Chapter 3

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Well...I was going to wait till next week to post this...but eh. I always feel guilty about making people wait. Especially when I already have the chapter written.

"Alya...I really don't think this is a good idea. You saw what Ivan turned into..." I whispered.

We watched as Chat Noir, one of our new superheroes, was thrown to the ground, as he attempted to land a hit on the supervillain.

Truthfully, the villain was more like a monster. He was made of rocks, and as big as a school bus. He called himself StoneHeart.

The superhero in red was watching from the sidelines, yelling at the creature when it got too close, which only seemed to make it angrier.

"They're not very good, are they?" I commented.

Alya just smiled. She was marveling at the entire thing.

As I watched the fight progress, I found myself realizing stuff. For one, StoneHeart always kept his right fist closed...why would he do that?

It was becoming painfully clear that the heroes were going to lose, and I think they could feel it too.

For some weird reason, I felt drawn to the fight. Like, I could make a difference.

"Alya...they need help..." I whispered, though unconsciously.

"What do you mean-Marinette! Come back!" I was running towards the center of the stadium where the fight was held.

Halfway there, I realized what was happening, and just about turned around.

But then, a soccer net was thrown in my direction. It was going to crush me!

But instead of it coming down on top of me, I was lifted into the air and carried out of danger.

Chat Noir held me, "Are you okay?"

"I...umm...well-LOOKOUT!" I jumped up, and pulled Chat Noir out of the way, just as one of StoneHeart's giant fists came down where we'd been just a moment ago.

"Are you okay?" We asked each other at the same time.

We both smiled. Then Chat Noir spoke, "You need to get out of here. It's not safe."

I frowned, "You're here. Besides, I can help."

Chat Noir looked me over, then nodded, "How?"

Suddenly, he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the way just as another fist slammed down.

I talked as we ran, "Look at StoneHeart. Every time you hit him, he gets bigger, stronger, harder to beat...for now. I had an idea. If you hit him enough, he'd be too big, and too slow to catch us. Then we could examine him better and find out how to defeat him."

Chat Noir nodded, "Good idea, but I already know how to defeat him. We-I need to find an object on him. Like a necklace or something...I've looked, but so far there's nothing."

I suddenly stopped, "I got it! It's like the Russian dolls. The object isn't on StoneHeart, it's hidden in his fist! Look, he keeps it clenched. If you can get it out, then you can defeat him!"

Chat Noir smiled, "You're smart!"

I smiled.

"Now, how are we gonna get the object from his fist?"

Chat Noir frowned, "If only he were holding something...I got it! But we'll need La-I mean, Scarlet Lady's help."

"Scarlet Lady? Who is that?"

"My partner..."

I looked over to where the red and black superhero sat...was she doing her makeup?

"Okay, let's get her."

Together, we ran over to where Scarlet Lady sat, "Scarlet Lady! We need your help. Without you, we can't defeat the villain!" Chat Noir called to her.

She looked at him, but didn't move, "Can't you see I'm doing my makeup? When the TV people get here, I HAVE to look my best...and fighting a baddy isn't gonna help with that. You defeat it! I have better things to do."

My jaw dropped. Who was this person?

Chat Noir looked equally stunned, "Please Scarlet Lady. We need you. You're supposed to be my partner, right? Aren't we in this together?"

Scarlet Lady gave a giant sigh, "Fine. Lucky Charm!" She threw us a red and black cereal box that had appeared out of nowhere, "That's my you better go hurry up and defeat that baddy. I'm getting bored, and I want a show."

I picked up with cereal box, still stunned. Chat Noir seemed upset, both of us in our own little worlds.

I snapped out of it first, "Come on Chat Noir. Tell me about your plan."

He came back to reality and nodded, "Okay. My thought was that if we could get StoneHeart to catch something with his clenched hand, the object would fall out, right? Then I can destroy it with my special power. I was thinking Scarlet Lady could-"

"I'll do it."


"I said I'll do it," I stated, looking at StoneHeart.

"No! Besides, he has nothing against you like he does for me and Scarlet Lady."

"No, but StoneHeart has something for me. StoneHeart...his real name is Ivan. We're friends...I can get through to him. But you're gonna have to trust me," I said.

Chat Noir hesitated, but then nodded, "Okay. What do I do?"

He didn't like it. I knew he wouldn't. But we really didn't have a choice.

We got into position, then I suddenly gave a scream. StoneHeart turned to face us.

"Stay away from me!" I shouted at Chat Noir.

"No! I'm going to destroy you! You are evil, and deserve to be..umm...destroyed!" I had to admit...Chat Noir wasn't exactly the best actor I'd met.

"IVAN! SAVE ME!" I screamed with as much terror as I could muster.

StoneHeart suddenly raged, "LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!"

Then, Chat Noir swopped me up and threw me. I went up, up, up, till I was high above the stadium.

I screamed though this was not acting. I was terrified! Now, I started to go down, "Please catch me, please catch me, please catch me, please catch me, please-"

I landed in a surprisingly squishy hand. Ivan had caught me. Caught me in the hand that had been clenched!

I couldn't believe it worked!

Chat Noir suddenly darted under us and had a crumpled up piece of paper in his hand.

"Cataclysm!" Dark energy suddenly covered Chat Noir's right hand. He touched the piece of paper, and it suddenly turned to dust. A black butterfly emerged.

I noticed Scarlet Lady was now taking selfies of herself, posing in different looks. I rolled my eyes.

Then, I started to shift around. Stone Heart was disappearing around me. So that left nothing to hold me. I was falling.

I didn't even have time to scream before I was caught again. Chat Noir held me.

I smiled, "Nice catch."

"Nice plan."

"Nice throw."

"MARINETTE!" Came the voice of my fairy god-bestie. She yanked me from Chat Noir, and began checking me over, then hugged me tightly, "I swear, girl. If you ever do that again to me again..."

I hugged Alya back, "It's fine. I'm okay..." I turned to look at Ivan. He was looking around confused.

Chat Noir was talking to him.

"We should check on Ivan, Als-"

"Definitely. You do that. I'm gonna get an interview with a red bug lady. She looks so cool!" Alya said, then hurried off, her phone out and videotaping.

I walked over to Chat Noir and Ivan, "Are you okay Ivan?" I asked.

He nodded, "Chat Noir explained everything to me...but I'm still confused. The last thing I remember was a voice in my head...a voice telling me to get revenge," Ivan explained.

I frowned, "A voice?"

Chat Noir shook his head, "That must be HawkMoth."

"HawkMoth? Who's he?"

"An evil man...I don't know much about him, but I do know this. He's the reason Ivan was turned into StoneHeart," Chat Noir stated.

Fear clenched my stomach, "Why...I...That's awful."

Chat Noir nodded.

I suddenly saw a piece of crumpled paper on the ground. It must have been where the black butterfly, the Akuma, had been.

I undid it and read it. I immediately smiled, "Oh, Ivan," I whispered softly.

It was the start of a love letter...a poem.

Mylen, Mylen, you shine like the stars.

Whenever I see you, my heart really soars.

I know I'm a giant, and you a beautiful lamb,

But you are the Beauty who completes the Beast I know I am.

Mylen, Mylen, my heart is yours,

For you are the one who can tally my scores.

It was a beautiful poem...but on top of it, someone's corse handwriting wrote, 'You don't even have the guts to tell Mylen you love her, Wuss. Maybe you should hold up on writing the wedding vows'.

I put a hand on Ivan's shoulder as he looked down, "Kim wrote that...he's always making fun of me."

I crouched beside my friend, "Ivan, you are an amazing person! Kim is just being Kim, you know he doesn't mean anything by it. Besides, I know Mylen thinks you're very brave," I smiled.

Ivan bit his lip, "Not brave enough to tell her how I feel..."

I was about to say something when suddenly my phone beeped. Shoot! It was my alarm! I was gonna be late...again!

"Hey, we'll talk again tomorrow at school, okay Ivan? Maybe I can help you...besides, I know Mylen really likes you!" I said cheerfully.

Ivan smiled at me too, and stood, "Thanks Marinette. Ya, I think talking tomorrow would help."

I nodded, then ran off towards Alya, who was still interviewing Scarlet Lady, her phone out and videotaping.

"Als, we need to go!" I said, giving my friend a tug.

Scarlet Lady's earrings suddenly buzzed, "Well so do I! Oh, a superhero's work is never done! So many important things to do! But I will do anything for my great, and glorious city!" The Scarlet Lady gave a cute hair flip, a wink, a smile, then yoyoed away.

I frowned as she left. I didn't like her.

Then, Alya grabbed my arm, "Shoot! Don't we have to go to your house? We promised to help out at the bakery, remember? We're late!" Alya said, coming to her senses.

I nodded, and together we began to run out of the stadium. But suddenly, a hand grabbed my arm.

I whipped around and found Chat Noir there.

He smiled, "well my lady, it's been fun...thank you for your services today. You were a good partner...Hopefully, Scarlet Lady will feel better next time, and you won't have to put yourself in danger...anyhow, I'll see you around!" Then he started to run off.

"Bye Chat Noir!" I called.

He stopped to turn and smile, then he was gone.

Alya grabbed my arm and started running again, "Mari! I just filmed superheroes!!!!!! I have to do something with this! I'm the first person to ever do..." And on she went, talking about Scarlet Lady and Chat Noir...but my mind had drifted off. For some reason, I felt, I'd found something truly special, and had just lost it...but I didn't know what that something was.

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