Part 1

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Warning: animalistic rape, erratic behavior, including kidnapping, stalking, and abuse. This is a rewrite of the story by crystipup but I collaborated with Ivy_kittybug, I did most of the story but she assisted with her own twist to the story. 

Adrien fell asleep after eating a full dinner meal, as Plagg was suspicious of his change in movements. He was erratically moving around as his hips grinded against his bed and it startled Plagg who left to get some cheese to find Adrien violently rubbing his hand against his hardened boner.

“M-Marinette, you’ll be mine forever, princess,” He moans and growled as he released white sticky semen covering his throbbing erection before dry humping his pillow as if it were Marinette. It totally disturbed Plagg and he had no other choice but to look away by distracting himself with cheese but it just wasn’t enough. Maybe Tikki could help but if I left him, he would lose control of himself, Plagg thought.

Plagg was weirded out by his actions and threw himself in the pile of stinky socks in his bathroom. Meanwhile, Adrien was fulfilling his lustful desires while imagining the girl of his dreams under his mercy and turning him on with her seductive behavior. His imagination was getting wilder and wilder every time he thought about her. He then transformed and went to visit the girl of his dreams whom he fantasized about. He found her sleeping peacefully, he then sneaked inside her room and saw her dressed in a loose t-shirt and at the bottom, she was only wearing her underwear.

He then took her t-shirt off and she was only wearing her undergarments. Then cat noir unhooked her bra and kissed her breasts. "These are mine," he whispered, grabbing her breasts and squeezing them. He then spread her legs and took a look at her area. He took her panties off and kissed her area, her sensitive area responded to his touch, and Cat Noir played with her sweet spot. Marinette started to feel a rough object against her sensitive area and opened her eyes in complete shock as he was eating her out wildly. “Get off of me, Chat!” she shouted while trying to push him off, he only smirked as he continued.

He stood up to unzip his leather suit as she ran to the bathroom but he pushed her onto the bed, on her knees, her legs touching the edge of her mattress. She was way too shocked to react to a similar sound like that of a candy wrapper before she felt something hard inside her with a feral force as he violently thrusts into her.  The thrusts were hard and rough at first but she adjusted soon and felt him go deep and hard, her legs almost gave out once he cummed in her a bunch of times in her womb.

“Ahh, that was amazing, my princess,” he kissed her neck while she was crying in extreme, excruciating pain. He exits her as semen was pouring out of her, she could only scream in pain when he split her legs apart and he licked her area. His rough tongue made her squirm, escaping from him for a few seconds before he pounced on her with cat-like instincts.

"Oh, my princess, don't cry I'll make sure to give you more pleasure next time," saying that, he took out his baton and clicked a picture of her area which was overflowing because of his semen. He then left her room and Marinette was crying hard as she went to take a shower, feeling ashamed that couldn’t push him off her.

“Why did he do that to me?” She was upset as she scrubbed her body to eliminate his scent. He sent chills down he spine when she realized he could find her again and torture her once more. She chose to report it in the morning and had to make her story believable because they wouldn’t believe a story without evidence.

The next morning, Marinette went with her parents, for good measure, to the police station. Lieutenant Raincomprix was concerned and curious as to why Marinette was with her parents at the police station. Tom, Marinette’s father, spoke for her because she was still shaken up from what had occurred to her the night before.

“Cat Noir, that superhero, raped my daughter!” Her father was justifiably angry while crying. “He took my daughter’s innocence that night, Lieutenant Raincomprix.”

The lieutenant noted down the details, and the details seemed concerning and hard to believe that the beloved, leather and cat-themed superhero would do this to an innocent girl her age, he had no idea what he could do. It was either to ruin Cat Noir’s well-respected honor and help as much as he could to cover Cat Noir’s honored record in the city or just report the rape. It was a difficult thing for him to decide, he felt a chill down his spine when he suspected someone was behind him.

“He… raped a citizen? Your daughter needs to do a rape kit and we’ll file it in case it happens again,” He coughed, hoping that would help. “It’s all we can do right now. The only time we can have action on this is if it happened more than once.” Marinette’s parents scoffed as they couldn’t believe what they heard. They were expected to wait for the disaster to happen again to get help. They couldn’t tolerate what was told to them so Marinette and her parents just left the police station. “The police and laws are hopeless Marinette, let's just leave from here. We can move to a far better place where everything is peaceful and simple,” her father said.

“Do you have any problem with it sweetie?” her mother asked. She shook her head “No mom, I don't but the thing is … I'm Ladybug and there is a city that I need to protect.” Tom and Sabine were shocked but then later on understood. “We get it dear but I think we should move away, maybe not from Paris but maybe somewhere far from the city area we can buy a house around the city or if you want, we can move you to an apartment. If you can, you can live alone with security systems. We will secretly visit you from time to time.”

She felt sad leaving her friends and classmates without a good reason but wanted no one but her trustworthy friends, she had suspicions Adrien was Cat Noir but was unsure to trust him. She transformed into Ladybug and saw Cat Noir on the Eiffel Tower enjoying the sunset. “Oh hey, Chat,” she said.

“Hey,” he said in a cold tone, he had no idea of her true identity. “So what are you doing?” she tried to have a conversation with him but he was only focused on Marinette, her civilian self as he mumbled about her. This behavior of his creeped her out because this isn’t the Cat Noir she knew.

He still is thinking about me like an obsessed maniac, she thought. She silently sat next to him so she could follow him to know about his identity but after a while, she was starting to fall asleep because of how tired and exhausted she was. She wanted to keep awake so he couldn’t find out who she was or rape her again. Cat noir noticed and laid her on his lap.

“Rest for a while,” he said, before closing his eyes. Somehow she felt warm in his embrace and both took a little nap while cuddling for a bit. Suddenly, a helicopter flew over them and Cat Noir was overprotective and snapped. The reporters were frightened by him and went away as he chased after them in a blind rage. It shocked those who watched the video of the city he ruined.

Parisians were afraid for their lives after this, so the police started to deploy officers and a defense team after Cat Noir, who destroyed their soldiers in seconds, without dropping a sweat. Ladybug started to wake up and before she knew it, there was carnage all over the city. She tried to find Cat Noir and she saw him beating the officers. She then went to stop him but she ended up getting beaten up by him, he dropped her gently before calming down. 

“Chat… why are you like this?” She asked concerned for his well-being. “This isn’t you, you’re acting more violent than usual. Are you stressed out or anything?” He hovered over her and answered.  “Don’t get in my way!” He had lashed out at her with uncontrolled anger. She felt scared and got up to leave but she was then pinned to the wall by Cat Noir. Something came over him and he held her neck pulling her close.

She tried to breathe and he let her go, he ran off before she caught her breath. She followed him while catching her breath and saw him detransform, she sighed when she saw it was indeed Adrien. She went to her room and she started packing and in a few hours, she was done and she went to sleep. While she was packing, she knew he was going to track her so she decided to disguise herself without him seeing her.

Luckily, he was at home so she could dress up as much as possible. She then went to sleep and woke up early to move into her new location. Before she left she dropped her letter to the principal. She then got settled in her new apartment and for some fresh air, she transformed and swung around the city feeling happy, that is if Cat Noir wasn’t spiraling out of control. He was going mad about Marinette’s disappearance and he spotted Ladybug enjoying the evening peacefully.

“Nothing has been fixed yet?” Ladybug sighed, everyone tried repairing the city with Ladybug’s help. They began doubting Cat Noir’s intentions because of the rumor he raped a girl he knew for a few years, they began spreading rumors that he was probably working with Monarch to destroy the city. Then Cat Noir joined her and sat beside her. He stared at her and found similarities between her and Marinette, he was curious but didn’t question it because almost everyone wears that hairstyle.

He saw Marinette before with her hair down he went close to her and held her chin. He took off her hair ties and her hair was flowing beautifully in the cool breeze. His craving for Marinette kept increasing and seeing Ladybug resemble Marinette so much he placed his lips on hers and gently kissed her. Ladybug pushed him off her quickly.

“What are you even doing?” She hoped he didn’t put two and two together but he didn’t. He snapped back to reality. “Sorry, I just got lost in your eyes. Never knew that your lips were so soft,” he said to her. Ladybug then went back to her new apartment and de-transformed, she put on her pajamas. She soon heard a doorbell and checked to see if her parents were there but they weren’t. Upon receiving the door she was shocked, they were young men who were translators, but they were looking for another city but were lost.

She tried to help by pointing out directions but they didn’t understand her words, they seemed like they weren’t from there. They went with the directions she gave them, she was about to close her door when she noticed a black blur come from behind her but it was just a stray cat. It startled her because it reminded her a bit of Cat Noir, and just thinking about him made her concerned about Paris with him causing too much chaos.

“Tikki,” she called out to her kwami, Tikki yawned when she was called. “Should I go and check out the city? I’m scared to go after Cat Noir choked me the other day.”

“If you feel like you don’t want to go, don’t go to Paris. If you do want to go, make sure you keep a low profile, you are allowed to be there any time,” Tikki said, eating a cookie in her bag.

“Okay, I can only make a few appearances as Marinette but will need to disguise myself if he catches on,” She said. “I’ll just keep my distance, or else, I’m mouse meat.”

Tikki giggled but was concerned so she followed her in case anything happened to her. She gets on the metro to Paris, good thing she wasn’t too far from her hometown. She saw nothing but some areas of damage and bleeding officers on the ground.

“A lot has changed since I left,” She said, walking around sinkholes created by Cat Noir. He snuck up behind her to give her a little scare, and she flinched when he tapped her shoulder. It scared her when she got a glimpse of his face, so she remained calm.

“Hey, princess, came to see me or are you back for more?” He asked, smacking her butt hard as she squealed. “Interesting sounds you make, come nighttime, I’ll make those squeals become screams of joy.” His smirk said it all when he took her to a diner. “Wait, Chat-” she tried to stop him but they were already there. “Nevermind, then.”

“Don’t worry, it’s all on me, Princess,” He said with a charming smile which made her feel uneasy.

“I don’t feel like eating, but thanks,” she weakly smiled as his smile made her even more on edge.

He insisted as she refused him again, and they kept insisting until she decided on a milkshake and sandwich. They patiently waited for a waiter to arrive with their orders, the more time spent waiting, made her want to leave but she thought it was better to wait a little longer. He was happy as his tail or belt was swinging like a dog wagging its tail, everyone there noticed just how happy he was and they were wondering why she wasn’t happy.

She had wasted almost all her energy but made sure to save a tiny bit to get herself home by the end of the day. The waiter arrived with their meals, carefully placing the plates of food on the table as Marinette ate her food carefully. Cat Noir was eating his food very quickly while he stared at her eating very slowly. Eating slowly to save your precious energy, clever girl, he thought to himself. She finished eating and went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

“Maybe I should escape from here.” She paused. “What am I even thinking he will hunt me down and get furious. For now, I will need to be on his good side and escape when it's the right time.” She sighed and went back. Cat noir was surprised to see her and was happy that she didn’t escape. He went towards her “Hey, my dear princess,” he said with a bright smile.

She nervously smiled at him and he took her to a park. He lay on her lap while staring at the sky. “You won’t leave me right?’ He asked. She went completely silent which worried him.

“You won't right?” He was extremely desperate for her to say she will not leave him but he could tell how uncomfortable she was feeling. She managed to say something.“Yes, but after you stop harassing me.”

He chuckled deeply. She didn’t know what to do so she waited a bit and eventually, he fell asleep. She stood up and left his sight watching him, making sure he didn’t wake up. Once she was out of his sight, she transformed and went to her apartment. After she was in her apartment she closed the windows and doors.

She de-transformed and laid back on her bed while sighing in relief. She snuggled in the blanket and fell asleep. The next morning, she went to her new college with a little different appearance and slightly different atmosphere where it was more adjustable, she absolutely loved the new college she attended.

She kept studying and in her free time, she went to Paris as Ladybug to check on the city. Luckily, everything had cooled down and was peaceful without Cat Noir causing any chaos.

Paris was now at total serenity- for now. Monarch has grown curious about Cat Noir’s strange infatuation with the city’s baker’s daughter, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. He’s recently gotten wind that she started to move but not too far, but the location of her address was discussed, due to secrecy. It was his secret mission to uncover this new info before Cat Noir finds out about it, until then, he kept himself at bay until more information spreads like wildfire.

Cat Noir remained lovesick, but she was unsure how long he could last in this condition while she's on patrol near a possible beast who's also her partner. What could possibly go wrong?

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