Chapter 18

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Get it comes.

"Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his Princess..." I sang softly, as I met up with Alya. Chat had been singing it last night, and it'd been stuck in my head all day. I stopped as soon as Alya ran over, "Morning!"

Alya and I walked into the school. After the Marigold craze had died down, people started putting up more pictures of Chat Noir and Scarlet Lady, so the walls where now decorated in an assortment of red, yellow, green, and black. Everyone walked around, seemingly normal, but I kept hearing a name. Lila...

Then, I saw her. She was sitting on a bench with a crowd of people around her, "Hey, do you know who this 'Lila' is, Als?"

Alya nodded, "Ya! She just moved here from Italy. She's been here for about a week and sadly met Chloe first. Lila tried to be friends with Chloe, but you know how Chloe is. Anyhow, Lila recently posted a video on being bullied by Chloe and pretty much everyone's seen it! Now, Lila's been telling us more about herself! Apparently, she knows a ton of famous directors, actors, singers like Jagged Stone, and even Princes! Just yesterday I found out she personally knows Scarlet Lady! They're like besties. You see, Scarlet Lady saved her life once, back when she was in Italy, and she and Lila have remained close ever since," Alya explained.

I let out a sudden burst of laughter but blushed when Alya gave me a confused look. It was hard imagining Scar being 'close' to anyone...or saving someone's life...or doing anything heroic in general.

Still, who was I to name the impossible? I had a floating magical creature hiding in my purse for goodness sake.

I spotted Adrien and Nino, and Alya and I headed over, "Morning Nino! Morning Adrien!" I said brightly.

"Morning, Mari."


I smiled, hoping Adrien still wasn't embarrassed about earlier. Alya and Nino started a conversation, so I nodded at Adrien, and together we went and sat on one of the benches, "Have you heard the news on this new Lila girl?" I asked.

Adrien nodded, "Apparently she's friends with Scar-Scarlet Lady."

I laughed again. The thought was just! Then, I clamped a hand over my mouth. According to the world (Well, the world minus Micah and Pollen) I only knew what I saw on the news about Scarlet Lady. I didn't know that she was secretly a lazy, rude, intolerable person.

But Adrien was smiling too.

Trying to change the subject I said, "Do you know if you're going to homecoming yet? Alya and I have been talking about it. I'm trying to get her and Nino to go together. I think it'd be so cute!

Adrien was about to speak again when suddenly, "Hi! You must be Adrien Agreste. I'm such a big fan. My name's Lila Rossi."

Me and Adrien looked up from each other. Before us stood the newfound star, Lila.

"Umm...hi Lila! Nice to meet you," Adrien said politely.

"Oh please, it's nice for me to meet you. An honor really! I mean, your pretty much the symbol for the Gabriel Agreste fashion industry!" Lila said, sitting next to Adrien, not bothering to say a word to me.

Wow. I felt awkward.

Adrien nervously put a hand behind his head, "Umm, thank you. But trust me, it's no honor to meet me-"

I would like to pause this scene for an important interlude...

Around fifteen hours ago:

"Yes, yes, it is me the great Chat Noir! I know, what an honor, am I right?" Chat Noir said, waving at the imaginary fans.

Marigold rolled her eyes, "Chat Noir the modest, that's what they'll call you. Come on, Chat. Think of all the people at the unveiling...people we risk our necks for every day. The people who paid to build a statue of us! We should be gracious. A good superhero is-"

"Hey, who's the Jedi, and who's the padawan?" Chat Noir interrupted.

"Umm, what?...oh, I get it...and I would like to note that I've been doing this superhero thing almost as long as-"

"Patience you must have, my young padawan!" Chat Noir interrupted, putting a finger on my lips, shushing me. Then, as the true Yoda he was, he extended his stick, and sat on top of it, criss-cross-applesauce. He looked like he was meditating.

Then, Marigold did what any true padawan would do. She kicked the stick.

"MARIGOLDDDDdddddddddd," Came the yell from Chat Noir as he fell off the skyscraper.

Marigold just giggled. Chat Noir was back up in a moment, looking none too happy, "Oh the great and honorable Jedi has returned!" Marigold exclaimed, taking a bow.

"I'm so getting revenge!" Chat exclaimed and lunged at her.

Their laughs could be heard throughout all of Paris.

Unpause this scene.

"You're too modest Adrien!" Lila giggled. (Note the word modest)

The two kept talking, as I sat there awkwardly. Finally, I tapped Adrien on the shoulder, "I'm gonna go to class now. See ya later?" I asked.

"Oh! I'm sorry Mari, you're right...we should probably get to class," Adrien stood. Polite as always, Adrien turned to Lila, "Well it was nice talking to you, Lila."

"Oh...ya, it was really nice...say, what class are you in?"

"Ms. Bustier."

"What a coincidence! Me too! But...I don't really know where it you think you could show me?" Lila asked.

Okay...I was kinda starting to not like this 'Lila' girl...something smells fishy.

"Oh, umm sure. Right, Mari?"

I smiled for Adrien, "Sure, why not?" I started walking towards class, and before Adrien could fall into step beside me, Lila scooted up to him...okay, I was really not liking her.

When we got to the classroom, Ms. Bustier had just arrived. I slid into my seat while Adrien slid into his. Alya and Nino were already there, chatting it up. I went through my bag, grabbing out my history book. But Lila stood next to Adrien's desk, still talking to him. I couldn't help but hear.

"I just feel so behind...I'm hoping someone will help me to catch up..." Lila hinted.

Adrien, kind as always said, "Well, what if we met in the library after lunch? Then I could give you a quick overview of what we've learned."

"That would be phenomenal! I-" Nathaniel had been passing Lila to get to his desk. As soon as he did, Lila seemed to be knocked over and fell right on top of Adrien.

"Oh!" She exclaimed, looking up at Adrien.

I quickly stood and took Lila's hand, helping her stand and get off Adrien, "Are you okay, Lila?" I asked.

Was it just me, or did she look a tiny bit annoyed that I was helping her?

"Oh! I'm okay...that boy must have accidentally knocked into me..." Lila shrugged.

I looked up at Nathaniel...he had his sketchbook out and didn't even seem to notice that he'd knocked Lila over...weird.

Suddenly, Ms. Bustier's voice rang through the class, "Take your seats, students, and turn in your textbooks to page 157, please."


"Chloe! Oh Chloe, you won't believe what I just found!" Sabrina cried, running up to where Chloe sat.

"A brain? You still seem to be lacking one," Chloe noted.

Sabrina paused, thinking, then shook her head and showed Chloe her phone, "This-"

"That Lila girl? No! I don't want to hear anything about her. She hasn't come around in three days. Not that I care. I mean it's her loss-" Chloe said.

"No Chloe. You should just watch this..."


I sat in the empty locker room, and let Pollen out of my bag, "What are you doing, My Queen?"

"One, my name is Marinette, Pollen. You really don't have to call me 'my queen'. Two, I'm looking at Lila's video about bullying. I get a bad feeling when I'm around her, and I'm worried for Adrien," I explained.

"Why are you worried about Adrien?"

"Because I care about him."

"I thought you cared about Chat Noir."

"I do. I care for both of them."

"Does this mean you'll start attaching pictures of Adrien to your walls as well?"

"No! I...Well, I care about Adrien and Chat Noir in different ways."

"How are the ways different?"

"Well...Adrien is like...he's kinda like a brother. You know Micah? I care about him...I care about him in the same way I care about Adrien. But with Chat Noir...He...Pollen, do kwamis fall in love?"

"Sometimes...though it's rare, and often doesn't last long."

"Well, that's kinda how I feel about Chat Noir...It's called a crush. It means I love him," I blushed.

"Oh! I you care about Micah and Adrien but you love Chat Noir!"

"Yes...and no. I love Adrien and Micah just as much as I love Chat Noir, but with Chat Noir I have a crush on and I...I'm confusing myself-"

"It's okay My Queen Marinette, I understand," Pollen nodded.

Later that night...

"Micah, My Queen Marinette has informed me that she has a crush on Chat Noir, Adrien, and you. I thought you would like to know," Pollen said.

Micah froze mid popcorn eating, staring at the little kwami. Then, still confused, he nodded and kept eating.

Back in the scene...

"The video should load any minute now..."


Chloe shook with rage. She didn't say a word. Just shook. Finally, she screamed. Sabrina ran in fear from the room.

Chloe breathed hard, angrier than she'd ever been. Tikki flew from her hiding spot, "Chloe, you need to calm down. If you get akumatized, it would mean HawkMoth takes away your miraculous."

Chloe turned sharply on the kwami, "THAT LILA IS GOING TO PAY!" Then she stormed towards the library. Sabrina had reported seeing her go in their earlier.

The plan was simple. Run in, find Lila, remind her what a loser she was, remind her how amazing Chloe was, then make her pay.

Chloe entered and heard voices.

She spied Adrien and Lila sitting with books open. HOW DARE THAT BRAT SIT WITH HER ADRIKINS!

"Did you know I'm also friends with Scarlet Lady?" Lila asked Adrien.

"I did hear that," Adrien replied.

What were they talking about?

Chloe crept closer and noticed Adrien looking at a book...Why did the book look so familiar... Then it hit her. That's why she knew the book...

Last flashback, promise...

"I hate these stupid Akuma attacks, don't you Adrikins?" Chloe asked. She was at Adrien's house when an Akuma suddenly attacked. It was draining all the electricity from Paris. Tikki had been trying to get Chloe to transform...but Chloe couldn't leave poor defenseless Adrien. (The same Adrien who was trying to get Chloe off his back so he could go help Marigold)

They came into Mr. Agreste's office, "Chloe, stay here. I...I'm gonna go shower. I need you to guard this room. I'm counting on you, okay?" Adrien had said.

Chloe had nodded proudly, then Adrien had run towards his room. Little did Chloe know that Adrien had completely left the house as Chat Noir.

Tikki had flown out of Chloe's bag, "Chloe you need to transform!"

"I will! As soon as Adrien gets back."

"Chloe-" There was a sudden quake, and everything in the room was shaken.

Once the shaking stopped, Tikki looked around and found something strange. A large painting was ajar, like a door.

Tikki flew forward and took a peek. There was a safe behind it.

Unable to contain her curiosity, Tikki flew into the safe and opened it. By now, Chloe noticed and came over. Tikki looked around, but before she investigated the box in the corner, another quake.

Tikki flew to the window and looked out. Meanwhile, Chloe looked in the box and found a book. Opening, she found it was full of superheroes...and a picture of a past Scarlet Lady!

But on the bottom of the page, was written 'Ladybug' in English...That filled Chloe with fury. She had to change it to its proper name. So Chloe did what anyone would do. She took the book and ran. Hurrying to Adrien's room, she hid the book under a pillow where she could get it later. Then Tikki flew in, "Hey...wasn't Adrien supposed to be here?"

Then, Chloe noticed the open window.


...later that day...

"Umm...why is there a book under my pillow?" Adrien asked Plagg. Plagg just shrugged, eating his cheese.

Back to the present day.

Chloe watched them with increasing anger as Lila flirted with Adrien, and while Adrien sat there oblivious.

Then, Lila noticed the book, "Is that a book on...hey, isn't that Scarlet Lady?" She asked, swiping the book from Adrien.

"Umm, ya. I'm really inspired by Paris's superheroes so I'm reading this book on them-"

"Adrien, are you here?" Came a voice. Marinette suddenly appeared. As soon as Adrien spotted Marinette, his face lit up. This was however unnoticed by both Chloe and Lila.

Marinette walked up to Adrien and Lila, "Hi...oh, sorry to interrupt. Nino told me you skipped lunch to study with Lila-"

"Oh ya...that...well, Lila thought that we'd need more time together so she could study better and ask me questions when she needed them, so I just skipped lunch," Adrien said, explaining hurridly.

Marinette smiled, "You're too good, you know what Adrien? Here..." Marinette set down a bag beside him, "You're always getting on me to remember to eat, so I figured it was my turn. I thought you could eat and study. Anyhow, sorry to bug you guys. See you in class later."

Marinette walked out of the library, the door closing softly behind her.

Lila turned to Adrien, "Wow. Talk about the ultimate 'mom' friend. She must get on your nerve. Anyhow, about Scarlet Lady-"

"She's amazing, isn't she?" Adrien sighed in a lovesick way. Lila frowned, thinking he meant Scarlet Lady, but little did she know Adrien wasn't talking about Scarlet Lady. He was talking about the girl with black/blue pigtails.

"Got a little crush on the bug, now do you?"

Adrien snapped back into reality, "What? No way! Scar-I mean, Scarlet Lady is...umm...a superhero! And I'm just a regular person-"

"Why don't we talk after school. I can tell you all about Scarlet Lady. We are best friends!"

"Oh umm...sure? I mean, it can't be for long, I have patrol-homework! I meant homework-"

"Okay... how about an hour or two after school? Let's say five o'clock?"

"Umm, okay."

"Can't wait."

Chloe glared from behind the two. Talk about Scarlet Lady? No way was she going to let that happen. Adrien was hers. He was just being nice...and now, it was up to Chloe to save him...and expose that liar, Sausage Hair!


I screamed with joy into my pillow, then stood and started dancing across the room, giggling with excitement. Then I went back to screaming into my pillow.

Pollen looked at me, distressed, "Whatever is wrong, my queen?"

I stood, and started twirling with my pillow, "Nothing's wrong! Everything's RIGHT!!!"

"What do you mean?"

I stopped, and started giggling again, "Chat Noir called me 'his Purrincess' this afternoon!" I squeezed my pillow at the thought of it, giggling uncontrollably.

Pollen looked at me, confused and bewildered, "But he calls you a different nickname every is this one different? After all, I call you 'my queen' and you never react like this."

I suddenly stopped...she was right, "Oh no ...OH NO OH NO OH NO!!! Pollen I'm an idiot!!! An absolute idiot! Of course, he didn't mean anything by it! OH NO OH NO OH NO!!!! POLLEN I BLUSHED!!! He saw me blush...AND GIGGLE!!!! NO NO NO!!!! He must think I'm a total lamo! Oh Pollen, Pollen, Pollen! I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!!!"

"No! I giggle and blush all the time around Chat Noir! It's no big deal-"

"Oh NO!!!!! You're right! He knows...he knows how I feel...and he doesn't love me back! How can I face him tomorrow? Ugh! Why am I so stupid?!! My life is over! OVER! Minus well buy the coffin now! Oh!" I cried, crumpling into a pile of shame, embarrassment, and all-around distress.

Pollen looked at me in even more distress.

I lied. This is the last interlude...

24 hours later...

"How do you manage them, Tikki? If past Marinettes have been anything like the Marinette I have today, it must have been chaotic. She's either running around the room giggling uncontrollably, sobbing on the floor yelling about what an idiot she is, or making thirty-six fake youtube accounts to dislike a video she hates with a passion....she has two hundred fifty-one accounts!" Pollen sobbed into Tikki.

Tikki meanwhile sighed sadly, "It's wonderful, isn't it? Being Marinette's one constant...*sigh* I'd trade places with you if I could."

Back to the plot

Five minutes later from where we left off

"I can't get my mind off of that Lila girl, Pollen...something about her...I don't know, what do you think?" Marinette asked, perfectly fine, past hysterics forgotten, as she disliked Lila's youtube channel two hundred fifty-one times.

Pollen looked around, as if for help, then shrugged, "Whatever you think, my queen."

"Oh...okay-" Marinette's phone buzzed. It was Adrien. 

It read: Hey Lila, I'm gonna be late meeting you at the park to talk...but I should be there soon. -Adrien

I frowned...Adrien meeting Lila at the park...I didn't like that. Then my phone beeped again.

Oops! Sorry, Mari. Wrong number.

I quickly texted back, No prob, don't worry about it.


Micah stood beside the Lady in Purple, "And we need to steal the book why exactly?"

"Because Master Fu needs it, and in the correct version of the universe, Marinette steals it to give to him-" The Lady in Purple explained.

"Mari? Steal? Mari?" Micah asked, amazed.

"Yes, now hush!"

Lila dumped the book she'd been reading into a trash can as Adrien suddenly walked up.

"Now's our chance! You're invisible to everyone, why don't you go grab the book?"

"Because as soon as I touch an object from this version of the universe, I become part of this version, and thus become visible, we'll wait. Our chance is on its way."

Adrien sat, and the two began talking, Lila eventually grabbing out a necklace and showing it to Adrien.

"Isn't that the fox miraculous?" Micah asked.

"No, it's a fake Lila had made from one of the pictures in that book."

"How do you know all this?"

"Because it was supposed to happen yesterday. I stepped into the alternate universe this morning and read the I read Marinette's diary-"

"You read my cousin's diary?"

"Yes, now SHHH."

They watched the two teenagers for a moment, then the Lady and Purple spoke, "Here comes our three...Two... One."

Scarlet Lady yoyoed down in front of Lila and Adrien. She began speaking angrily. The Lady in Purple made her move. With the stealth of a bat, she ran towards the trash can. She grabbed a book and tossed it to an awaiting Micah. Thankfully, the three teens were too busy to notice.

Micah looked down at the book in his had the same symbol as the miracle box.

" we need to get out of here...and you'd better call you cousin," The Lady in Purple ordered.


"Because she's about to fight the toughest Akuma seen in Paris yet."


"Volpina, you have been cruelly wronged. I give you these powers to get revenge on the ones who have wronged you. All I ask for in return are-"

"The miraculouses. I will do as you say HawkMoth."

DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNNN...hope you guys are enjoying...and if you think this cliffhanger is bad, y'all ain't prepared for what's coming next...hehehehehehehe

Also, I would like to note, that at the time this chapter was published, this story has 99 votes...who's gonna be the 100th? Comment if it's you! Actually, if you vote on this story while it's still in the first ten on the hundred (So like, from 100-110) comment! Thx for reading!

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