Chapter 12

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Sorry, these are not very good pictures, but this is what I had in mind for Marinette's dress

I clung to Adrien's arm, somewhat behind him, dreading what I had to do.

"Hey, you're gonna be fine. You can do it, Marinette," Adrien whispered gently.

I tried to give him a smile. Way too soon, I found myself right out of sight from where I'd left Logan.

Adrien gently had me let go of him, "You can do it," He mouthed, then pointed.

I nodded, then gave him a tight squeeze. I must have hugged him harder than I'd thought because his face suddenly turned crimson red.

I hurriedly jumped back and gave him a smile. Then, I walked out of hiding to find...Logan? Kinda?

Then, I screamed.

Right before my eyes, Logan was consumed by dark energy, and in his place stood a totally new person.

The akumatized villain was taller than Logan had been. He was dressed in medieval armor up to his neck. It shone in the sunlight that came through the retractable ceiling.

His black hair was now longer, the ends vibrant red, and combed back handsomely.

His skin seemed to have accents of red in it, which made him look even more alien. A metal mask covered around his eyes in a way that reminded me of Chat Noir's.

His eyes were red as his hair now, and he wore a confident smirk. He looked like a knight from one of my old fairy tale books.

He took the crown that had been in his hand and put it on his head.

As soon as he did, everything changed. I suddenly wasn't inside the school, I was outside it.

The school became covered in the same dark energy that had coated Logan a moment ago. When the darkness disappeared, my school was gone, and in its place was a giant castle!

Right above the drawbridge was a walkway where Logan suddenly appeared.

"Citizens of Paris! I, Prince Crown-Crusher, hereby take this land and all its citizens in the name of CrownsLand! You are now all my loyal citizens! As such, you are expected to do exactly what I say! So now..." Crown-Crusher jumped from the castle to where a group of people had gathered.

He took out his sword, and everyone gasped.

"Fear not! A good Prince such as me would never hurt his citizens!" Then he gently tapped the nearest person with his sword on both shoulders. Immediately, the person, who happened to be Kim, was dressed in armor, a helmet on his head.

He bowed to Crown-Crusher, "My prince, what may I do to please you?"

"No...oh no. This is awful..." I murmured.

Crown-Crusher began running through the crowds, tapping people with his sword.

I watched in fear as his army grew when suddenly I felt a hand grab my wrist.

I screamed, and jumped back, only to have a hand clamp over my mouth, "Marinette! It's me, Adrien," He whispered, taking his hand away from my mouth, "You need to get to safety...if Logan was akumatized because he was upset at you-"

"Oh no! This is all my fault. Ugh! Why do I have to ruin everything?" I ranted, putting my head in my hands.

" didn't ruin anything. People get akumatized all the time...and..."But even Adrien seemed at a loss for what to say.


"I found you!" A voice suddenly announced.

Crown-Crusher stood right in front of me and Adrien.

Adrien and I shared a look.


So we ran.

Adrien was a lot faster, (And stronger for that matter) than he looked, not to mention me, so he mainly pulled me along.

I tried as hard as I could to keep up, but then I tripped and fell heavily to the ground.

"Marinette!" He yelled.

"Adrien, RUN!" I screamed.

Suddenly, Crown-Crusher was right over me, "Gotcha," He whispered. Then tapped me with his sword.

I immediately felt a lot heavier. I looked down, but to my surprise, I wasn't wearing a suit of armor...I was wearing a dress. A big one.

Crown-Crusher grabbed my arm and helped me stand.

"What on-"

"You look beautiful, my dear," Crown-Crusher noted.

I frowned at 'my dear'.


"I'm no longer Logan, fair Princess, I am now Prince Crown-Crusher," Crown-Crusher interrupted.

"Okay...but, why am I not a zombie-knight thingy?"

"A girl as fair as you should never have to wear a single piece of armor in her lifetime!"

I suddenly frowned deeper, crossing my arms, "Are you saying because I'm a girl I shouldn't wear armor? Or be a knight?"

Crown-Crusher paused for a moment then shrugged, "If that makes you happy."

I balled my fists, and stared him down, "That does not make-" I was starting to take a step forward when I suddenly tripped on the stupid dress.

"My princess!" Crown-Crusher exclaimed, immediately picking me up.

"Put me down you-you...umm..." Where was Alya when I needed her? She always had good nicknames.

"But my dear, I couldn't bear it if you fell again!"

I'm. So. Done.

Suddenly, like an angel straight from heaven, my hero showed up.

"Hope I didn't miss the party," Chat Noir said cooly, sliding down his staff.

"Ahh, Chat Noir. I've been expecting you. You shall be the captain of my glorious guard. But first I need something..." Crown-Crusher said.

Chat smirked, and wriggled his fingers, "You don't happen to mean my ring, do you?"

I was suddenly thrown as Crown-Crusher rushed at Chat Noir. Thankfully, I was caught by one of Crown-Crusher's knights.

Crown-Crusher tore out his sword and lunged at Chat Noir.

Chat, who hadn't been expecting it, stepped back in surprise, raising his hand in defense.

Crown-Crusher's sword clashed against Chat's ring, and a green flash filled the air.

Chat Noir looked down at himself in confusion.

I stared at him, my blush growing warmer by the minute. Chat Noir was dressed in black armor, with black leather ears, tail, and mask. Plus he still had his adorable bell. His staff had disappeared, and Chat now held a sleek sword.

"Well...that was unexpected," He commented.

During the distracting, I managed to get the knight to let me go, and I stood. I looked around...I had no idea how to use one, but I wanted, like really really wanted a sword.

But before I got my sword, a voice called out, "Take the Princess to safety!"

So, I was picked up again as hurried into the castle.

"LET ME GO YOU...umm...YOU EVIL TOENAIL!" I regret every life decision that has led me to this point. I could hear my mental Alya facepalming in my head.

But my zombie-knight didn't give me a second glance...he (Or she, I couldn't tell) was like a robot. I was brought to one of the two towers at the back of the castle.

The knight set me down in the single room tower, then closed the door.

I rushed to try and open it, but it was locked.

Great. Just great.

I looked around the room in dismay. I tried to walk towards the window, but I tripped over the dress.

"This is ridiculous!" I muttered, standing. I lifted my dress as much as I could and managed to walk across the room. I looked out the single window...way too high to jump out.

I walked away from it, taking giant steps, my dress held up. I looked ridiculous.

Then, I found a full-body mirror.

I grinned. Perfect.

I pulled a small pair of scissors that I'd hurriedly put in my hair this morning after patching one of Alya's jeans.

I let go of my dress and got ready to cut...then I caught my reflection in the mirror.

" that really me?" I whispered.

I...I looked kinda beautiful.

The dress was light pink and was in a ball gown style. Flowers were placed expertly on it, and it flowed downwards like a waterfall.

The corset that was currently making it hard to breath made me look extremely skinny, and my cheeks still held remnants of blush. I even had a silver crown on my head.

Wow...I...well, I'd never really thought of myself as beautiful...sure, I'd never thought I was exactly

I looked down at the scissors in my hand and suddenly felt hesitant. A part of me kinda wanted Chat Noir to see me like, really see me.

But I shook the thought out of my head. I was being ridiculous. It shouldn't matter how I looked, but how I acted. I wasn't gonna be like Scarlet Lady. Always beautiful, never acting.

Besides, I was no princess.

I took the scissors and began cutting the layers of my dress by the knees.

Then I cut the strings of the corset in the back so that it fell right off from under the dress.

I took several deep breaths and marveled at being able to move again.

Then, I got to work.

I had to get out of here.

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