Chapter 10: Marines 1st Mission with team RWBY Part 2

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The next day team MARN was in professor Ports class listening to his lesson about how Grimm are attracted to negative emotions and that all hunters and huntresses should keep a positive attitude at all times when on missions. It was pretty boring stuff as the 4 Marines in the schools uniforms had taken classes before this and they all could agree that they didn't really like high school that much.

"Ugh...this is lame." Ryan moaned quietly. "Why can't that stupid bell ring now?"

"Relax Ryan just a couple more minutes." Nick whispered. "Then we will prepare for the mission tonight."

"I've been waiting a long time just for the day to end." Alex complained. Finally the bell rang and they were dismissed from class. The 4 then walked to the locker room to get their weapons and combat uniforms. 

"Alright Marines, lets lock and load we have a mission to do." Nick stated. "Oorah!"

Time skip to Team RWBY's dorm.....

Team RWBY had just finished putting on their different combat uniforms when their was a knock on their front door. Ruby opened it to reveal the 4 Marines in their combat uniforms and had all of their weapons ready. They then entered the room and the 2 teams gathered around to discuss the mission.

"Alright, now that everyone is accounted for lets discuss the mission." Ruby said. "You 4 haven't told anyone else have you?"

"No miss Rose we haven't, we kept it secret just like you said." Nick answered. 

"Well even if you kept it secret that's not gonna stop me." a random voice from the window said. The Marines and Team RWBY looked to the window and saw a Familiar Monkey Faunus hanging upside down on a tree branch just outside the window. 

"SUN!" Blake exclaimed. "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough." Sun replied as he jumped into the dorm. "So are we getting back at that Torchwich guy?"

"Were going to investigate on the situation." Blake replied. "As a team."

"Yeah, and we pretty much want a part of it too." Michael added. 

"Sorry Sun, we don't want to get other friends involved." Ruby said.

"That's dumb you should always get friends involved, that's why I brought Neptune." Sun Said as he pointed toward the open window. Team RWBY look out to the side and saw Neptune standing on the edge of the railing just out the window.

"Sup?" Neptune said.

"How did you even get up here?" Ruby asked.

"I have my ways." Neptune replied. "Seriously though can I come in? Were like really high up right now." 

Time skip after making the plan and teams.....

Team MARN was walking through a warehouse district where Sun and Blake were going to infiltrate a white fang hide out that was having a meeting. The Marines were tasked for being their way out of there so they were slowly walking along the warehouses when suddenly Ryan saw something in a ally way they were passing. He then stopped the others to let them see it as well.

"Hey what's the hold up Ryan?" Michael asked quietly.

"Look." Ryan said as he pointed at what he was looking at and the Marines were shocked at what they saw.

(They saw this in the ally way. The Barrel had "Tiger Killer" Written on both sides in white)

"What is that thing?" Michael asked.

"That is a Easy 8 Sherman Tank." Ryan said as he ran over to it. "This thing looks brad new!"

"Well this will certainly help us." Nick said. The Marines then looked over the tank to see if anything was out of alignment or broken but nothing was and had a full tank of gas and a few extra gas cans with gas fully loaded.

"Oh this will defiantly give us the edge." Alex said as he hopped into the top hatch on the turret. The rest of the Marines then got inside the Sherman and then they carefully picked their positions. Ryan was the driver, Michael was the bow gunner/assistant driver, Alex was the Gunner and loader, and Nick was the commander.

"Where did you learn to drive a tank Ryan?" Nick asked.

"I was a tanker at first, before I switch to a rifleman." Ryan replied as he started up the engine and then drove the Easy 8 out of the ally way down the street. After a few minutes of driving Nick order Ryan to stop the tank a 100 yards from where the white fang meeting was taking place. Nick then told them to stay there and keep the engine off to not draw attention and then got out of the tank and went to a backdoor of the warehouse that nobody was guarding. 

Nick then went behind some big boxes in order to not be seen and then he could hear someone talking. Nick peaked slightly from behind the boxes and saw a orange haired man in a white trench coat with a cool looking hat and next to him was a huge metal mech looking fighting machine with the white fang symbols all around it. Nick was shocked at the Machine as he had never seen something like it before and then got out a pencil and a small note book and then took notes to what Roman was saying.

"As many of you may know this is atlas newest line of defense against all the scary things in the world." Roman said. "And thanks to my employer, we've managed to snag a few before they hit the shelves." 

'I wonder if the 76mm gun on the Sherman can penetrate that things armor.' Nick thought to himself. 

"Now many of your brothers have already move down to our operation in the southeast." Roman said as he and everyone else didn't know that Nick was writing down the info that came out of Romans mouth and it was going to be useful. "If you rather stay in the city that's fine but if your truly ready to fight for what you believe in...this is the arsenal I can provide you, any questions?" The Faunus crowd then cheered for Roman.

'Well if they think this will make them win, time to prove them wrong.' Nick thought as he closed his note book and went out the back door and back to the Sherman. The Marines knew exactly what to do to stop Roman and the White fang.


And done with another chapter! I hope you guys liked it!

If you did let me know in the comments!

Stay tuned as the Marines are gonna cause havoc on Roman and the white fang! 

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