Chapter 8: Fighting Evil Ninjas... Again

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'Oh great its this place again.' Nick thought to himself. 'I guess evil ninjas never learns their lessons.'

But he the marine lieutenant looked to his left and saw the young brown haired girl with pony tail from before. She was possibly a ninja also, but not an evil one. The young girl then turned to look at the Marine.

"What are you doing here?" Asuka asked.

"Well, I just sort got sucked into here and I didn't have any control over it." Nick answered. "But, I have seen this place before."

"Really? You've seen this place before?" Asuka asked. "Do you know who caused it?"

However just before Nick could answer another voice came over the two, that they were familiar with. 

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" the voice said. The two looked and saw Homura up on a little mount of dirt with her six Kanata's in her hands. "I never thought I'd see you here again, 'Marine'." 

"You didn't learn your lesson from last time did you?" Nick asked. "You dumb, brain-dead ninja!"

"Wait, you and Homura fought each other?!" Asuka asked surprised. 

"Yeah, and I won." Nick stated. "But it would seem they don't stay down for long, at all." 

"You just got lucky the first time!" Homura cried out. "This time I'll kick your ass for sure!"

"Uh...I'm gonna give that a solid...maybe." Nick said only making the evil shinobi angrier. 

"SHUT UP! I'll beat you both!" Homura yelled.

"But why Homura? Why do you have to be an evil shinobi?!" Asuka asked.

"Because Asuka, we evil shinobi train our whole lives to become powerful!" Homura answered. "The more powerful we are the less we have to worry about being beaten!"

"HA! Well you didn't train hard enough if I was able to beat you!" Nick exclaimed. "And I don't even have any training as a ninja! Not that I would need it." 

"Oh, you won't survive this time American!" Homura claimed. "Now here I come!" 

Homura then jumped down from her perch and launched herself at the two in which they both jumped to side as Homura struck the ground making a crater her size. Both Asuka and Nick then looked to where the young evil shinobi had landed and then quickly got back on their feet and readied their weapons. Asuka got her two Katanas and Nick loaded some new shotgun shells into his Remington 870 shotgun. 

"You know, from the way you attack I think you should just pick on someone your own size." Nick stated. "Or for a lack of better terms, your own strength."


She then dashed at the marine lieutenant too fast for him to aim his shotgun as he then used it to block the first slash from the three Katanas in each of her hands. Homura then frowned and kept throwing a number of slashes at Nick and he would always block the strike with his shotgun. But then the evil shinobi knocked the shotgun out of Nicks hands and then went to slice his arms off as the marine lieutenant raised them up to try and block. But just as the blades made contact with his arms the evil ninja was surprised that there were now some sort of tan colored force field around the marines arms and wasn't hurt at all. 

'Huh, so aura does stop blades.' Nick thought as he then proceed to shove Homura back a few feet. 'That's handy.'

"HOW ARE YOU ABLE TO STOP MY BLADES?!?!" Homura asked in anger as she straighten out herself. 

"Well, lets just say I'm not your average everyday person." Nick said calmly. "I have something you don't and it basically protects my body from physical harm."

"Well doesn't really matter, I'll kill you anyway!" Homura yelled out and once again charged at Nick. But just as she was about to slash at him again a right foot suddenly made contact at the evil shinobi's waist making her crash to the ground sliding about 10 feet or more. The marine lieutenant then saw that it was Asuka who had kicked Homura very hard and thus saving Nick's life.

"Thanks for save." Nick said as he picked up his shotgun. "Asuka right?" 

"Yeah." Asuka answered then looking to see Homura get back up.

"It seems she hasn't had enough." Nick said then cocking his shotgun and then looked to Asuka. "Want to take her together?"

"Gladly." Asuka answered. "Two are always stronger then one." 

"Very true." Nick added. "Lets do this."

"GRRRAAAAAHHHHHH!" Homura yelled as she then charged at the two at full speed. Asuka then took the full force of the attack making her feet crack the ground beneath her a little. "I will beat you both here!"

"Not if we beat you first!" Nick yelled. He then brought his shout gun's sights on Homura who was still in a sword lock with Asuka. The evil shinobi then saw the marine aiming his shotgun at her so she quickly pushed Asuka away to get an opening at Nick. But as she did that Nick pulled the trigger on his Remington and fire erupted from the barrel. The pellets from the shell then landed a few hits on Homura as part of her clothes caught on fire. (A/N: Dragon breath rounds...Am I right fellas?)

"GGrrrrrraaaaaahhhhhh!" Homura cried out as she jumped away to get some distance and put out her clothes. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!" 

"Heh, maybe you shouldn't be too cocky when fighting a marine!" Nick yelled back. "You dumb brain dead ninja!" 

Soon Homura then charged at Nick head on again, but that proved to be a bad move as the lieutenant marine let loose another fire shell catching the ninja on fire...again. He then quickly dodged to the side as Homura flew by him screaming in pain. She then hit the ground rolling as she once again put herself out. Surprisingly her skin didn't seem to catch fire unlike her clothes, but if she felt pain that was more then enough. 

"Grrrrhhhh... you will pay for that." Homura muttered as she picked herself up from the ground.

"I think its you who doesn't understand." Nick pointed out. "You never pick a fight with a Marine! You'll only end up regretting it!" 


She then charged at Nick again but this time when he fired his shot gun she jumped to the side avoiding the fire shell. Homura then swung at the gulf war veteran which knocked the shotgun out of his hands. She then tried to slice him in half again but, again Nick focused his aura into his arms and blocked again. The blade hit his arms again and the aura stopped the blades from going through. 

"Evil has no room in this world!" Nick yelled as he then forcefully shoved Homura back. "It only deserves good!" 

But unlike last time she recovered quickly and then charged at the Gulf war marine, too fast for him to react. 

"Marine! Catch!" Asuka cried out as she tossed one of her Katanas towards Nick. With quick thinking he caught the sword in time to block the attack from the evil ninja. Then Asuka came at Homura from behind to try and slash at her. The evil ninja saw this and blocked the attack with the three other Katanas in her right hand. Now she realized she was boxed in by the two as they pushed against her defense to weaken her. 

"Grrr, you think you have me pinned?" Homura taunted. "I'll show you my true power!!"

Suddenly a big gust of an unknown force pushed both Asuka and Nick away from Homura about a few feet. The Gulf war marine then noticed that the evil ninja's hair was now glowing red as well as her eyes. 

'Oh great.' Nick thought. 'It would appear that I have made her angry.'

The evil shinobi then went after Asuka throwing slashes left and right at the young good shinobi. Homura was slowly getting the upper hand as Asuka only had one of her Katanas to block all of the attacks that were sent at her. 

"Once I kill you, I will become the one and only shinobi who killed the daughter of the legendary Hanzo!" Homura yelled. "And there is nothing you can do to stop me!"

"But why?!" Asuka asked. "I never did anything to you!" 

"I'm just following orders!" Homura replied. "I'll prove to you that I am stronger!"

However while Homura was busy in a sword lock with Asuka she didn't notice that Nick pulled out his M16A2 and aimed his grenade launcher at the evil ninja. However before he could fire he needed to get Asuka's attention so she wouldn't be hit from the blast. He then started waving his right hand and she looked in the direction of the Marine and saw what he was doing. With quick thinking she forced herself out of the sword lock giving the Marine a window. 

Nick then pulled the trigger on the launcher and made a distinct 'thump!' and a 40mm grenade flew towards the young evil ninja. Homura then turned around in time to see the grenade hit the ground right in front of her. She was blown back from the explosion and actually broke the barrier around the three. 

"Well, I guess that means she's not strong enough to take a 40mm to the face." Nick said handing Asuka's Katana back to her.

"Are you alright?" Asuka asked reciveing her other katana 

"Yeah, I've been through worse." Nick answered. "I just hope my friends are alright."

"Same here." Asuka added.

Meanwhile...with Michael and Katsuragi....

'Well this is just perfect.' Michael thought. 'It would seem snake eyes didn't learn her lesson.'

"(What is this place?!)" Katsuragi asked in her native language.

"Speak English blondie, so we don't have a barrier between us." Michael retorted.

"Whatever American." Katsuragi said. "Do you know where we are?" 

"In a way, yes." Michael replied. "But I have the feeling someone is about to attack us." 

Just then the sound of railroad crossings alarms would heard and the two then looked to where they saw a train going across into an endless tunnel. But as the train kept going Michael could make out a figure on the other side and it was one he was familiar with. Then the train went by revealing the green-haired, snake eyed girl Hikage. 

"Didn't learn your lesson from last time huh?" Michael taunted. 

"I don't give up so easily American." Hikage muttered coldly. "I want to get even with you and get another fight with blondie here." 

"Leave her out of this!" Michael protested. "Are you jealous of her because she is more attractive then you?"

"Oh please, I don't feel emotion." Hikage stated.

"I find that very hard to believe." Michael said. "Everyone is capable of emotion, you just have them tucked away deep inside." 

"Emotions just get in the way." Hikage said. "The less you have them, the better fighter you are."

"Okay that is not true in the slightest." Michael said. "Whoever taught you that, is a freaking idiot."

"Oh yeah?" Hikage asked. "Would an idiot teach me this?"

She then sprinted at the WW1 veteran at break-neck speeds and raised her knife to slash at Michael neck. But just as the knife was about to reach his neck it was suddenly stopped when the WW1 Marine grabbed the blade with his two hands. The knife itself was about an inch from his throat and what was even more surprising was that the WW1 marines hands were glowing white from some sort of energy field around them. 

"Neat right?" Michael taunted as he then pulled the knife down to the side and smacked the evil shinobi in the face forcing her to let go of her weapon. But then she regain her stance she then realized she didn't have her signature weapon in her hands anymore. "It's a nice blade I'll give you that, but it is not really my style."

"H-how?" Hikage asked surprised at the stunt that just happened. 

"I am a marine of many tricks." Michael replied as he then put the knife in his pants pocket. "Like this."

Suddenly in a bright flash of white light Hikage was then sent flying back into the train as it came by again making it a big train wreck. The evil shinobi then stood up from the wreckage wiping blood from her mouth. She then looked at Michael with an annoyed look on her face.

"Give the knife back." Hikage demanded coldly.

"Then take it!" Michael exclaimed. He then pulled out her knife and then threw it at her. However as she caught the knife she was then kicked in the stomach and then hit the wall behind the train. The young evil ninja then slowly stood back up holding her stomach in pain as she stared in anger at the WW1 veteran. "And another thing, I was holding back on our last fight."

"What?!" Hikage asked a bit surprised. 

"But now, I'm not doing any of that." Michael stated. "And I won't beat you alone."

"Yeah?" Hikage asked. "You don't have any of your bubbies with you."

"I wasn't referring to them." Michael pointed out. 

Just then Hikage then got a hard kick to the face and was sent sliding across the ground. After she stopped sliding she looked to see who had kicked her and there stood Katsuragi with Michael then walking to her right side. 

"Nice kick blondie." Michael complemented. 

"Heh, thanks." Katsuragi said as she then saw Hikage getting into a fight stance. "Shall we?"

"We shall." Michael answered as he pulled out his bayonet and M1911A1. "Let's Kick her ass!"

The two then charged at the green haired shinobi throwing a series of kicks and punches to which the latter had to either block or dodge. But she could keep it up especially with Michael speeding around her coming at different angles for attacks. Then their was Katsuragi who got her attacks in when the evil ninja was too busy trying to block attacks from the WW1 Veteran. 

Soon Michael got a little distance from Hikage and fired a few shots from his pistol at her she was only able to deflect a couple of them before one of them grazed her left cheek on her face. The evil shinobi then wiped a bit of blood that came from the scar with her hand and looked at it. She then turned her main attention to the WW1 Marine himself a he was reloading his pistol.

"You drew blood from me." Hikage stated blankly. "Allow me to do the same!" 

The evil shinobi then charged at Michael hopping to split him in half. But at the last second the Great war veteran saw her coming at him and blocked the knife with his bayonet. The two were now in a knife-lock with one trying to overpower the other. In the lock Hikage looked into the brown colored eyes of the WW1 Marine. At first glance it seemed his eyes were normal but, when she looked closer she saw what looked like a sort of fire in his eyes. It wasn't very noticeable before from a distance but, from very close up you could see the fire in his eyes and it was raging. 

Then deep down Hikage  started to feel something in her stomach and was making her whole body started shaking. She was too busy holding off Michael to try and figure out what she was feeling. The WW1 Marine then saw the look in the evil ninjas eyes and grinned as he knew that look all too well, 'FEAR'. 

"What's the matter snake eyes?" Michael taunted. "Never seen combat before?" 

Hikage didn't answered as she now felt the feeling called fear she couldn't comprehend the feeling. She was too distracted to notice the blonde ninja running at her and then delivering a swift kick to the evil Ninjas face knocking her away. The evil shinobi then went tumbling into a wall causing it to crack a bit. But then she stumbled when she tried to get back on her feet to prove she can still fight. 

"Seriously?" Michael asked sarcastically. "Just stay down, you lose."

"" Hikage muttered as she sloppily walked forward to try and attack the two. But when she was half-way she then dropped to her knees. Michael then approached the young green haired shinobi until he was right in front of her. "I'll never... accept defeat."

"Really? Because, I think your body says otherwise." Michael said. "Just get rid of this stupid barrier, your wasting time." 

"N-never." Hikage muttered. Michael then brought up his pistol to pistol whip her across the face. But then a better idea then came into mind and then turned to the blonde girl behind him. 

"Hey Blondie, want the final shot at her?" Michael asked motioning towards the evil shinobi and the Katsuragi could only smirk.

"Gladly." She said as she approached her. "This will be pay back from our fight on the island!"

Once she was in front of her she then spun around a delivered a powerful kick to her stomach and sent her flying into a wall then causing the shinobi barrier around them to break. As the barrier broke around the two they turned to each other.

"I don't think we have properly met yet." Michael said as he holstered his pistol and bayonet. "I'm Michael." He then stoke his hand out for a hand shake. 

"Katsuragi." Katsuragi said as she shook the WW1 Marines hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Like-wise." Michael added. "Nice kicks by the way." 

"Same goes for your fighting style, think you can teach me some of those moves?" Katsuragi asked. 

"Well, if we ever have spare time then maybe." Michael answered. 

With Alex, Ikagura, and Yomi....

Once again the Marine Sergeant found himself in the same shinobi barrier from before when he fought Yomi. 

'Guess the young girl didn't learn her lesson.' Alex thought. 'Can't say I blame her.'

But as he was pondering his thoughts he suddenly heard the voices of two young girls just a little bit away from him. He looked over to the direction of the voices and saw Yomi and a girl with long black hair. 

"Man, here we go again." Alex muttered as he approached the two young shinobi. He then slowly creped behind Yomi without being noticed. However he was noticed by the other girl but he quickly made the sign of staying quite while he snuck up on the evil shinobi. The good shinobi seem to slightly nod to the marine veteran as he stuck up behind the unsuspecting evil shinobi. Deciding to keep the evil shinobi distracted Ikagura decided to keep arguing with her to make the marine more of an opening. 

"Why do you hold such a grudge against me, I don't even know you!" Ikagura shouted. 

"Oh, you yourself might not have done anything to me but, your family didn't even bother helping the poor in his own country." Yomi said as she then transformed into her shinobi battle outfit. "Having to look up at your families home on that hill over looking the poor village that I lived in made me angry that your father wouldn't help his own people!"

"That's no reason to hate me!" Ikagura exclaimed as she too transformed and pulled out her family sword. 

"There's plenty of reason for me to hate you!" Yomi yelled out. She then lunched at the senior shinobi at a fast speed. But before Yomi could strike at Ikagura the evil shinobi was then kicked in the side very hard and was sent flying across the room. The Hanzo class representative then looked to the source of the kicker and saw it was one of the marines from earlier. 

"You really think you what it is like growing up poor?" Alex asked. "Try growing up during a world wide depression."

"What are you talking about?!" Yomi asked in a angry way. "You don't know what it is like growing up with basically nothing!"

"Are you really so uneducated?" Alex asked in a mocking manner. "Do they not teach history in ninja school, a shame, they didn't teach you about what I went through so many years ago."

"What are you talking about!?!" Yomi demanded. 

"Oh nothing, I just had to leaving high school my junior year because my parents didn't have the money to cover my last year!" Alex yelled. "And on top of that, we could barely afford enough food to put on the table for the whole family."

"You Lie!" Yomi shouted as she jumped high up into the air with raising her giant sword with the intent to kill the hardened veteran in one slash. "You know nothing of being poor!"

She jumped high up into the air with raising her giant sword with the intent to kill the hardened veteran in one slash. Alex seeing this had little time to react so instinctively he jumped back as far as he could to avoid the massive sword. The edge of the weapon was just about an inch from when it made contact with the rock ground creating a big shock-wave after effect. The WW2 veteran then skidded across the ground on his feet trying to stay balanced on his feet.  Looking up he saw the young evil ninja charging at him again with the same intent to kill him. Jumping to side to avoid another strike from the evil ninja but then he also then had to dodge a number of other strikes.

"You don't know what I had to do to survive growing up!" Yomi yelled again as she raised up her sword. "Your just a cosplay wanna-be solider!!!"

The moment she said that Alex's light blue eyes suddenly turned to a crimson red as the giant sword then made contact with him kicking up a huge dust storm. Yomi smirked and was now convinced that she had taken down her opponent and this had Ikagura shocked as she believed the man who had just saved her died right before her eyes. But as the dust cleared the young evil ninja was then shocked to see that the WW2 veteran had caught the giant blade with his right hand that had a sort of green color force-field like around his hand. 

"I'm not a soldier, you dumb broad." Alex answered in a cold tone as he then glared at Yomi with his blood colored eyes and a bit of flames covering his upper body. "I'm...a...MARINE!!!!"

He then yanked the blade forward causing Yomi to stubble at the shear force and then Alex pulled back his left fist and then shot it forward hitting the young ninja in her stomach. She then flew back crashing into a rock wall behind her. Kicking up a lot of dust and falling rocks from the impact Ikagura was amazed at this mans amount of power, she just saw him take a life-threatening blow and walk it off like it was nothing. She then looked back to where the evil ninja crashed and saw that she had blood dripping from her head and from her mouth, she also noticed the marine from earlier walking up to the down ninja. But the Hanzo class representative noticed that his eyes were now a blood red color and their were small flames of fire on his upper body but, not burning his clothes or skin surprisingly. 

'Just who is this person?' Ikagura thought to herself. 'Are his friends capable of similar abilities?'

Alex then stopped in from of the evil shinobi as she slowly lifted her head up to look at him. The marine veteran then looked down at his opponent and saw some blood dripping down across her left eye and her mouth. But as he kept looking down at his opponent he then realized how much pain she was in. 

"Why...?" He muttered. "Why do you do this?"

"*coughs*...Because... you and your band of friends *cough* did a lot of damage to our school." Yomi answered. "We thought... we would just be fighting the good shinobi here... but we didn't realize you were here also... until now..."

"So you did your boss's dirty work didn't you?" Alex asked in an angry manner. "To hurt innocent girls?"

"They aren't innocent good shinobi!" Yomi retorted. "They mock our way of life, and this one here made me and my family suffer because her father was too busy help the world when he should have been helping the poor here!"

This made Alex lose his temper and then grabbed Yomi by the neck with with left hand and lifted her off the ground causing her to choke on a lack of air. If that wasn't life-threatening enough he pulled out his M1911A1 and pointed it at her fore-head and pulled back the hammer. 

"You know, I don't think I'll ever understand what exactly motivated you to do such acts." Alex said keeping his 1911 aimed at her head. "But when Japan attacked Pearl, I then knew what I had to do to avenge my fellow country men."

"You...weren't even alive... when that happened." Yomi muttered only angering the WW2 veteran more. 

"Are you sure about that?" Alex asked as she then pulled her closer to his face. "Look closer." 

At first Yomi didn't understand what he meant by she then looked into the marines blood red eyes and saw nothing but destruction and pain. But through all of it she could also see something deep inside of the man, something that was pushed down so far it was barely noticeable ... suffering. She not just saw the marines suffering but many other family and friends that surrounded him as well. The young evil shinobi then had a better understanding of what he had to go through in his earlier years of life. 

Yomi then started to fade into darkness due to the lack of air she was trying to breathe. Alex then dropped her to the ground causing her to breathe again as she then looked up at the marine towering over her. One moment she is still looking into the blood-red eyes of her opponent but he then closed his eyes and sighed and when he opened them again they were back to their original light blue color. 

"Just because, that girl is apart of a family that was rich and didn't care about you, doesn't mean she is a bad person too." Alex said before raising his pistol again at her head. "Now, take down this barrier and I'll spare you this one time."

Yomi wanted to retort to the marine in front of her but then she saw Ikagura walk up right next to the man with her sword at the ready. Not wanting to fight anymore she then raised her left and it glowed a light green and the whole shinobi barrier then started to disappear. Following that the young evil shinobi then fainted shortly after with the young Hanzo student quickly dropping down to her side to see if she was ok. 

"Relax kid, she'll live." Alex said kneeling down next to the worried student. "I just hope the next time we meet, she'll know not to pick a fight with me."

Meanwhile With Ryan and Hibari...

Ryan stood up from where he landed from where the portal had dropped him and he found himself in the same shinobi barrier from the first time he fought Haruka. The first noticeable aspect was all the stuffed toy dolls scattered all around the place. 

"Oh great." Ryan sighed. "I have to deal with her again." 

He slung his M16A1 over his right shoulder and lifted up his M60 off the ground and looked over it to make sure it was in perfect working order. So without much sense of direction Ryan took off in a random direction that he thought was correct. He couldn't help but think what the evil shinobi had in store for him, probably nothing good. However he didn't really have time to think about his current situation too much as he then heard a young girls scream not too far off in the distance. 

"Oh no, that can't be good." Ryan muttered as he ran off to the source of the scream. 

Soon when he rounded the corner he saw the young good shinobi Hibari on the ground taking cover from a threat of sorts.

"Oh come on Hibari dear.~" Haruka cooed. "Hiding won't help you beat me.~"

"Just leave me Alone!" Hibari cried out. 

"Oh, I can't do that, I want you all to myself.~" Haruka said. As she was reaching for a potion she then heard the clicking of a firearm. She was then quick to jump from where she was standing as a flock of machinegun bullets then screamed pass her and hit a number of stuffed animals tearing them to pieces. Haruka then landed on a mount of stuffed animals and dolls as she noticed her attacker. "Ara, ara, it looks like you found your way to me again marine, Ryan was it?"

"Yeah, and hasn't your mother every taught you not to pick on others?" Ryan asked in a mocking manner. 

"Like your one to talk!" Haruka snapped. "You hurt me pretty bad back at the school."

"You were asking for it, also it was self-defense as you were trying to kill me." Ryan snapped back. 

"Oh my dear Ryan, I was only trying knock you out." Haruka said. 

"Whatever doll lover." Ryan Retored. 

"You know, maybe once I defeat you...I'll make you into one of my closes dolls in my collection." Haruka said. 

"Nah, I'm good." Ryan said. "How about you leave this young child alone and leave!" 

"Oh I am afraid I can't do that." Haruka stated. Ryan then aimed his M60 at the evil ninja ready to fire.

"Then perish." Ryan replied coldly before letting off a barrage or machinegun bullets. Haruka then start moving around at a fast pace to avoid all the bullets being shot at her by the Vietnam veteran. As for Ryan he did not let up as he was determined to beat his adversary first and not the other way around. But then the evil ninja ducked down into cover as the Vietnam veteran dumbed his M60 to see if he could get a lucky hit. But soon his belt then ran dry and he also went into cover to reload his LMG. "Better make this quick."

But as he was reloading his M60 the young pink-haired ninja Hibari then looked over to where the Vietnam veteran was hiding and then made her way over to him. 

"Um...mister?" Hibari said quietly gaining the marines attention. He then motioned for her to come closer. 

"What are you doing here kid?" Ryan asked as the young ninja soon sat next to him. "Don't you know this place is dangerous?"

"Hey I didn't chose to come her! Haruka forced me!" Hibari snapped but then her mouth was then covered by Ryan.

"Shh! Quiet!" He instructed. "I don't want that evil ninja to find us here."

Just then another bright pink light then flashed and the two looked over to see that Haruka had spawned over a dozen attack dolls to soften up her opponents. 

"Okay kid, listen to me closely I can get you out of this." Ryan said and Hibari nodded. "I'll take care of the dolls and that Sadistic ninja."

"Okay, how can I help?" Hibari asked. 

"You can help by not getting in the way." Ryan said. "I fought her before and I won."

"But you can't fight her on your own!" Hibari argued. "She's stronger then you think!"

Ryan then carefully looked up over their cover and saw that the dolls have yet to figure out where they were hiding and then went back down. 

"Look I appreciate your concern little one, but I don't want you going out there and getting yourself hurt." Ryan stated as the young ninja looked down in despair. "But, if you want to help me *pulls out his M1911A1 and hands it to her* then at least stay here and watch my back."

Hibari then looked at the firearm being offered to her and was unsure if she should really take it or not. 

"Um...I'm not sure..." Hibari stuttered. But it was then forced into her hands as Ryan didn't want an argument.

"You said you wanted to help right?" Ryan asked. "Then help me by staying out of the way and watching my back." 

Hibari then looked at the M1911A1 in her hands and then back to the Vietnam veteran who just finished reloading his M60. The young ninja then looked down at the ground and then heard Ryan then leave to find a new position to flank the evil ninja. As soon as he went out of cover he let loose with his M60 destroying many of the dolls. The dolls that weren't shot then came after the vietnam veteran with a range of melee weapons to get at him. 

Ryan then dove back down behind a stack of dolls to stay out of sight of his adversaries so he could ambush them better. But his cover didn't last for long as five dolls then ran over his cover and came at the Vietnam veteran armed with knifes. One of them came at the marine head on and tried to thrust the knife into his stomach but, he brought up his M60 and blocked the attack but it knocked the LMG out of his hands. With quick thinking Ryan grabbed the dolls arm that was holding the knife and then elbowed its head followed by a swift kick to the stomach and after that he grabbed the knife out of the dolls hand. 

Then another doll tried to flank Ryan from his left but the Vietnam veteran then threw the knife he took and nailed it right in the dolls head destroying it in the process. He then punched another doll square in the face knocking it off its body and then side kicked another's head clean off. As one was charging up behind him the marine veteran he seemed to somehow feel his attacker right behind him as he ducked and grabbed the dolls arm and then pulled it over him and landed it on its back smashing it to pieces. However the last doll then snuck up behind Ryan raising its knife to stab him in the back. But before the doll could surge the knife forward it was then shot in the back and then broke to small pieces.

Ryan turned around to see the dead doll on the ground motionless and then looked up to see Hibari with a smoking M1911A1 suggesting that she shot the doll behind him. The Vietnam veteran the gave the young ninja a small smile and nod. But before the two could celebrate their victory a test tube then landed in front of Ryan and then exploded sending him into a pile of stuffed animals knocking him out.

"Ryan!" Hibari cried out.

"Ara, ara, it seems your marine friend has bit the dust." Haruka said as she walked out of her hiding spot. The young Hanzo student was mad and aim the pistol at the evil ninja, but before she could fire another test tube landed in front of her causing her to be blown back knocking the pistol out of her hand. She then landed on her back on the ground and then she heard the sound of footsteps approaching her. She then saw the sadistic ninja kneel down to her level put a finger underneath her chin. "Now, where were we?"

However, before Haruka could do anything she then felt someone's had on her right shoulder before being yanked back by incredible force. She then flew threw the air a little before landing on her feet and then stood up to get a better view of her attacker. It turned out to be Ryan who looked unharmed from the explosion he took. The sadistic ninja then looked to where she thought the marine got hurt but then saw a wooden scale figure in its place.

'Huh, thats some trick.' Haruka thought to herself as she prepared to throw another explosive test tube. But before she could throw the tube Ryan drawled his pistol and then shot one of the spare tubes in her coat. The material inside the tube then exploded setting off a chain reaction of all the test tubes inside the coat and resulted with Haruka landed on a pile of stuffed animals but knocked out.

'You know some people might think of keeping explosive materials better hidden.' Ryan thought to himself before holstering his pistol. Just then another explosion went off in the room causing the marine to draw his pistol and aim it where the commotion was. But it turned out to be Yagyu who was looking for Hibari after she got separated from her. At first the white haired ninja thought Ryan was an enemy but she then saw Hibari hiding behind the Vietnam veteran for protection.

"Wait Yagyu wait!" Hibari said as she then stood next to Ryan. "This man is a friend!"

"How so?" Yagyu asked sternly.

"He protected me from Harukas dolls and explosives." Hibari explained.

"Is that so?" Yagyu said. Just then the barrier around them seemed to fade away in only a short amount of time. "What's going on?"

"I think we just won." Ryan stated as he picked up his M60 off the ground. "And I love the feeling of victory."





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