Chapter 14: A Prayer for the Mission

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Team RWBY and MARN were closing in on the Mission location and were only about 10 minutes from landing. Then a thought came to Nicks mind and thought it was appropriate for the mission they were going to do.

"Excuse me Michael?" Nick called as he tapped on Michael.

"Yes lieutenant?" Michael replied. "What is it?"

"Can you say a prayer for us and team RWBY?" Nick asked. "I just fell like that would be appropriate for a time like this."

"Of course Lieutenant." Michael replied. "I'd be more then glad to."

"Thank you." Nick said as he turned around to the others. "Alright everyone listen up!" Nick then got the others attention. "I would like a moment of silence as Private Michael here prays for us."

"Why do you want Michael to prey for us Nick?" Ruby asked in confusion.

"Its to ensure that god will watch over us during the mission." Nick replied.

"Okay, and all we have to do is be silent?" Yang asked.

"Yes." Nick replied. "So please be silent while Michael is praying for us." Team RWBY then agreed to stay silent as Alex, Ryan, and Nick removed their headgear and got down to there knees and put their hands together as Michael began his prayer. Soon Team RWBY then decided to get down on their knees and put their hands together as well when Michael red his Prayer with his helmet off.

(Here's what Michael read to both teams)

Almighty Father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and                       obedient to Thy will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against                       dishonesty in purpose and deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones, and Thee                       without shame or fear.                        Protect my family. Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to                       accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm.  Grant                       me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to                       the duties my Country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me.  Help                       me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold.                                             
If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the                       mark, give me courage to try again.                                             
Guide me with the light of truth and grant me wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my prayer.

(Prayer source:, Not mine it belongs to the Marines. this is a real prayer for Marines!)

Soon after Michael had Finished reading his prayer the Marines then got back on there feet and put there head gear back on. Soon team RWBY then got back on there feet and soon they were landing just on the outskirts of the city of Mount Glenn.

"Here's your drop!" The Pilot said and opened the doors of the Bullhead. "Good luck down there!"

"I don't need any luck I was born lucky!" Alex yelled back as he loaded a clip into his Garand. Ryan then hit his helmet with a magazine and then loaded it into his M16A1. Team MARN and RWBY soon jumped off the Bullhead and it turned away back to Beacon.

"Alright, now that were out of that thing." Nick stated. "Lets get this done!"

"Ooarah!" The rest of Team MARN replied as they then headed towards the broken down city. Team RWBY then followed close behind but as the 2 teams entered the city expecting Grimm but, there was nothing around. They then kept moving through the city encountering nothing not even 1 Grimm.

"Um.. is it strange to anyone else that there's no Grimm around here?" Ruby asked.

"Yeah...where are they?" Ryan asked as he looked at one of the broken down buildings.

"I don't know." Alex replied. "Maybe Michaels prayer scared them away."

"Haha very funny Sargent." Michael said sarcastically. "But in all seriousness where are they?" Suddenly Nick motioned to the group to stop moving and move into cover behind some debris, they then heard Talking coming there way and Nick looked over from his cover and saw a Man and Woman walking pass from where they were. But Nick recognized the military uniforms they were wearing and found out that they were US Marines.

"Hey!" Nick yelled and got there attention which made the Male Marine point his rifle at Nick for a second.

"Who are you?!" The Male Marine asked.

"Lieutenant Nick Jones, 2nd battalion 1st Marines!" Nick replied with a salute.

"Is that so?" the Male Marine said. "Corporal Thomas Anderson, 2nd Battalion 5th Marines and this is Private first class Michaela Henderson."

"Is nice to meet you Lieutenant." Michaela greeted

"Likewise." Nick said.

"Are they more with you?" Thomas asked.

"Yes." Nick replied. "Its ok everyone you can come out now." Soon both Team RWBY and the rest of team MARN showed themselves to the 2 new Marines.

"You got more around here?" Ryan asked. "Maybe a place to stay?"


and done with this chapter I hope you guys liked it!

Sorry if it was a little short, but I will make up for it in the next chapter!

Stay tuned for more!

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