Chapter 29 pt. 1

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Something bad is coming...

It was time. I stood on the roof of the Bourgeois's grand hotel. Thalia was next to me, now transformed into the beautiful HoneyComb. Micah was also next to me, but not as K9. Now, he wielded the seal miraculous and went by Selkie. Pandora was around somewhere but had already gone invisible.

"HoneyComb, you ready?" I whispered.

"Venom," HoneyComb said softly. Her hand suddenly began to glow.


"Shift," Selkie commanded. He suddenly began to glow a sea-sky blue.

Selkie quickly picked me up and with HoneyComb close behind, we jumped off the roof.

HoneyComb and Selkie landed softly on Chloe's balcony. Selkie set me down, and together we walked to the doors. I tried the door, and finding it unlocked, opened it.

I cringed at the creaking sound it made, but after a pause, I continued inside. A loud snore suddenly sounded in the room.

Chloe was sprawled out on her bed. She had an empty box of chocolates at the bottom of her bed and a box of... cookies from my parents' bakery?

"Looks like not even Chloe can resist a Dupain-Cheng cookie," Selkie whispered.

We crept closer, and closer, and closer. Finally, I was right beside Chloe. A pang of guilt suddenly flashed through me... I couldn't just take her miraculous, could I? It didn't seem right.

"Etta, what are you waiting for?" Selkie hissed.

I clenched my fists and reached for the first earring. Gently, I undid the clasp on the back, and I took out the first earring.

I stared at it... this was mine. It was always supposed to be.

"We're gonna have to turn her onto her other side," I whispered.

Thalia wrinkled her nose, then took position on the other side of the bed. I gently grabbed Chloe's arms and pulled while Thalia used her non-powered up arm to pushed.

Chloe flopped onto her stomach, letting out another snore.

I could reach her earring now. I gently leaned forward and unclasped it. But just as I pulled it out of her ear, a voice called, "M-Marigold? What are you doing?"

I whipped around earring in hand and stared wide-eyed at Chat Noir.

HoneyComb wasted no time. She ran forward and laid her hand on Chat Noir's cheek. Immediately, he was immobilized.

"Kitten," Selkie whispered, pointing at Chat Noir. Blue light flashed out of him for a second, hitting Chat Noir. Suddenly, the blue light consumed him, and in his place stood a small black kitten, still immobilized.

"Grab the cat and run!" I whispered.

Chloe moaned in her sleep, repositioning herself.

"We gotta go, Etta!"

"Where's Tikki?" I asked, frantic and panicked.

I began searching for her. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder... a tiny one, "Ma...Marinette?"

I turned around to see a small, floating, red with black spots, blue eyes kwami.

"Tikki," I whispered.

I gently scooped her into my hands, and ran towards Selkie, "I'll explain later, Tikki. I promise."

Selkie scooped me up, and we ran after HoneyComb into the light. As soon as we were outside, the door closed behind us, and a floating head appeared, "Let's go," Ordered Pandora, the floating head.

She then disappeared again.

Selkie jumped off Chloe's balcony, and a top string wrapped around his waist. In a moment, we were flung up to the roof with HoneyComb sat.

"We did it!" She exclaimed, smiling.

"Yes... now we have to deal with the aftermath," Pandora replied, "I'll wipe Chloe's memory of anything having to do with Scarlet Lady and replace it with memories of Ladybug."

"Alright... But what do we do with him?" HoneyComb nodded at Chat, scowling. She really didn't like him.

"I want to talk to him," I replied.

"What?" My three companions all asked at once.

"Pandora, how much of a burden would it be to get me to the other universe so I can talk with Chat?"

"I... None. Though I do not like this plan," Pandora said.

I shrugged, "Fine then. Let's head to the Eiffel Tower."


I unfroze first, and blinked my eyes... where was-HOLY WHAT!?! I WAS A CAT! WHAT DID I MIIIiiiissssssss.

Suddenly, I found myself on all fours. I looked around, and wiggled my fingers... I guess I was back.

Someone cleared their throat. I turned around and found a figure sitting above me on a metal beam, "Hello, Chat Noir."

"Oh good. It's just you, Marigold," I sighed with relief.

"Yes. Just me," Her words were icy.

"No! I didn't mean it like-"

"I don't care what you meant, Chat Noir," She spat.

I winced. Margold jumped to another beam, though she was still hidden by darkness.

"What were you doing at Chloe's?" I asked.

"Getting back what was mine."

I suddenly paled, "You didn't hurt her because of me, did-"

"Don't flatter yourself Chat Noir," Then, her voice became softer and less hateful, "I've already let you go."

I felt a stone drop to the bottom of my gut, "Marigo-"

"DON'T," She started loudly, but then calmed down, "Call me that. I'm not Marigold anymore... and I never will be again. I've given her up, just like I've given you up."

"If you weren't getting revenge on Chloe, then what were you doing?" I asked, trying to pretend her last words didn't hurt as much as they did.

Marigold... or whoever she was now, jumped to another beam, closer to me, "Chloe's miraculous... did you know it was stolen?"

My eyes widened, "Stolen? No, I didn't-"

"I was always supposed to have the ladybug miraculous. I was supposed to be your partner, not your cute little sideshow... but I guess I'm kinda glad it worked out as it did. Now I know what you're really like."

"I know I did wrong, I know I-"

"Please don't, Chat Noir. I'm too tired to hear your excuses. I came here to make things right with you... and I haven't started off very well," The girl who was once my Marigold jumped to the ground... and stepped into the light. I gaped at her. A skin-tight red suit was in place of her yellow and back one, with black spots. Her hair was still in pigtails, but with red instead of yellow. A mask covered her identity, and a yoyo was strapped at her waist.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" The superhero asked, "her name is Ladybug... and she's the one who'll protect Paris now, with her team."


"Look," Ladybug nodded. She walked past me to the railing where a lantern hung. I joined her and looked out onto the city. Then, she stood on the railing, and jumped, using her yoyo to propel her through the air. I followed her, and soon we were racing on the rooftops. I watched Ladybug, admiring her... This was right.

Finally, Ladybug stopped, and looked down at something... or rather, someone.

My eyes widened as I realized... it was me, "Little kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady," The other Chat Noir sang.


"Just watch," She ordered.

So I did. Suddenly, there was a zipping sound, and a girl landed beside Chat Noir. It was Ladybug... er, another Ladybug.

"Hey, bugaboo. What was that sudden call for?" Chat Noir asked as Ladybug sat down next to him.

"I did it," She said softly, then leaned her head on his shoulder as if exhausted.

Chat Noir gave a sort of confused smile, "I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm perfectly fine with it."

Then together, they both looked out to the setting sun.

"That was supposed to be us," I said softly.

"She hasn't figured it out yet...that he'll betray her in the end," Ladybug said softly, as she watched them.

"No! You're wrong. I'm wrong. Everything's wrong! Milady, we can still fix this," I argued.

"No, we can't. Accept it and move on Chat. Some things don't get to be fixed."

"So that's it?"

"What do you mean 'That's it?'!?! You betrayed me for Chloe, or Scarlet Lady, or whatever you call her! She was... I don't even know what to call her. Our lazy team member? The girl we always stood together against?"


"I'm done with this conversation. Let's go home. Pandora! I know you're eavesdropping somewhere!"

Shamelessly, a woman appeared out of thin air. After shooting me a glance, she pulled out a golden rod. She then drew a circle in the air and stepped through, vanishing. Ladybug pushed me in, then followed. I looked around, confused. We were in the exact same place as we were just a second before... except for the fact that the sun wasn't setting here. It was rising.


"Goodbye Chat Noir," She said, then began to walk away.

No! This couldn't be how it ended. I couldn't just let her go. So, I did the only logical thing. I lunged forward, and grabbed her earrings, taking her miraculous from her ears.


Chloe woke with a yawn, then called, "TIKKI! Turn off that stupid alarm clock!"

After a minute, there was no Tikki, and the alarm clock was still ringing.

Chloe grimaced as she reached over to her nightstand and turned it off, "Tikki!" She yelled.

Still nothing.

"Ugh! You insufferable little pipsqueak, why I outta..." Chloe's voice died in her throat. Because when she'd gone to scratch her ear, something happened... or more like, something didn't happen. Her miraculous... she didn't feel it.

She quickly grabbed her phone and turned on selfie mode. Then, she dropped her phone, and felt both her ears, "NOOOOOOOooOOOOooooOO!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Maids and servants suddenly came running into her room, all bombarding her with questions. Was she okay? Did she need more cookies? Was she having a bad dream?

But Chloe only had one thought on her mind. Her earrings were gone. No, not gone. Stolen.

"Marigold..." She growled.

Can I just say THANK YOU! Guys... 8.8k???!?!?!??!??!?! WHAT THE HECK! That's so crazy! Thank you so much for the reads and the support! I love reading your comments, and feedback! Marigold has been so much fun to write, even more so because it's been enjoyed by others. I only have 2-3 more chapters on this, and I'm honestly sad to have it come to a close... though not gonna lie, a little relieved. Having an unfinished story for so long gives me goosebumps (Don't ask. Just me being weird, lol). Anyhow, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for everything!!!! Love you peoplezz so so much!

Chapter 29 pt. 2 coming as soon as the author figures out how the heck she's gonna turn this into an even bigger mess.

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