Chapter 25

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I watched with red hot fury as that...that... STUPID MOLERAT kissed that IDIOTIC CAT! And then, Chloe did a step worse, she revealed herself to the world! Idiots! I'm surrounded by idiots!

I ran from the runway and slipped into my trailer.

Gently brushing over the miraculous at the back of my skull, I whispered, "Arcaa, aperire buxum!" I was immediately changed back to my normal, older, appearance. With the power of my miraculous soaring through my veins, I whispered, 'invisibilia' and was immediately invisible. Then, I ran from my trailer and to where Marinette stood... or, sat. She hadn't moved. She seemed frozen in time.

"Marinette..." I whispered into her hair.

She didn't move.

"Marinette," I said with a bit more force.

Still nothing.

Finally, I yanked her up, but her knees immediately collapsed.

I groaned, "Pandora... the messes you have to fix."

So I slid an arm under her arms and began to drag her forward. I tried to make it look like Marinette was walking on her own accord, but I could tell I wasn't doing the greatest job.

Thankfully, everyone was so busy watching and obsessing over Chat and Scar, they didn't even give her a second glance.

Eventually, I got Marinette out of the building and began to drag her to a water fountain. Hoping this would work, I dropped her in.

Immediately, she let out a sharp yelp, and, "MY DRESS!!!"

I half-smiled. Leave it to Marinette to be more concerned with fashion than her own well being.

She jumped out of the fountain, shivering from the crisp Parisian winter air.

"videre mihi," I commanded my miraculous, and then I was visible.

"P-Pandora?" Marinette chattered.

I flashed her a smile, "Come on Marinette. We have so much to do, and so little time," I explained.

"B-But Chat Noir-"

"Is an ugly *******."

Marinette's eyes widened at my language... I had no regrets. Chat Noir really was one.

Anyhow, I dragged the half-frozen, heartbroken, confused superhero through the city till we finally came to our destination.

"The Eiffel Tower? Again?" Marinette asked, sniffling.

"Of course! It was one of my better architectural monuments... but we're not here to see how amazing my architectural skills are... there's something we need there," I explained.

I bent down so Marinette could climb on my back, then I jumped from beam to beam of the great tower till I reached the top.

I set Marinette down on a beam, then went searching.

"What are you doing?" Marinette asked.

I could tell she was trying to get her mind off Chat Noir... she knew how important it was to stay positive... Marinette getting akumatized could-and would-be an absolute disaster.

"Something I hid here a little while back..." I explained.

"How long ago?"

"Oh, only a hundred years or so."

"Wait, what? You're a hundred years old?" Marinette asked, eyes wide.

I flashed a grin, "Marinette, a lady never reveals her true age!"

Marinette actually managed to give me a little smile, "So that's a yes?"

But I shook my head, "Nope... I'm older... around five thousand...aha!" I pulled out a little box that had been wedged into the tower.

I jumped down beside Marinette and opened the box. Inside was a bright white orb.

"What is-"

"No more questions... come on," I told her.

We stood at the edge of the tower, looking down, "Ready to jump, sweetie?"

"Why... I mean, sure... okay, I guess."

Not really sure what else to say. We jumped off the tower, I crushed the orb in my hand, and-



"Ow!" I exclaimed, rubbing my back. We fell hard off the tower, and were now...whoa...

"Welcome home!" Pandora exclaimed.


"Marinette!" Came a voice. I turned and was immediately tackled by a girl who looked about nine or ten. She had long fox ears, amber-colored hair, bright purple eyes, and was dressed in a white shirt with orange and brown camo pants.

The little girl suddenly stepped back from me, "Wait... you're not dead yet."

My eyes widened in alarm, "What?"

"I... umm..." The little girl staggered, obviously not knowing what to do.

Thankfully, Pandora came in and saved the day, "Marinette... we have a lot to talk about, but first I want to take you somewhere."

We walked through the garden. It was full of beautiful plants, all glowing in the dark with neon colors. Wherever I stepped, the grass illuminated my footsteps.

It was like magic.

"Where are we Pandora?"

"It has many names. Some call it the Miracle Box, others call it the Home of the Kwamis. But we call it by what it is. The waiting place of the original guardians."

"Waiting place?"

"Where every Ladybug and Chat Noir wait to take a new form."


But Pandora would say no more.

Finally, we came to a large tree. Well, two large trees. One's trunk was pure white with silver leaves, the other was black with golden leaves. The trees were wrapped tightly around each other and gave the impression of one.

Instead of fruit, these trees grew orbs that were a light blue but looked more like clear glass.

"This is the," Then Pandora spoke a beautiful word, but I couldn't remember it, or even bother to pronounce it for the life of me, "It's also been called 'the Guardian'. This tree... well, the black and gold one, was once a man... he, and his best friend, the white and silver tree, made the miraculouses... but things went wrong. The miraculouses were made to help people, but some used them to hurt. The Guardians feared that once they died, the world would break out into war for the miraculouses. So they made a plan," Pandora's eyes seemed to glaze over, "Marinette... take one of the orbs from the tree."

I looked over at her, but she didn't meet my eyes. Obeying her, I reached for an orb and plucked it from the tree. Immediately, it popped, and I was taken far, far away.


"Puella... are you sure?" The boy asked.

"We have no choice, Puer... I know you didn't want to get them involved, but we have no choice. We've made something we cannot destroy... now, we must make our guardians... and they will be magnificent," The girl, Puella, replied.

She took Puer's hand and smiled sadly.

Suddenly, the doors opened, and a procession of people stood, single file, just outside.

The first two walked forward and knelt. Puella's voice caught in her throat, "Amica... Filia..."

The girl with chestnut hair looked up, and smiled, "If I can help you, Puella, then I will."

Puella nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek, "You're aware of the sacrifice-"

"Yes... do it," Said the other. She couldn't be older than 10.

Puer stepped forward. He held a simple chain with a silver pendant.

The younger girl, Filia, stood. She bowed her head so it touched the pendant, "vulpes magicae," She whispered.

The other girl, Amica, stood and with Filia's head still touching the pendant, she placed the necklace around her neck, 'Volpina... Trixx."

Suddenly, colored filled the room.

The sound of a body hitting the ground.

And finally, the color dimmed...

Filia lay on the ground. All the color seemed to be drained from her.

Despite knowing this was going to happen, Puella gasped, tears starting to blur her vision. The pendant around Amica's neck was now colored orange and white... and in her arms, Amica held a girl about ten years old. This girl's skin was a sun-deprived pale. Her hair was cut to her shoulders and was bright orange, the ends seemingly dipped in white. She was wrapped up in orange and white robes... but most obviously, was instead of normal ears, she had a pair of large fox ears on her head. After further observation, they found she also had a bushy foxtail.

Suddenly, the girl in Amica's arms let out a groan, and raised her head, her eyes fully open. A bright purple stare met the three friends... The girl looked down at herself, then at the body on the floor.

"I..." The girl started. Then, a hard look came into her eyes. She jumped out of Amica's arms, "I am Trixx, kwami of the fox miraculous. I'm ready to serve, master," She said, bowing to Amica.

Amica looked softly at Trixx, the girl who was once her sweet little Filia. And she spoke, "I am now Alya... and together, we will be Volpina."

Trixx nodded, "Let's Pounce."

"Trixx, let's pounce!" Orange light suddenly filled the room. When it dimmed, a warrior stood there. Orange and white robes encased her body, ending at the knees where black boots took over. Alya's chestnut hair was now a dark brown, the tips turned orange. Black cuffs were on her arms, a flute on her back. Fox ears were connected to a piece of cloth that wound around her head, the cloth coming over her nose, hiding half of her face from view.

Puella and Puer watched as Volpina came to the back of the room to stand beside two thrones.

Puella was shaking... it was done. Now, Amica-no, Alya would be reborn life after life as the one true holder of the fox miraculous... and Filia... Filia was now Trixx, the ultimate keeper of the fox miraculous... and the ultimate servant of its holder.

Then, two others came in.

So Puella and Puer prepared themselves again. This time, Puer held a comb.


I was suddenly back in the garden, Pandora still beside me, "Take another..."

And so, I did.


"Nectar... Nectar, please don't die. Please..." Begged a girl. She had honey gold hair that fell in perfect ringlets.

In her hands, she held a black and yellow kwami... her kwami.

A girl and a boy suddenly ran in. One was dressed in red and black, the other green and black.

Light-filled the air, and creatures suddenly were floating beside their owners, "Nectar!" They exclaimed.

The kwami looked up at her friends, "Hello... Puella...Puer..."

Despite the circumstances, the red and black kwami smiled a little, "You never could get it through your thick head that we'd changed our names..."


"Plagg, we need to cure her."

"Of course we do, sugar cube!"


"I have no idea! I...I...I..."

"It's okay Puer... no one can cure me now... we need someone to take on my mantel as kwami..."

"I'll do it," Came a small voice.

Everyones's heads whipped to the girl with golden ringlets... the owner of the Bee miraculous.

"No, you can't-"

"I must... it doesn't really matter who holds the bee miraculous, as long as they're pure of heart... but being the kwami... that's much more important... you can find someone else," The girl explained.


"No! I... I've made up my mind!" Then before anyone could stop her, she said, "Nectar, stripes switch!" A woman suddenly lay on the ground. She wore a golden dress with black stripes. A set of wings were on her back, and antennas came from her head.

Zoe ripped off her miraculous, and put it in Nectar's hair, and spoke, "magicae apes," Her head bent to the miraculous.

"Zoe, NO!" Tikki screamed.

Then, Nectar spoke, "Queen Bee... Pollen."

A blinding flash of light and three girls lay on the ground. Zoe's body, Nectar-now fully human- and a new girl... Pollen.

Nectar managed to sit up slightly, and whisper, "I am... Thalia," Before she collapsed to the ground.

Thalia died that night, and so Pollen was left without an owner... and even when Thalia was reborn, she was always damaged. Sometimes she was born crippled, other times deaf, once and again, she was blind... but when she merged with her miraculous, she became whole.


"Marinette..." Pandora said softly, shaking me, "Take one more..."


"Marinette!" Pandora yelled, dumping water on me.

My eyes were wide with what I'd just witnessed.

"I...I... wow..."

"Now that you understand how the kwamis and owners were chosen... and other things...we need to get to work... Marinette, do you know what wee have to do?"

I stood, shaking a little, "I... I think so... you... you want me to take back the Ladybug miraculous from Chloe... and fulfill my destiny... to restore the balance of the universe... you want me to find Thalia."

Pandora smiled and held out her hand.

I took it, and suddenly, we were falling through the Parisian sky, "Pollen, buzz on!"

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