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A/N Hey guys! So I just finished the last chapter, Chat Blanc, and if you haven't read it because the chapters are in a funny order go read it! Raise your hand, paw, claw, anything you got if you have already read it and continue reading! Also, didn't I have 1k reads last chapter? Why do I have 2k this chapter? Three days later? Whatever. Let the show begin!

Narrator's POV

"Of course she  holds herself in a cool demeanor! Why do I always get left behind!?" Sir Bug questioned. Ladybug laughed her bell laugh. "Cause maybe you came into our team a little too late."

"Oh! I have an idea!" Sir Bug exclaimed. "What is it?" She asked. He pull her into a huddle and she nodded her head. "Chat Blanc! Oh, didn't I ever tell you that I loved you?" She asked.

Chat Blanc's heart skipped a beat. "What did you say?" Sir Bug crept up behind him. "Uh, yes! I do!" Moon was eyeing her suspiciously. Wait, when did he get here!? Whatever! He's against us!

Sir Bug went up behind him and snapped his baton in half. An Akuma came out of it. "Oh, no you don't!" She cleansed it. "Bye, bye, pretty papillon." She waved it off. Luckily, she didn't need to use her Lucky Charm and Sir Bug didn't have a power!

She ran up to Chat Noir. "Chat! Are you okay!?" She asked. He lifted his head dizzily. "I'm fine. What happened?" He asked. She shook her head. "You don't remember. Good. Just like on Valentin-es day." She shuddered at the memory of her kissing Chat.

"Chat! You know the drill! He doesn't have Marinette to keep host-age this time!" She yelled. Chat was confused as to how she would know that but shook it off.

"Chat, Bug, right, left, right, right!" That was their code for get him from behind. "And sick em'!" They jumped on him at the same time that Ladybug kicked him in the stomach.

"And he's out for the count! Score two for the Ladybug, and score zero for the Moon!" She cheered. She went to find a safe place to detransform. When she did she did some crazy acrobats up to where she left Chat and Bug.

"Well, well, well. It seems as though you defeated the Akuma and saved all of Townsville!" She joked while clapping slowly. Chat tu-rned around slowly when he heard the voice.

Chat sucked in a breath at the sight of Marinette. Bug wasn't surp-rised in the least since he knows that she's Ladybug. "Hey, Buggy. You know that you should really give up trying. Her heart is taken already." She put an arm on him and leaned a little.

"I don't need you of all people to tell me that." He replied angrily. She smirked. "Of course, all great and powerful, Buggy." She bow-ed for added fun. He looked angry and sad now while Chat was just standing there with his mouth open.

"B-b-but I s-s-saw-!" She put a finger to his lips to silence him. "Do-n't ask. No buts. I refuse for you to say anymore." Bug pulled Marinette away from jealousy. She just smirked.

"Aww! Is someone jelly? Do you need some peanut butter and some bread?" She babied him. "No, I do not, Marinette. Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine! Ugh! I was just around alot of negative energy. Papillon kept on complaining about his son and it was so annoying!" She shuddered at the other memory.

"Wait! What do you mean by 'alot of negative energy?'" Chat ask-ed her. "What I mean is that I was in his lair! You aren't a Silly Kit-ty, you're a Blind Kitty!" Marinette exclaimed.

Bug sighed and face-palmed himself. "Yes he is, Marinette." Chat's mouth dropped open. "He's behind us, isn't he?" Marinette asked casually. "Yep." Chat replied.

"Bring it on." She dared like the 'daredevil' she is. Marinette turn-ed around to find Papillon looming behind her. "Hello?" She wav-ed her fingers at him and he frowned.

"Marinette. Now, would you care to get in he bag?" He held up a Marinette sized bag. "Uh, no thanks." She laughed jokingly. And began to run in the opposite direction as Papillon.

"Get back here!" He yelled. "Ha! You think yelling is going to get me in your stupid bag?! No!" She jumped to the next roof and the next roof. "Tikki! A little help here!?" Marinette exclaimed.

"Marinette," Tikki whisper-shouted, "you forget that both Papillon and Chat Noir are hot on you heels and of they see you transform your cover is dead meat!" The kwami reasoned.

"Makes sense. But how will I get the heck outta here!?" Marinette asked. "Go to the Guardian. He can help you." Tikki instructed Marinette on how to get there.

When they did get there Marinette thought of using the window but also thought she would sound too much like Chat Noir. "I have been expecting you." The Guardian greeted.

"You are still creepy everytime." Marinette shuddered. "Wayzz! How are you? It's been a while!" Tikki greeted the green kwami with a hug. "So, you know what's going, help us!" Marinette excla-imed.

"No need to ask. They are here." Tikki and Wayzz sat on the Guar-dian's shoulders. "How lovely is it to see you again, Papillon." The Guardian greeted.

A/N Hey guys! So I changed my pen name back to Rouge Cur. Happy happy fun time! I'm bored now so byeeee!😉

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