Chapter 6: Meeting the Headmaster

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"I'm Professor Ozpin the headmaster of Beacon academy." Ozpin said. "Please sit." The 4 Marines sit down. "So who are you 4 exactly and what were you doing in the emerald forest?"  The 4 Marines just looked at each other as they were all wondering what to say to the guy. 

"Well to put it simply we are US Marines." Nick said. "And I was in that forest because of a bright light brought me there."

"Hey that's right I was brought to that forest by a bright light too!" Michael said.

"Hey same here!" Alex exclaimed.

"That makes 4 of us." Ryan said.

"Well anyway I'm lieutenant Nick Jones." Nick said.

"I'm Private Michael Connors." Michael Replied.

"Sargent Alex Ambers is my name." Alex said leaning back in his seat kicking his feet up on the desk.

"Corporal Ryan Jackson is the name." Ryan said. 

"You take your feet off the desk you soldier!" Glynda said. The 4 Marines just glared at Glynda like she had just said something insulting to the 4. Then Nick stood up and looked at Glynda dead in the eyes.

"We are more then just soldiers Lady." Nick growled. "We are Marines." Glynda backed off a little as the Marine glared at her.

"That's the same.." Glynda stated before Ozpin cut her off. (P.S. Don't ever call a US Marine a soldier a lot of them would see that as an insult. so don't do it.)

"That's enough Glynda." Ozpin said. "No need to start anything here." Glynda then backed away in frustration knowing that she couldn't yell at the 4 Marines there. 

"So you 4 are Marines?" Ozpin asked. 

"Yes sir U.S. Marines to be exact." Alex said.

"U.S. Marines?" Ozpin said.

"U.S. stands for United states, United states of America." Michael said. "A  Proud and Freedom loving country of proud Military Pride."

"I've never heard of the United States of America before." Ozpin said. "What exactly do you Marines do for your country?"

"Well to put it simply we fight our countries battles on the Land, sea, and air." Ryan said. "Thought were all are from different conflicts of different times."

"How so?" Ozpin asked.

"Well Michael is from WW1, Alex is from WW2, Ryan is from the Vietnam war, and I am from the Gulf war." Nick stated. "I guess were just an evolution of U.S. Marines."

"That is very interesting." Ozpin said as he was shocked inside that they were from a planet that had multiple conflicts going on at different times. "Also is the United states a new Kingdom? I've never heard of it before."

"Were not ruled by a monarch." Nick said.

"Also How have you not heard of it before?" Nick asked. "We are on earth are we not?"

"Do You mean Remnant?" Ozpin asked. "This Planets name is Remnant." The Marines were taken back at what the man just said. It was now clear to the Marines that they weren't on Earth anymore. Of course then Ozpin showed the 4 a map of Remnant and that confirmed that they were on a different planet. The Marines then felt as if they had everything taken from them but Ozpin was there to try and cheer them up. 

"Well what do we do now?" Ryan asked.

"Well you 4 could become students here at my academy." Ozpin suggested. "But the choice is completely yours."

"Give us second please." Nick said as the 4 gathered and talked in private. "Well what do you guys think, cause I think we should accept his offer?"

"I say we take it." Ales said. "Besides I never finished high school due to the Great depression."

"I agree besides that girl with the Mini-gun told me this was a combat school." Ryan said. "So we could possibly learn some new combat styles to fight."

"Why the hell not?" Michael said. "It could be a awesome adventure for us."

"Well then its decided." Nick said. The 4 then approached Ozpin with their answer. "Professor we accept the offer of Becoming students at this academy."

"Very well, I'm glad you accepted the offer." Ozpin said with a smile. "You 4 might need these then if your joining the academy." Ozpin then gave the 4 scrolls and they all looked at it with confusion.

"What's this?" Michael asked examining the unknown device in his hands.

"It's called a scroll." Ozpin said. "Its a communication device."

"Like a phone basically." Nick stated. 

"How do you use it?" Alex asked.

Time skip by Ozpin explaining to the 4 of how to use their scrolls and what they do....

"Ah I see." Michael said. "Never had such a device before."

"Well in any case you 4 will be given your own dorm for u to stay in." Ozpin said as he handed a set of door keys to Nick who accepted them.

"Thanks." Nick said.

Time skip to dorm....

They were then shown to their dorm by Glynda and they found out that they were just next to team RWBY's Dorm. They then saw the inside of their dorm.

"Wow this is actually kind of nice." Ryan said as he set his M60 down on a table. "Way better then where I had to sleep in Nam."

"Well its much better then what I used to see." Michael said as he set both his BAR and Springfield on the end of his bed.

"At least I don't have to worry about mosquitos now." Alex said as he sat on the bed in the right corner.

"Well, no hot heat either I think were all gonna like it here." Nick said as he placed his M16A2 next to his bed. "Well lets get some rest for now." Then they all went to sleep rather quickly as they were all tired.


And done with another chapter!

Let me know what you guys think!

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