Chapter 25: A dusty old Qrow vs A WW1 Jarhead

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The quiet air around Beacon academy was then broken by the sounds of metal being clashed against each other. The scene then scrolled down to who was fighting in the academy courtyard causing quite a scene drawling in many students to watch. It turns out that the fight was between Michael and Qrow as the latter was fighting the WW1 veteran to see if it, he was worthy to date/protect his niece. Needless to say, this was something neither Weiss or Winter saw coming as they had the front row seat to the whole spectacle.

"Ugh... will you stop trying to kill me already?!" Michael shouted as he deflected another strike from Qrow.

"Oh no, if you're dating my niece you have to prove yourself to me!" Qrow answered back continuing his attacks on the WW1 veteran. "Prove to me that you are worthy to date her!"

Michael then deflected one of Qrow's strikes with his shield following up with a hard punch to the old man's face. However, Qrow Recovered quickly from the punch give the WW1 grinned looked as he raised up his sword for an overhead strike. Michael then reacted by jumping backwards right before the giant sword came down smashing into the concrete breaking it into many pieces. The old huntsman then looked up to see the WW1 veteran in the air jumping back, not wanting to let the jarhead get away he jumped after him.

Michael then landed on his feet as he slid back a bit before noticing that Qrow was charging at him with full intent to harm him. Bringing his shield up he was able to barely block the incoming attack from the drunk huntsman. Growing tired of this Michael then pulls out his M1911A1 and fired a couple of bullets at Qrow as the drunk huntsman deflected them with his sword.

"Oh, that's the way you want to play huh?" Qrow asked as he flipped a switch on his sword revealing the hilt having a gun barrel inside it. "Let's party!"

Qrow then fired a shotgun blast at the young Marine who in return raised his shield up blocking the blast although sending him sliding back a few feet. Recovering from the hit Michael then ran towards one of the tall style structures in the courtyard part of the school all the while dodging shotgun blasts from Qrow's weapon. Then reaching one of the pillars of the structure he then started running/climbing up the pillar until he reaches the top. At the same time Qrow climbed the structure next to the one Michael was on and as soon as they were both on the top of their structures, they fired at each other with their firearms.

Running on their structure's paths Michael and Qrow continued exchanging fire at each other as they ran, with Michael firing his M1911A1 and Qrow with his shotgun sword. Some of their shots came close to each other but never hitting each other. Then deciding to be more aggressive on the offensive the WW1 veteran then jumped high into the air using his semblance to fly directly at the drunk huntsman. Qrow saw the Marine jump straight at him and had no time to dodge as the WW1 veteran moved just as fast as Ruby did with her semblance. Slamming into the old huntsman they both took a fall back down to the ground slamming into the dirt with Qrow taking most of the fall damage.

Michael then performed a couple of backflips and gained some distance away from Qrow bringing up his shield and pistol as he straightens out on the ground just in case the old man tried to attack again. Coughing a couple times Qrow then stood up from where he had landed when he was rammed by the WW1 veteran wiping himself off from all the dirt that was on him. After wiping off the dirt off he then turns towards where Michael was standing his ground about 16 feet away from him. He then looked down at the ground and chuckled a little bit to himself causing the WW1 veteran to show a confused look.

"What's so funny old man?" Michael asked as Qrow then looked at him with a grin.

"You fight a lot like somebody I used to know, a long time ago." Qrow said flipping his sword back to its normal form. "And he used a shield just like yours."

This surprised Michael a little bit, but he didn't show it as he didn't know who else would wield a shield similar to his.

"How would you know that person's shield looked like mine?" Michael asked.

"It was the exact same shape as yours expect with different colors." Qrow explained as he then went into a fighting stance. "But enough talk, lets continue this fight."

With saying that Qrow then charged at Michael with the WW1 veteran blocking the attack with his shield causing some sparks to strike up when the metal of the two weapons went against each other. The two the exchanged blow after blow with each of their attacks with neither one gaining an upper hand on the other. Michael then threw his shield hitting Qrow directly in the chest causing him to stumble a little followed by the Michael catching it and throwing it again hitting him in the same spot. However, Qrow then started pushing Michael back to where their fight had just begun with the spectators stepping aside as to not get hit. Winter and Weiss watched in awe as they saw the two duke it out with each other.

"Shouldn't we stop this Winter?" Weiss asked now getting a little more worried as the fight dragged on.

"And how would we do that?" Winter asked. "Any attack we try to make might put someone else in danger."

"Hey what's going on?"

Weiss then turned around and saw Ruby walking up to her and her sister.

"Um... you might not like what's happening right now." Weiss said as she pointed to the fight that was happening in front of them. Ruby then looked to where Weiss was pointing, and she was speechless when she saw the fight that was happening.

"W-what is my uncle doing!?!" Ruby exclaimed as she saw him attacking Michael.

"Well, Michael may have mentioned to him that he was dating you and that sort of set him off." Weiss explained and that made Ruby sweat a little.

"Oh yeah, I haven't told him about Michael and I dating..." Ruby groaned as she then noticed the fight was escalating a bit more. "If anyone can stop my uncle, its me."

Ruby then made a stance as she was about to use her semblance to break up the fight to stop it from going any further.

"Um Ruby what are you doing?" Weiss asked noticing the stance she was in. But Ruby didn't answer as she shot forward towards the fight. Right as Qrow was about to do another overhead attack at Michael a red blur then snatched him away right at the last second and his attack struck the ground instead. The old huntsman then looked up from where his sword had landed to where the WW1 veteran was dragged away and he was dumbfounded when he saw his niece by his side holding onto him in a protective way.

"R-Ruby?" Qrow asked as he looked at her with shock.

"Stop trying to kill my boyfriend Uncle Qrow!!" Ruby shouted still clinging to Michael who was now blushing a little.

"Ruby... we made an agreement." Qrow stated firmly.

"I'm old enough to make these decisions Uncle Qrow!" Ruby replied.

"And old enough to have a boyfriend?" Qrow shot back. "Your father and I made an agreement with you that you were not supposed to have a boyfriend until you were at least 16."

"I'm only a few months away, I'd say I'm close enough to have a boyfriend." Ruby stated as she clings tightly to Michael more which seemed to angry Qrow.


"I'm old enough!" Ruby once again stated now making a pout face.

"What is going on here?!" A familiar voice asked as the three then turned their attention to General Ironwood who didn't look happy followed by Ozpin and Glynda.

"Qrow here attacked this man without reason." Winter said pointing to Qrow.

"It was for a good reason." Qrow muttered as he slung his sword on his back.

"Well, I hope your reason is good enough to explain all the damage you did fighting." Ironwood said pointing out most of the damage around the courtyard as Glynda began working her magic to repair the damages.

"Qrow, we need to talk in my office." Ozpin Instructed as he motioned Qrow to follow him. But before leaving Qrow took one last look at Michael and Ruby, the latter of which was still clinging to the WW1 veteran.

"You may win this time, but were still having a chat later." Qrow stated as he made his way to the headmaster's office with Winter following him not too long after.

"You fight well." Winter Complement Michael as she passed him.

"Uh... thanks..." Michael replied as he scratched his head before turning his attention to Ruby. "You can let go of me now."

Ruby then realized how she was holding onto Michael and blushed before letting go of him.

"Oh, hehe sorry." Ruby said.

"Thats okay." Michael said. "Thanks for defusing the situation though."

"No problem!" Ruby said as she scratched the back of her head. "I had to get my uncle to stop fighting you somehow."

"Well, he did say he was going to chat latter." Michael pointed out. "So we may have to deal with that after he gets done talking with Ozpin."

"Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time." Ruby assured. "Just as long as he isn't drunk, I think we'll be able to talk it out."

"I hope." Michael said. "Hey, have you seen Nick anywhere by chance?"

"No, why?" Ruby asked.

"I haven't seen him all day." Michael mentioned. "I tried calling him but he didn't pick up."

"Odd, maybe we can look later for him." Ruby suggested.

"I just hope nothing bad happened to him." Michael said.


Back in the dorms of the academy the gulf-war veteran was leaning against the wall on the first floor of the building waiting for certain someone. To some of the students that passed by him it looked as if he was just resting there after a long day of school. No one suspected him of doing anything out of the ordinary. However, he perked up when he saw a certain short girl enter the dorms before stopping at a add board to browse it a little. As she was browsing Nick walked up to her and placed a piece of paper on top of her head before leaving out of the front door. Neo felt the paper on her head and pulled it off seeing that it was folded up to make it smaller. She then unfolded the paper revealing it to be a message to her.

The message read;

Hello Neo,

Yes, we know who you are and who you are working for and that you're a buddy Roman Torchwick is to you. If you ever wish to see him again you better follow the instructions on this letter carefully, one wrong move could mean the end of Roman's life. Meet me at the Dorm courtyard at 7:00 tonight alone, from there we will talk. Don't tell anyone about this meeting, if tell Cinder or anyone else on your team... Roman dies. I really don't want it to come to violence, but Roman's fate lies in your hands. I suggest you think carefully about your choice.

Yours truly... A friendly US Marine.

Neo's eyes widen at the letter as she then looked around for the guy who placed the paper on her head, but he was nowhere to be seen. Looking at the message in front of her she then thought about the decision she had to make. Should she tell Cinder and possibly get Roman killed or listen to whoever gave her this message and possibly see Roman again. With quick thinking she tucked the note in her pocket and made sure no one was looking as she went off to her dorm room.

A little while later...

Neo then walked into the dorm room courtyard expecting to see someone waiting for her there, but it was empty. But as she was looking around the sound of footsteps behind her became clear and on instinct, she pulled out her umbrella and pointed the sharp end at the person's neck just inches away. That person turned out to be Nick wearing his Dress blues as he wanted to show the ice-cream-colored girl that she didn't want to fight but rather talk.

"Easy with that." Nick said as he walked around the short girl to the center of the courtyard. "Remember, your action will decide if Roman lives or dies."

With that Neo lowered her weapon and placed it on her hip before pulling out her scroll and typed a sentence that read; 'What do you want to talk about?'

"Well, first of all, lose the disguise." Nick said sitting down on the bench in the center. "You're not fooling me with it."

Neo rolled her eyes and shifted back into her original look with the pink and brown colored hair and matching eyes.

"Now, I've already spoken with Roman about this deal I'm going to let you in on." Nick started. "But it requires your cooperation if you want to be rid of Cinder forever."

Neo then typed another message on her scroll before showing it to the Gulf-war veteran.

Message: 'Why would you want to help a criminal like me?'

"Because you and Roman are just following orders from Cinder because you just want to survive." Nick answered. "But if you continue to work for Cinder, you won't survive."

Neo then typed another message; 'How would you know if we would survive or die if we continued to work for Cinder?'

"Let's just say for now, that she doesn't care for you or Roman." Nick said. "Once she gets what she wants, she'll just kill you both. Your nothing more the disposables to her."

Message on scroll; 'And what sort of deal did you talk to Roman about that could help us get away from Cinder?'

"I'll tell the same details of the deal that I told Roman." Nick said.

A little while earlier that day...

The scene opens to Nick once again in his dress blues walking down a hallway leading to the prisoner's cell on board Ironwoods flag ship.

"Are you sure you can convince him lieutenant?" Ironwood asked as the two walked side by side.

"Not to worry general, what I have to show Mr. Torchwick will certainly play a big factor in turning him to our side." Nick answered as he also had a brief case in his hands.

"I really hope so." Ironwood sighed as they stopped at the ceil at the end of the hallway revealing the Ginger-hair criminal master mind Roman Torchwick.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the general." Roman said in a sarcastic tone.

"Mr. Torchwick I've brought someone with me that has an offer for you." Ironwood said before opening the ceil door.

"Oh please, whatever deal they have I'm not interested." Roman sighed sitting back.

"I have a feeling its offer you can't refuse." Ironwood stated as Nick then walked into the room catching the attention of the Criminal.

"Oh, what's this, a marine with a deal?" Roman asked as he sat up. "Are you trying to get me to enlist with you? If that's the case I'm not interested."

Nick then sat down at the table placing the briefcase on the table in front of him.

"That is not the case here Mr. Torchwick, at least hear me out on this deal." Nick said motioning him to sit down at the table. Taking a seat at the table the two then staired face to face with each other until Nick broke the silence. "We know you're working for Cinder Fall and he underlings, we know what her plans are, and we know that you can help us stop her in her tracks."

"Oh please, as if you could stop her." Roman said. "She's got hundreds of white fang fighters and Atlas military tech to bring Beacon to the ground, not to mention the grimm."

"We have the means to counter anything she tries to bring." Nick stated. "All we need from you is your cooperation."

"And why would I work with you?" Roman asked leaning back in his chair. Nick then opened the briefcase taking out a laptop and pulling up a video before turning the screen to Roman.

"I believe this will change your mind." Nick stated as he pressed the play button.

After watching the video...

Roman was at a loss for words after the video had ended. He slumped down into his chair trying to process what he just saw. He just witnessed himself getting eaten by a griffin.

"W-what... did I just watch?" Roman asked.

"The future." Nick answered. "The future which you still side with Cinder and her underlings, results of you getting killed."

"This doesn't make any sense."  Roman muttered. "How does that exist?"

"This world is nothing more than a web series back on our home world." Nick explained. "If it were up to me, I'd say I'm your best bet for survival."

"If I do help you." Roman started. "What exactly do I get out of it?"

"Help us to ensure Cinders plan doesn't succeed and I will see to it that you and Neo get light sentences." Nick said as Roman raised his eyebrow at this.

"How light are we talking here?" Roman asked.

"10 years, but if take a teaching position at Beacon academy and do some community service here and there you could just be looking at 5 to 7 years." Nick explained. "And to me that seems like a heck of a deal for someone like you."

Roman then brought finger to his chin as he thought about the deal that was offered to him. 

"What exactly would I teach?" He asked.

"Simple, how to deal with criminals like you, the criminal underworld, and anything else crime related." Nick explained. "Think of it this way, you'd basically be getting off the hook with just a slap on the wrist and nothing more."

"And how do I know Cinder won't come after me and kill me?" Roman asked.

"Oh, believe me when her attack fails, she won't turn to you." Nick said. "She'll be too busy trying to keep it all from falling apart, she won't have time to think about you, or your little henchman Neo."

"You're saying you'd protect me if she came after me?" Roman asked sitting up in his chair.

"If it came to that, yes." Nick replied. "What do say Mr. Torchwick? Is it a deal?"

Roman then weighed the options in front of him, assist these marines in taking down Cinder or serve a long time in jail and possibly never be let out.

"My dear marine... *Holds out hand* you've got yourself a deal." Roman replied as Nick then shook his hand.

"You know this isn't the first time we've made deals with criminals." Nick said.

"Oh? What other deals have you made with criminals?" Roman asked. 

"I'll tell you another time." Nick said.

Back to the present time...

Neo was still a little speechless as she process's everything that was just said to her and the deal that was presented to her. She then looked at Nick and his expression alone told her that he wasn't lying. But before she decided on the deal, she made the choice to ask one last question.

She typed; 'When will we serve our sentences?'

"After we stop Cinder and her underlings from taking over the school." Nick answered. "Once it's all done and over with that's when you start."

Neo then pondered in her thoughts as she thought about her choices in front of her. Should she really trust this mans word or risk it and possibly get Roman and herself killed. Looking back towards Nick she then typed in the answer on her scroll. 

'Alright I accept your offer as well, what do I have to do?'

Nick then pulled out a small chip that would fit the adapting port of a scroll and showed it to the young girl.

"Just place this chip into Cinders scroll and leave it in there for a few minutes for our hackers to erase the virus in the system." Nick explained. "Should be pretty easy for considering your in the same dorm as her."

Nick then gave the chip to Neo as she looked at the small device and thought about how she was going to do this. She then looked back at the gulf war veteran as she typed another message.

"Can I see Roman after this?"

"I'll see if I can arrange something." Nick promised. "Oh and also, if you do this job well I'll buy you some ice cream." 

Neo's face then lit up at the mention of ice cream being involved, now she wanted to help. After all Cinder never bought Neo any ice cream when she worked for her. It was the perfect way to get back at her. 

'You better keep your word about the Ice cream.' she typed.

"Not to worry I will." Nick promised. "Just make sure you do this right."

And with that Neo left Nick alone in the courtyard as she made her way back to the dorms where the others were. Watching her leave Nick then pulled out his scroll and called Ozpin.

"Well?" Ozpin asked.

"She took the deal." Nick said. "But wants Ice cream and to see Roman in return."

"Well, I think we can arrange that." Ozpin replied. "I really do hope you know what your doing Nick."

"So do I sir." Nick replied. "But desperate times call for desperate measures."

"How long before your hackers can get into Cinders scroll?" Ozpin asked.

"I'd say around an hour, two at most." Nick replied. "She will text me when its ready."

"Very well, hopefully we can stop her before she makes her move." Ozpin said. 

"Don't worry headmaster, the marine corps will ensure Beacon does not fall." Nick stated.


And done with another chapter!

It took me longer than I thought it would but I got it out!

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Stay tuned for more!

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