Chapter 22

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Hey guys...sorry it's taken me so long to post this chapter. I've been going through some serious writer's block with this book. If you guys have any suggestions on what you want to happen-even super crazy ideas- please text/message/email (What the heck is it called?) them, or just comment. Thx so much! You guys are so crazy awesome! Happy (Very late) Holidays! 

"I think Paris is the most beautiful place in the world at Christmas time, don't you Adrien?" I asked.

He smiled, "Ya...My mom loved Christmas. We always have a giant tree with hundreds of ornaments, and we put up the Christmas lights ourselves! It's a lot of fun. Then, we would go shopping for everyone...Nathalie, my bodyguard, Father, and for my Mother...even though she always knew what she was getting from me."

I smiled. Adrien had been acting a lot less shy around me lately. We arrived at his house, and got out of the car. We walked in together, than Nathalie swept me to Mr. Agreste's office.

Inside, it was the same as always. Perfectly organized, colorless, and brightly lit. Mr. Agreste stood in his usual spot. Staring at the painting of his wife.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Agreste," I said cheerfully, sitting at my desk. I took out my sketchbook, and started working, touching up some of my designs that I'd been assigned last week.

After a few minutes, Mr. Agreste walked over, and took my book from me, turning through the most recent pages, "You seem to have holidays on the brain, Miss Dupain-Cheng."

"You said 'seasonal scarves, mittens, and dress coats', Mr. Agreste," I said with a smile, "Holidays must have gotten folded into the 'seasonal' section."

Mr. Agreste gave a sort of smile, "I suppose it did...perhaps this is a good thing...This" he pointed to a design with a forestry green long sleeved shirt, with a red and black flannel shirt tied around the waist. It was paired with blue jeans, ankle high black boots, and a black scarf with red and green accents.

Plus, on the head, there was the faint outline of a cat eared headband (I'd had Chat Noir on the brain-like I normally did-when I was drawing the design)

"I like this outfit especially...I also want the one you showed me a little while ago...the dress," Mr. Agreste explained.

"The cream, or the gray?"

"Hmm...both. I also want a pair of boots for each. Knee high for the grey, ankle for the cream...and put heels on them."

"Heels for both, or just the cream?"

"I was thinking just the cream..."

"I think heels on both would be advisable...I mean, what girl doesn't like heels?" I shrugged.

"Very impractical."

"Unless you're a girl trying to catch the attention of a certain boy...and sometimes, you just need a little height to get him to notice least, from my experience, being a teenage girl and all," I explained, thinking to the heels of my Marigold boots.

"...You make a compelling argument, Miss Dupain-Cheng...heels it is. Have them ready by tomorrow...we'll plan the fashion show for next Saturday-"

"What will you be displaying?" I asked, curious.

"Your work."

I nodded, and looked down at my sketches. Then my head shot up, "Did you just say what I think-"

"I did."

"M-M-M-My work?" I stuttered, amazed.


"M-M-M-My work? Mine?" I asked again.

"I've already told you twice, Miss Dupain-Cheng."

"Oh...oh...OH! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I bounced up and down, running to hug Mr. Agreste. However, he stopped me with a look, and simply held out his hand.

I shook it eagerly.

Suddenly, I heard Christmas music playing from outside the room. Mr. Agreste looked towards the door, "I believe my son and my staff are decorating for Christmas...why don't you join them, Miss Dupain-Cheng?"

I smiled, "Are you sure you won't need my help today?"

"Yes. Now go."

I started towards the door, then stopped, "Are you going to come?"

"No. I'm far too busy," Mr. Agreste explained.

"It's a good time to spend time with Adrien...and it couldn't take more than an hour," I shrugged.

"An hour is precious."

"Yes, but who is it more precious to? An hour with Adrien could make him smile for days. An hour of work could add to the giant pile of money he already has...and doesn't necessarily want."

"I spend plenty of time with my son."

"I'm not saying you don't...I'm just saying that Adrien would really appreciate decorating with him...he said he and his mom used to do it, but that can't happen anymore. Maybe you could help him transition into a Christmas without his mother."

"He'll transition fine."

"...No. He won't. Mr. Agreste...Adrien misses his mother a lot, but he also misses you. Just put a few ornaments on the Christmas tree."

"I am far too busy to be decorating some silly tree."

"It's not a silly tree to Adrien. Love means making time for your family. Sacrificing for them."


Who did this girl think she was?

"And what do you know of sacrifice, Miss Dupain-Cheng?" I asked, coldly.

She looked into my eyes, "A lot more than you would guess, Mr. Agreste."

What could a highschooler possibly know about sacrifice?  Yet, when I looked into her eyes there was something...Yes, this girl was sacrificing.

I just didn't see the entire story. 


"What did you do? I can't believe my Father decorated the entire house with us! Even back when mom was around, he never did that much," Adrien marveled.

I smiled, packing up my bag, "Nothing, it was all you Adrien. Your father really loves you."

Adrien smiled, "I know he does...anyhow, I'll see you tomorrow Marinette."

I waved, walking out of the room, "See you!"

Adrien's bodyguard drove me home and as soon as I stepped out of the car, and ran up to my house.

I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek, and ruffled Micah's hair when I walked into the living room.

"Hello sweetie, good day today?"

"The best!"

"I'm glad."

I went to the kitchen, and fixed two plates of food, some croissants, and even a few cookies.

"Whoa, you gonna feed a small army, Mari?" Micah teased.

"Nope...I'm, uh, just really hungry. Like, so hungry you wouldn't believe. Like, I could eat an entire...ya. Hungry," I stammered, then hurried up to my room.

I took out a picnic basket, and wrapped the food up and placed it inside. Then, I opened a jar of honey, giving Pollen some to eat. (plus a few lemon-honey macaroons)

I packed a large picnic blanket inside the basket, and tied it all with a ribbon.

"Ready, My Queen?" Pollen asked, the honey filling her with energy.

"Pollen, Buzz on!"

Now Marigold, I picked up the basket, and threw my magic top towards the nearest Starbucks.

I walked inside, much to the amazement of the customers and workers. I smiled politely, "Hey...umm, can I get two peppermint frappuccinos... extra whipped cream... like a LOT extra?"

After a moment, I was holding a cup holder, and my basket, and on my way to Notre Dame.

Chat Noir wasn't here yet, so I sat down. Spreading the blanket out, I moved onto it, and took out the dinner plates. Without really thinking, I started humming, "Little Lady on the roof, all alone without her kitty..."

"Hey, that's my song," Came a voice.

I looked up, where Chat Noir stood directly above me, "Our song."

Chat smiled, "Our song."




"Liquid happiness!"

We started eating, looking out over Paris. I leaned into Chat Noir, gently flicking his bell to make it jingle.

"Jingle bells..." he started singing.

"HawkMoth smells," I interrupted, still singing.

Chat laughed, "Plagg ate all the cheese!"

"Chat it hawt."

"Scar is not."

"Miraculous all the way, HEY!" We sang together, laughing.

(Sorry guys...I saw this meme, and I couldn't resist!)


Alya walked into school dazed. I watched with Plagg (and a satisfied smile) as Nino ran up, " good Als?"

Alya stared at him blankly. Then grabbed his hands, screaming with joy and jumping around, "I'm getting it! An interview! With Chat Noir and Marigold! Tomorrow! NO ONE'S EVER GOTTEN AN INTERVIEW WITH THEM! Scarlet Lady? Yes. But she's old news! She practically has to beg people to interview her now! Chat Noir shows up a lot, and we know some about him...BUT MARIGOLD?!?! NOTHING! We know she's a hero. She has the Bee miraculous, she's a girl AND THAT'S IT! For all we know, she could be a hundred years old! Her hair could be BLUE!"

I smirked at the thought. Marigold? Having blue hair? Suddenly, Marinette walked over.

Alya practically tackled her in a giant hug. As she hurriedly explained all that had happened, I watched Marinette's face...and to my surprise, she was wearing the same self satisfied smirk as me...weird.

I walked over, Plagg hiding in my bag, "Hey guys-"

"I'M SO HAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPYYYYYY!!!!!!! My dream is coming true!" Alya sang.

I smiled, "Not just your dream...has Mari told you about her fashion line yet?"

Alya dropped her smile, and turned towards Marinette, "What."

"Oh's not really a big deal...I mean, Mr. Agreste just...well... HE'S HAVING MY DESIGNS MADE AND SCHEDULED AN ENTIRE FASHION SHOW FOR FOR SOME OF THEM AND I'VE BEEN KINDA FREAKING OUT!" She exclaimed.


Me and Nino exchanged a look that said, 'those two are WaCkO'.

Suddenly, the first warning bell rang. Alya dragged Marinette off someplace, promising to meet us up later. So me and Nino walked towards the class.

I smiled, "So...have you told Alya yet?"

Nino blushed, "Shh! Keep it down man..."

"That's a 'no'."

"I'll do it, I'll do it...sometime."

"Oh, come on Nino. All you have to do is say, 'Hey Alya. I was wondering if you'd like to catch a movie together. Like a date.' easy as pie. Just be yourself, man," I said confidently.

"Ya, maybe if I could be yourself...I'm not the supermodel with the charming polite attitude. The one who makes every girl in sight swoon," Nino said glumly.

I shrugged, "We both know that's not true..."

"Speaking of making girls swoon...who's the secret girlfriend?"

I stopped in my tracks, "W-what do you mean?"

"Come on dude. You and I both know your going out with some chic."

"I-I...How'd you guess?"

"I know when my dude is digging on a dudette! Besides, you've been a little distant lately...smiling for no reason, humming some kind of song-"

I suddenly remembered what Marigold had said last night... "our song" and I smiled.

"You're doing it now! Come on, dude. Spill," Nino pressed.

I blushed, "Y-You don't really know her."

"Who? Is it Marinette? Whatever happened with her? You've stopped going all crazy when you talk to her."

I shook my head, "No...I guess I realized that me and Marinette just aren't meant to be...and that the one I really love has been under my nose the entire time," I shrugged.

Nino froze. Then, "OH MY GOSH! It's Kagami, isn't it?"


"It IS Kagami!"

"N-No! It's not Kagami. We're just friends, Nino."

"Famous last words, dude. That's what they ALL"

"NINO! It. Is. NOT. Kagami."


"Listen, the girl is someone you don't really know, and I can't tell her because I don't even really know who she is," I explained.

"...OHHhhhhh! I gotcha! It's like one of those secret texting things...but if I kinda know her, that means she must be some sort of DJ or gamer...someone who doesn't use their real name...Wait! I got it. You're dating Scarlet Lady! No, Marigold!"

I froze in could he have figured it out-

"Your face is priceless! Relax my dude, I'm just joking. Like anyone could actually date a superhero," Nino laughed.

I relaxed, "Y-Ya...crazy, right? You got me, Nino...I guess I shouldn't take everything so-"

The last warning bell rang.

Me and Nino hurried to class. When we got in, Marinette and Alya were already there. Marinette's face was bright red. I noticed Alya was holding a rose, and waving it around.

"Boys! You won't believe it. Mari's got a secret boyfriend!" She exclaimed.

"No way! Adrien too!" Nino exclaimed.

Me and Marinette shot matching glares at our best friends, then we said at the exact same time,

"So what? Nino likes Alya!"

"And? I mean, Alya likes Nino!"

Suddenly, we all shut up. Me and Marinette looking at each other, our eyes wide with realizing what we'd just said.

Alya and Nino suddenly went very red. Then, Marinette stood, plucked the rose from Alya's hand, and sat in Nino's seat. Before Nino could take mine, and rushed to it beside Marinette.

So Alya and Nino were forced to sit next to each other...and also got assigned as project partners...and were forced to give a presentation together. All while turning bright red if they spoke at the same time, or so much as brushed the other's hand accidentally.

It was very amusing, but led to much scolding after school...for both me, and Mari.


"Hello, milady!" Chat called brightly.

I ran into his arms, hugging him tightly, "Miss me?"

He nodded into my hair, ", I brought you something," he pulled out a gorgeous red rose with a black ribbon tied around the stem.

I smiled, taking it gently, "This is the tenth rose this room is going to be knee deep in roses soon," I giggled.

Chat smiled brightly, his ears perked, "You keep them?"

"Every single one. And I always carry the most recent one you gave me around. That way if I'm ever feeling down, I can just look at it, and know you're always here for me," I explained, blushing.

"You are the cutest thing."

I giggled, and took off the black ribbon, then gently slid the rose into my magical top-purse.

I reached up, and pulled one of the yellow ribbons out of my hair. Then, I put in the black one, "Shh...don't tell anyone I'm not matching," I whispered.

Chat Noir laughed.

We jumped onto the street, and began walking towards our destination, "So...have you heard from Scar recently?" I asked.

"Nope, but not that I've really tried. But what I'm more worried about is HawkMoth. No akumas. The city's been perfectly safe. I wonder why..."

...In the very evil, very scary liar of the very evily scary HawkMoth...

"Seriously? Not a SINGLE negative emotion? What is going on?!?" HawkMoth complained.

...Chloe's room...

"I-I-It's *ACHOO* N-Not fair! I thought only poor people got sick," Chloe complained as Tikki handed her another tissue.

...back on the streets of Paris...

"So...I was'd you like to have our first official date? You know the landing with the fountains beside the Eiffel Tower? Well, an open event is going to be held there...dancing. Wanna go with me?"

I smiled, taking Chat Noir's hand, "I-I'd love to...when is it?"

"One week. I'll meet you at 8 o'clock on top of Notre Dame," He explained.

"Okay. Sounds perfect..." Then I frowned, knowing what was coming next.

"You mean purrfect?"


He just laughed.


We walked into the studio. Marigold had let go of my hand, and took the lead towards the couch opposite from where Alya sat

I sat next to Marigold on the couch.

"Okay..." Alya said, once she had her phone videotaping.

"Hey peeps! It's your girl, Alya. Welcome to the very first ever blog on the SuperBlog (Still working on a better name). For my first video, I have a never before seen event. AN INTERVIEW with CHAT NOIR and MARIGOLD! Welcome guys. Thanks for coming."

I looked down at Marigold as she looked up at me, "Thanks for having us, Alya," I said cooly, turning back to Alya.

"Alright, as you may know, I recently had a survey. From it, I extracted a ton of questions from your fans! These, along with some of my own, will be the ones we use."

"Sounds good," I smiled. Marigold smiled. Out of view from Alya and the camera, Marigold grabbed my hand...her's was shaking. She must be nervous... I gave her a reassuring squeeze.

"Alright...first question is from Josie13. She asked, 'How do you become a superhero?'"

I glanced at Marigold. She gave me a look, and I looked back at Alya, "when you're given a miraculous, it enables certain people to become superheroes."

Alya nodded, smiling, "Here's a question for Chat Noir... T00L8 asked, 'between Marigold and Scarlet Lady, who's the better to work with?"

Easy, "Marigold. She's the perfect sidekick, always there to help, ready for action, and to laugh at my amazing puns."

Marigold snorted and said quietly, "You mean roll my eyes at your awful puns."

"Speaking of sidekicks, I have a question for Marigold. What makes you Chat Noir's sidekick while Scarlet Lady is his partner?"

I was afraid Marigold wasn't going to answer, but to my surprise she answered confidently, "The miraculouses. The ladybug and black cat miraculous are kinda like a pair. Plus they're stronger than the miraculouses. Normally, I would just be a teammate, while Chat is the leader, and Scar the second in command...but since Scar doesn't really...umm...she doesn't... well, she's not around often, it's more me and Chat. And since I'm not as powerful as him, it makes sense that I'm his sidekick."

"Did I hear you call Scarlet Lady, Scar?"

I answered for Marigold, "Ya. We call her Scar. I mean, saying 'Scarlet Lady' all the time is kinda hard. So we shortened it to 'Scar'. Plus, we call her Scar because she's a-"

Marigold suddenly elbowed me, "Chat..."

I shot her a mischievous smiled, squeezing her hand.

She looked like she wanted to reprimand me, but then Alya asked, "ElChurro23 has a question for...Chat Noir. So, we all know that you superheros can be akumatized now...but what are the chances? Is it possible Marigold could be akumatized?"

I shook my head rapidly, "Okay, one... ElChurro23 I LOVE YOUR NAME! Two, out of every person in this city, I think Marigold is the least likely to be akumatized. Nope. I can't imagine it."

Alya smiled, "Question for Marigold...tellmeicantdothis wants to know, 'Where did K9 come from?'"

"When Chat Noir was akumatized, and Scarlet Lady had been turned to stone, I knew I was going to need help. So, the dog miraculous was granted to a loyal person with a good heart. K9 was a strong ally, and even if I hope things never get dire enough to call on him, I wouldn't mind working with him again. Of course, he had to return the miraculous once Cassé Chat was defeated."

Alya nodded. She asked us a few more questions-me answering all of them- when I suddenly felt a weight on my side. I glanced down at Marigold. She was leaning into me, looking tired. But when I looked back at Alya, it looked like she was just warming up.

"Do you have a favorite akumatized villain, Chat Noir?" Alya asked me.

"Umm..." I shifted so my arm was around Marigold, "I really liked the 'Mother-May-I' akuma. She granted some kid's wish to turn the clouds to cotton candy. Then, Mother-May-I threw me into the air, and I got a face full of cotton candy."

Alya laughed, "Wow. Quite a day...Oh! I have something for you two...umm...let me grab it," Alya suddenly said, turning to open her bag from behind the couch.

With her back turned, I looked at Marigold. She was asleep, "You good?" I whispered, gently shaking her.

She yawned silently, eyes opening. She smiled and spoke in a sleepy haze, "You look like a duck."

I smiled, "But a cute one," I whispered.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself..." Marigold yawned. I kissed her head, and tried to get her to sit up more...we were gonna have to wrap this up soon.

"Don't fall asleep, mon amour..."

Marigold giggled, still in a sleepy haze.


"You called me, 'my love'," She whispered, still giggling.

Marigold sat up, though still sleepy, just as Alya turned around.

"Here we are..." She gave me and Marigold a picture frame.

"A fan made this for you, and asked that I'd give it to you if I saw you guys..." Alya explained.

Marigold turned over the frame. We smiled together. It was a picture of both of us, looking over Paris from the Eiffel Tower. It was a beautiful.

"Thank you," Marigold said smiling.

Her eyelids were still heavy.

I pretended to look at a watch, "Oops! Well look at that, we're out of time. Thanks so much Alya for this amazing chance to chat."

Marigold and I stood, "Thanks so much for joining me today. And on behalf of every citizen of Paris, thank you for every sacrifice you make."

Marigold stepped forward and hugged Alya, "Thank you, Alya."

Then, we left the building, not stopping till we reached the Eiffel Tower.

Marigold yawned, "Good night, Kitty."

I came and gave her a hug, "Goodnight, Beegirl."

She stepped back, and threw her top. Just before she jumped away though, she said, "I veto that nickname!"

I just laughed. And then she was gone.


"MARINETTTTTTEEEEEE!" Alya screamed at the phone.

I blinked my eyes open at the screen, "Alya, it's 5 am, and we have school tomorrow, er, today. What could possibly be so impor-"

"Check the HCNB!"

"...Alya, what the heck is the ABC or whatever you just said?"

"The Hero's Corner, or more precisely, the Hero's Corner News Blog! It's the new name of my blog...I mean, SuperBlog was just cringy! Hero's Corner is a much better name! Chat Noir himself came up with it!"

"Of course he did..." I murmured, softly.

"Are you checking it?" Alya asked, impatiently.



So I dragged my tired body out of bed and flopped onto my computer chair. The first video that popped up on Alya's new blog was the interview of me and Chat Noir.

"So it's the interview..."

"Keep scrolling," Alya ordered.

I did as she asked, and then my eyes popped fully open. There was a second video, and this one was titled, 'Marigold+Chat Noir; Paris's ultimate 'super' couple!'


"I know! But it's true! I have video proof!" Alya exclaimed, obviously pleased and excited with herself. I clicked on the video and it immediately began playing photage of me and Chat Noir. Us laughing together, drinking coffee together, saving the day together, and throughout, Alya explained our 'love story'...and the scary thing was, she was pretty dang accurate.

"And finally, the biggest proof of all. I don't know if you saw my first video, the Marigold and Chat Noir interview, but during that time, there was some photage I took off...actually, this happened when my back was turned, so I didn't see this till I went through my video...I give you, Marichat, or Chatgold (Whichever you prefer) in action!" The video of Alya explained.

There is and Chat, when I was falling asleep on the couch.

"WAIT. I said-I mean, Marigold said that Chat Noir looked like a dUcK!?!" I exclaimed.

"Yup! And it only gets better! I cannot wait until everyone gets a load of this video! Paris is gonna freak out! My blog is gonna go viral!!!!" Alya said happily.

I just stared at my computer screen...the cat was really out of the bag...what were we gonna do?

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