she wanted, so Margot and Anne went into the house where Cara still was, apparently Cara has met Anne before, it's only Jake that hasn't, Margot asked him to grab her bags from the cab which he was happy to do, then pay the guy, giving him a nice tip for waiting and for not telling anyone where he lived...


{To Be Continued!}

*Big thanks to QueenZain3 for taking part in this story, go and checkout her books, their pretty awesome! Take Care!*

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