Chapter 20: The Breach and unexpected allies

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Darkness...darkness.... that was all Michael could see after the train had impacted the barrier as he and the others were in the dome of ice. Just then he then saw light just above him as he was able to now open his eyes and saw the evening sky above him. He then sat up and looked around to see his fellow marines to his right and team RWBY to his left. He also saw that they were in the middle of the shopping district in Vale. Just as he and the others were starting to get back on their feet there was suddenly a big rumble coming from under the ground as a king taijitu burst up from the ground with more Grimm following behind it. Soon all the civilians that were around started to run for their lives to get away from the grimm that were flooding out of the hole.

"Guys we have company!" Michael shouted shouldering his rifle. 

"No shit!" Ryan added as he pulled up his M60. 

"Oh no..." Ruby said looking at all the Grimm surrounding them. "This isn't good."

"Could always be worse Ruby." Nick said as a couple of big Ursa's came out of the ground letting out a loud roar.

"You were saying Nick?" Weiss groaned as she readied her weapon.

"Oh, shut it Weiss, how was I supposed to know?" Nicked replied. Just then the giant group of grimm surrounded the group and looked like they were about to strike.

"You sure you guys can handle this?" Blake asked the Marines who now had their weapons primed and ready.

"Blake, they don't call us Marines for nothing." Alex said fixing the bayonet to his rifle. "LET'S KILL SOME GRIMM!"

Soon the battle between the grimm soon became underway but, little did they know they were about to get help from some unexpected visitors. 

Meanwhile back at Beacon Academy....(a few minutes before the breach.)

In the evening part of the day team JNPR was just now getting ready to head out to their assigned mission for the day. But as they were heading off to their bullhead Jaune was looking a little concerned. 

"Jaune are you okay?" Pyrrha asked.

"I... don't know Pyrrha." Jaune answered. "I just sort of have this feeling..."

"What feeling?" Pyrrha asked curious. 

"That something is going to happen." Jaune answered. 

"What sort of something?" The redhead asked.

"I can't describe it right now." Jaune said. "It sort of came to me when I was sleeping last night."

"Well, if anything does happen, we will be ready for it." Pyrrha reassured. Just then a big explosion in the distance was then heard going off. The team then looked to where the noise came from and saw it came from the city. Then the alarms then sounded telling the team that a grimm attack was happening in the middle of town. 

"That can't be good." Ren muttered.

"No, it can't be." Pyrrha added. "What do we do now?"

In was then Jaune remembered something from Nick.


The scene opens up to Jaune and Nick in the library discussing over team leader strategies. 

"Now Jaune, in order to be a good leader, one must take stock of the situation and see what he or she can do in order to handle the situation effectively." Nick says. 

"What kind of situations Nick?" Jaune asked. 

"Any kind of combat situation Jaune." Nick said. "Whether you're leading an army or a squad it is your decisions and smart thinking that will win the day."

"And that's how you're a good leader on your team?" Jaune asked. 

"Well, truth be told... I didn't think to see myself as a leader." Nick explained. "But that changed when I got higher up in the Ranks, but still..."

"Just remember Jaune, always look out for your team and they look after you." Nick added. "And when you combine your skills together you will always have the upper hand."

Jaune looked at the ground for a second before looking back at Nick with a confidant smile.

"Thanks Nick." Jaune said.

"Anytime man." Nick replied. "I'm always happy to help."

Flashback over!!

"We change our plans." Jaune said as the others looked to him. "Instead of going on our original mission, we head to the city and do our best to keep the Grimm at bay."

"That sounds like an awesome idea fearless leader!" Nora said. "Let's go stomp some grimm!"

Pretty soon team JNPR hopped onto their bullhead with Jaune telling the pilot to take them to the city center where all the commotion was. But as they were on, they're way to the city Pyrrha was a bit surprised that Jaune took action almost immediately after the alarms went off.

"Hey Jaune?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah Pyrrha?" Jaune said.

"Since when did you know how to take action?" Pyrrha asked.

"Oh well, I had Nick teach me on how I can improve myself to be a better leader." Jaune answered. "He is a good teacher."   

"Huh, interesting." Pyrrha said.

Meanwhile back in the emerald forest...

The large group of Marines from different time periods were pretty bored to say the least as they basically had nothing to do. Most of them were either just sitting around, having a snack, or looking over the vehicles they had with them. All in all, it was pretty boring just sitting down with nothing to do. But as they were getting used to the quite around them it was then shattered as they heard a big explosion go off in the distance. All the marines then turned to where the noise had come from and looked off in the distance to set a small bloom of gray smoke coming from the center of the city a mile away. 

The Colonel of the group then took of his binoculars and looked over the buildings and saw that dark creatures were coming out of a hole in the ground and attacking the city and civilians. 

"What's going on Colonel?" One of the marines asked. 

"I'm not sure." The colonel replied. Just then a siren in the distance was then heard shortly then after. "But it can't be good."

"Do we do something about it sir?" The marine asked as the colonel put down his binoculars and turned to the marine next to him.

"Get locked and loaded, were going to help those people." the colonel ordered.

"Yes sir!" The marine replied as he and the colonel ran back to the group. "EVERYONE GET TO YOUR VEHICLES! WERE GOING TO THE CITY!"

The big group didn't need to be told twice after hearing that as those who could get on vehicles did and the others just started running towards the city. Soon even some of the vehicles had marines riding on the outside of them and on them to save a little bit of time.

At the same time around the harbor of Vale...

A few minutes before the breach had begun a US Pennsylvania class super-dreadnought Battleship was just about to pull into the harbor. On the back of the battleship, it had the state name "Arizona" in black letters. This happened to be BB-39 USS Arizona, she and her crew were found by team RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY a little over a week ago and after they met, they were giving permission to dock at the Harbor of Vale to meet with Professor Ozpin at Beacon academy. 

"So, this is Vale, huh Captain?" A sailor asked looking at all the buildings surrounding the harbor. 

"That would be correct." Captain Ramirez said. "This is the Harbor professor Goodwitch told us about, now we just need to find Beacon academy, wherever that is." 

"You sure we can trust those people we saw captain?" The sailor asked.

"Well, they seemed to be honest." Ramirez replied. "But we should still be careful just in case they try anything shady." 

Then the two were interrupted by an explosion going off in the distance not too far from where the ship was docked. The two then looked in the direction of where the noise had come from and about a few seconds later a loud siren went off signaling to them that an attack of some sort was underway. 

"What was that?" The sailor asked. 

"Nothing good." Ramirez stated. "Get a couple squads of marines to go check that out."

"You got it sir!" The sailor said as he ran off to gather the marines together. 

"First day we show up and something bad happens." Ramirez sighed. "I hope this isn't a recurring thing." 

Back to Teams MARN and RWBY....

To say the group was surrounded was an understatement as team RWBY was facing one way and team MARN was facing the other way watching the young girls back. The two sides stood waiting to see who would strike first. Then one of the beewolves came at Michael attempting to cut him in half with its claws. Michael then ducked under the attack and shot the giant wolf in the stomach and followed up by stabbing it in the throat with his bayonet. Then another one came at the WW1 veteran from the right and Michael then used his semblance to speed jump over the wolf and fired a shot at the wolfs head killing it. While in the air he pulled out his BAR and then let loose killing a few more grimm. Landing back on the ground he smacked a Boarbatusk with the stock of his BAR and he loaded another magazine into it and then went back to fighting the grimm. 

Alex meanwhile shot one Beowolf with his M1 Garand and then stabbed another one in the chest and then shooting as well. A Boarbatusk then tried to rush at the WW2 veteran from behind, but he jumped over the attacking grimm at the last moment. As he landed back on his feet, he then looked at the right sleeve of his uniform and saw that it was ripped a little bit and he looked back at the Boarbatusk that attacked him earlier and saw a bit of his uniform on one of its tusks. Alex was then enraged at this as he was very much attached to his uniform, he then threw down his Rifle as his eyes went from light blue to a crimson red as flames then erupted on his body. He then charged at the boarbatusk from earlier and grabbed it by its tusks and started swinging it around hitting other grimm around. He continued this until he ripped the tusks off the grimm and kicked the crap out of it until it died. He then punched another beowolf in the face causing it to stumble back and then broke its neck by twisting it very hard. 

Ryan was dealing with the giant grimm snake by avoiding its giant mouth and teeth as it tried to eat him. He kept shooting at it with his M60 making it very angry, he also had to dodge a beowolf's slash by smacking it with the stock of his M60 before shooting it a bunch. He then turned his attention back to the snake and then had an idea. He then gave the snake a 'bring it on' motion of his hand and the snake seemed to take the bait as charged at the Vietnam veteran but at the last second, he jumped back and left a fire clone of him take his place. You see Ryan had developed the same semblance as Blake and was now putting it to good use. As the snake made contact with the clone it exploded in the snake's mouth followed by another explosion killing the giant creature. It turns out Ryan left a live grenade in his fire clones' hand and that's was what killed the snake. After than he went back mowing grimm down with his M60 as that was what he did best. 

Nick on the other hand was having a tricky time taking on the grimm as he was mostly just using his shotgun. But he had loaded it with incendiary shells which allow him to set fire to whatever his target was. He shot one Beowolf in the chest before ducking under an Ursa's attack and throwing a grenade its way killing it as it exploded. Then he saw a larger group of Grimm coming out of the hole in the ground and he quicky switched to his M16A2 with the grenade launcher and fired a 40mm grenade at the grimm killing a lot of them. He then reloaded the M203 before shooting another Ursa and landed the 40mm right in its chest causing it to explode in spectacular form. He then proved firing support to team RWBY covering their blind spots for wherever the grim were trying to sneak up on them. 

For team RWBY they weren't having much of an easier time as team MARN was as they all had their grimm to fight as well. 

Ruby had crescent rose in its full scythe form and was taking shots at the grimm around her and her team as well. She sniped one beowolf and then sliced another one in half as it tried to get in close to cut her. Then a group of them circled around the young girl to try and overwhelm her but she stabbed the tip of her scythe into the ground was kicking the faces of all the grimm around her in a circle. After then knock a boarbatusk into the air and then cut it in half mid-flight and then landed on the back of a beowolf and cut the head off of the evil creature. She then spun in somersaults and then landed back on her two feet. However, a creep was about to jump on Ruby but then, Michael came from above and stabbed it in the back with the bayonet on his rifle. The two looked at each other for a moment and then nodded then went back to fighting the grimm. 

Weiss meanwhile was using her glyphs to speed around the grimm and stab them in their weak points. One beowolf came straight at the heiress and made a slashing attack hopping to injure the young girl but, she saw the attack coming used a glyph to assist her jump over the monster and then stabbed in the back killing it. Then she jumped into the air again rotating her weapons chamber to fire dust and looking at a group of grimm piled up together she then landed and stabbed her weapon in the ground sending a wave of fire at the grimm burning them alive. Then with swift action she stabbed a creep that was trying to sneak up behind her and then used her ice dust to freeze a few grimm in place and then set fire to them with her fire dust. But she then saw another group of grimm coming but, before she could do anything the rapid fire of a certain marine's machine gun let loose shredding the group of grimm into nothing but mush.  Weiss turned around and saw Ryan and him M60 still smoking from the shots.

"Need some help ice princess?" Ryan asked sarcastically. 

"I was doing fine." Weiss retorted before seeing more grimm come out of the hole. "But I suppose a little bit wouldn't hurt." 

"Good." Ryan replied reloading his M60. "At least we won't get bored."

Blake was doing just fine fighting the grimm on her end by tricking them with her shadow clones and shooting and stabbing them in their weak points. She first stabbed one beowolf in the chest before gunning down a few more Beowulf's coming at her. Then a creep tried to pounce on the Faunus from behind but in the last second, she created a shadow clone as she then stabbed it in its neck killing it. Another boarbatusk then charged at her but before it could reach her it was then blown back from a strong blast. She then looked and saw that it was Alex with his M1 Garand still smoking from the shot. The two then shared a quick nod before going back to fighting the grimm. 

Yang meanwhile was just punching grimm left and right and with her punches she was adding shotgun blasts to her punches. She punched one beowolf in its jaw breaking and then punched it again in its chest knocking it back. Then she saw a creep coming straight at her and she got an idea as she jumped on the face of the grimm and it gave her a boost into the sky. While in the air she fired several shotgun blasts at the grimm down below taking out a lot of them. But then a nevermore then came at the blonde huntress from above and smack her with one of its wings sending her back to the ground. But she used her shotgun gauntlets to slow down from hitting the ground too hard. 

"Uh guys we got nevermores in the sky!" Yang called out. Just then a rock then struck the nevermore in the wing blowing its left wing off and sending it falling to the ground. The group then saw the convoy of marines coming out of the hole in the ground finally catching up to them. A M1A1 Abrams tank then came climbing out of the hole followed by the rest of the vehicles and marines in the convoy. 

"We got reinforcements!" Nick shouted as he continued to fire at the grimm still in the area. As the convoy broke free from the underground, they started shooting up the grimm left and right mopping them up with their firepower. One marine on a Humvee was firing the M2 machine gun mounted on the top tearing through any grimm that came into its line of fire. Then a deathstalker came through a build but got obliterated by an Abrams 120mm HEAT round in just a matter of seconds. 

In other parts of the city the grimm were attacking the civilians that were close to the shopping district. But just as a beowolf was about to slash at a woman and her child it was then killed with a bullet to the head. She then looked to and saw a group of military men wearing various green colored uniforms, with some unknown armor vehicles behind them. One of the Marine helped the woman and child back to their feet and instructed them to move back into the safer parts of the city and that they would handle the Grimm. The marines then pushed further to where most of the grimm were coming from know they had their flanks cover as the other marines in the forest had divided their forces so they could go from street to street taking out grimm and rescuing civilians as they went along. 

Near the city docks the few squads of marines and army soldiers were making their way to the shopping center as well. They were having an easier time as they didn't run into many grimm ad for the ones they did run into they weren't very strong to take out. But they still had a job to do and kept going to the main shopping district. 

Back to the main group...

Ruby then swung her scythe at a beowolf cutting it in half as Michael jumped over her and stabbed an Ursa in the head. The two then started taking shots with their rifles to see who could kill the most grimm. 

"Hey Michael, how many have you gotten?" Ruby asked shooting a creep.

"24 grimm in total!" Michael answered before shooting a beowolf. "Make that 25, how about you?" 

"I'm at 23!" Ruby replied as she shot a creep. 

"Well then let's not slow down!" Michael said. "Whoever kills the least amount of grimm has to buy dinner!"

"It's on!" Ruby shouted. The two then dashed at the grimm surrounding them trying to see who would get more grimm kills. Michael first slashed the neck of a beowolf before jumping into the air looking for his next target. He found his next target to be a creep and he landed in its back and then shot it in the head killing it. He then looked to see a boarbatusk charging at Ruby's blind spot and with the help of his semblance he charged at the unaware grimm and stabbed it in its stomach. The young huntress in training turned to see the grimm become dark smoke and saw who killed it. 

"You're welcome." Michael said as Ruby then shot passed Michael's head and hit a beowolf in the skull killing it and that surprised the WW1 vet a bit. 

"Guess were even now." Ruby said. 

"Guess so." Michael added. "But your still behind in kills!"

"Not for long Michael!" Ruby stated. "I will catch up to you!" 

"We'll see about that!" Michael said as the two then went back to killing Grimm. However, as the duo went back to killing grimm Weiss looked at the two and gave a 'are you Serious' look. 

"Honestly those two have the mind of a child." Weiss said as she shook her head. "This isn't all fun and games."

Just then a group of beowolves next to the heiress was then lit up by machine gun fire and turned into nothing but black smoke. Weiss then saw Ryan walking up and stood right next to her with his M60 smoking.

"Eh, let them have their fun snow white." Ryan said. "After all it can be very motivating for them." 

"By thinking this is a game?" Weiss asked shooting fire dust at an Ursa killing it. 

"Motivation is key to winning Weiss!" Ryan stated as he kept firing at the oncoming grimm. "I bet I could get more than you!"

"Whatever you say Ryan." Weiss sighed rolling her eyes joining him in the fray. "I won't lose to you." 

"Bring it on Snow white!" Ryan said cocking his M60. "Let's kill them all!" 

Weiss first froze the feet of a couple beowolves and a boarbatusk with her ice dust in Myrtenaster and then rushed the Grimm. She first stabbed one beowolf in the chest killing and then moved to the second beowolf slashing at the beast's neck making it dissolved into dust. Weiss then turned her attention to the boarbatusk stuck in the ice trap but before she could attack it a hail of machine gun bullets then shredded the pig grimm into nothing. 

"Hey that was my kill!" Weiss shouted at Ryan.

"I didn't your name on it!" Ryan snapped back. 

"Oh, that how you want to play Ryan?" Weiss asked in a serious tone. "Well, I guess I better step my game up then."

Weiss then proceeded to freeze another group of beowolves feet in place with the ice dust in her weapons chamber. After freezing their feet, she then made speed glyph and dash at the group of wolves. She first slabbed one wolve in the chest killing it instantly and then quickly dashed at another stuck beowolf and stabbed through its lower jaw. Then with her fast speed she slashed the stomachs of two more beowolves killing them as well. After that she then jumped over another beowolf that tried to slash at her with its claws but she then landed on its back and then stabbed it in the back of the head. Finally she backflipped off the back of the beowolf and killed the last one by stabbing it through its back causing it to dissolve into nothing. 

"Huh, not bad snow white." Ryan commented. "But you still got to catch up to my count." 

Then the noise of a bullhead's engines and the two looked up and saw two bullheads from Beacon hovering above them. They then saw that it was teams CFVY and JNPR coming in to assist team RWBY and MARN as well as the marines on the ground. The two teams landed on the ground and began helping to clear out the Grimm in the area. 

"Oh hey Coco!" Ryan said. "About time you showed up! I was afraid you'd miss all the action!"

"And miss this?" Coco asked adjusting her sunglasses. "No way! By the way, who are these other guys with you?"

"They're friends!" Ryan replied. "So watch your fire!"

"Noted!" Coco replied pulling out her handbag. The marines had formed a make-shift barrier out of the vehicles the marines came on around the big hole in the ground from the train tunnel and were shooting at any Grimm that made it through it. Just then Coco walked to one of the gaps of the barrier and then transformed her bad into a minigun and then just started blasting Grimm left and right. Ryan then joined the minigun girl in shooting up all the Grimm in the area clearing them out at a fast rate. 

"Is this fun for you?!" Ryan asked Coco over all the machinegun fire.

"You bet it is!" Coco replied still firing. 

Fox and Yatsuhashi then started helping out team RWBY who were also helping a few of the other marines fight off the Grimm. Yatsuhashi first sliced a beowolf in half with his massive sword and then swinging it horizontally striking at a whole group of Grimm. Then Fox jumped over his big teammate made a few slashes at an Ursa on his teammates flank.  After a few more slashes at the bear Grimm Fox then hit the bear hard enough and sent it flying into the air. When it came down he hit it straight in the face causing it to implode and pop like a balloon send its spikes in many directions Luckly not hitting any of the others. 

"Nice moves man." One of the marines commented. 

"Thanks." Fox replied. 

Velvet meanwhile fighting alongside Nick with a projection of his M16A2 rifle shooting at the grimm as they came out of the hole. She first shot a beowolf in the face followed up by other one right behind it. The gulf-war veteran by her side aided her in also shooting down a lot of the grimm coming through the tunnel. The two were then joined by a squad of the other marines in the area in taking out the grimm from the hole and in the skies. 

With Team JNPR they were also having to deal with their own large group of grimm in the city center. Pyrrha charged at one beowolf using her spear to stab the evil creature in the neck killing it instantly and then upper cut slash cutting another one in half. Then behind her a boarbatusk charged at her hopping to get a lucky hit but the redhead huntress saw the attack coming and jumped over it. While in the air she transformed her spear into a rifle and shot the beast a few times stunning hit before transforming her rifle back into a spear and launching it at the grimm pig making it go straight through it. Landing back on the ground she then tossed her shield at a beowolf coming straight at her, the shield bounced off the one beowolf knocking it back a bit and the bounced off another beowolf behind the redhead girl. Catching the shield in her hands she then grabbed her spear out from the concrete and shifted it into its rifle form shooting the first grimm wolve to death in front of her and then shifting it back into its spear form stabbing the wolf behind her before going to fight off more grimm.

Ren meanwhile was also facing off with a number of beowolves and boarbatusks in his area of the city center. Running at his opponents jumped over a couple of the wolves and let loose with his two SMG pistols spraying down his targets with many bullets. When he landed back on the ground, he slashed at one Beowulf's neck killing it and then slashed another in its stomach before shooting it with his pistols. Then he jumped over a charging boarbatusk before kicking it into the air and then shooting its underbelly killing it. Then a beowolf charged at the huntsman in training ready to slash him, but he saw the attack coming at him and then ducked under then landed a undercut slash from his machine pistol's sharp end and then unloaded a number of bullets into the evil creature. 

Nora on the other hand was being her usually destructive self-fighting against the grimm in the city along with assisting the marines in the area. She first smacked a couple of beowolves with her hammer sending them into a building and having it collapse on the dark creatures killing them. Then she transformed her hammer into a grenade launcher and started firing grenades at the grimm coming out the big hole in the center. She then noticed a Ursa charging at a group of marines behind a Humvee and with quick thinking she fired a grenade at the grimm bear's back killing it. Then transforming her launcher back into a hammer and smashed a beowolves head to the ground crushing it to mist. After that she fired a grenade at the ground launching her into the sky and while air born she saw a pack of boarbatusks charging towards the center and the destructive girl got an idea. When she started falling back down to the ground she did a couple of somersaults and smashed her hammer on the ground sending a big shockwave to the ground and causing the group of boarbatusks to be launched into the air sending them flying. 

Jaune meanwhile was also holding his own against the attacking grimm, blocking the attacks with his shield and slicing them up with his sword. First, he blocked the slashing attack from a beowolf and then sliced its head clean off with his sword. Then saw another beowolf in front of him and as it swung its right arm for an attack the blonde huntsman in training sliced the arm of the dark creature, he followed by slicing the neck of the wolf thus killing it. Then a big Ursa came up to him with the intention of killing him but Jaune was ready for the attack. First he ducked under the attack from the grimm bear and then started slicing it with a number of attacks from his sword until he sliced the head of the bear clean off. After striking down the big bear Jaune then focused his attention on a attacking beowolf charging right at him. With quick thinking he raised his shield up and blocked the attack and followed up slicing the grimms left arm off and slash at the monsters neck killing it. 

After killing that one Jaune then saw a pack of more beowolves come around the corner and heading toward the city center. 

"Oh great, just what we needed." Jaune groaned as he got into a defensive pose ready to face the incoming grimm. But before the grimm reached him they were suddenly blow to bits from missiles that came from the skies. The blonde huntsman in training then looked up to see some sort of flying machines with rotor blades that were colored in a light green color and the tail of the vehicles it read 'US MARINES'. "Talk about timing."

Soon the others soon took notice of the new arrivals descending from the Huey's to assist them on the ground. Ryan was shocked at first when he saw the Huey's come in and started mopping up the grimm even more but, happy knowing they finally had back up.

"Hey Ryan?!" Coco called out. "Is this fun for you now?"

"You know it Coco!" Ryan replied. "I love this sort of action!"

Then not too long after the tanks and armored vehicles from the forest that had entered the city alongside the marines who got a ride on the vehicles to the city and then started on foot from there. They made their way to the center of the city and started helping out the huntsman and huntress teams in beating back the grimm. In the skies the squadron of F4U corsairs were shooting down the nevermores in the sky in order to give the choppers and the men on the ground cover from air attacks. Soon with combine efforts from the sea, land, and skies the number of grimm in the city was soon wiped out. 

Then to follow up the marine's reinforcements the Atlas military soon arrived on the scene as well in cleaning up what grimm was left in the area. Soon even some of the teachers from Beacon showed up as well to assist with the grimm in the area. Then in the middle of the gun fight a very angry looking Glynda then showed up on the scene and then used her semblance to fill in the hole from the tunnel until it was completely covered.  After mopping up a few more grimm around the city and the sky the alarms turned off and the citizens then came out from their hiding spots and started cheering for the people who had saved them most notalby Teams RWBY, JNPR, MARN, and CVFY.

The ones who were really receiving the cheers were the brave US Marines.


And finally done with this chapter! Over 5,500 words!

I hope it was worth the wait and guess what my Arizona story is crossing over with this one!

Anyways lets me know your thoughts in the comments!

and as always.... Stay tuned for more! :)

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