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Once upon a time there was an really cool and very beautiful kingdom of New York and the kingdom was ruled by a beloved king named Master Splinter and his queen and wife named Natasha Hamato and their four sons Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and their one daughter Karai and their four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa and they also adopted a girl who wears black and purple and dark purple clothes and socks and biker jacket and biker sneakers and magical and indestructible 90 foot long multicolored hair and vampire red eyes and vampire pale skin and her name is Marinette Hamato and Marinette and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa were playing in their parent's throne room and she was practicing her fire and ice powers out of her hands and fingers and they were making snowmen and sandcastles and they were hopping in the snow and jumping on the snow mountains and Marinette accidentally shut out her friend Vanessa and she stopped practicing her fire and ice powers and she ran over to her friend Vanessa and her hair turned a little bit of fire red and ice blue and she called for her parents and they came quickly and they picked up Vanessa and they went into the forest and they went to go see the trolls and one of the trolls named grandpabby helped them and he didn't remove Vanessa's memories but he made them better and he put her memories back inside her head and she remembered everything that happened to her and he also told Marinette to learn how to control her fire and ice powers and to be safe and Marinette's dad Master Splinter and her mom Natasha wanted her to wear gloves so she doesn't hurt anyone else and Marinette stayed in her room and she did eat her breakfast, lunch and dinner and dessert in her bedroom for years and she's been learning how to control her fire and ice powers and Vanessa started and kept and finished singing Do you want to build a snowman from Frozen and she also attended her parent's funeral and Marinette and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa were preparing for the coronation of becoming the queen and princes and princesses of New York and Marinette and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa got dressed and they started and kept and finished singing For The First Time In Forever from Frozen and they began the ceremony in the courtroom and Marinette let them put the crown on her head and she took off her gloves and she grabbed the golden scepter and sphere and she started to breathe in and breathe out and she was crowned queen of New York and they went into the throne room and they met a lot of people from many countries and states and they met the duke and dutchess of London England and Marinette and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa were dancing with the others and they went to go take a break for a little bit and Vanessa met a guy named Peter Jones and they would dance and hangout together and they went to different places with each other and they started and kept and finished singing Love as an open Door from Frozen and Peter asked Vanessa to marry him and Vanessa said yes and they went to go see Marinette and they asked her if they could have her blessing of their marriage and Marinette apologized and she said that she was really and truly discombobulated on them getting married and they told them about the details of everything and Marinette said that she wanted to talk to Vanessa alone and Vanessa said that whatever she had to say she can say it to the both of them and Marinette said that she can't marry a guy she just met and Vanessa told her that she can if it's true love and Marinette asked Vanessa what did she know about true love and Vanessa told Marinette that she knows more about true love way more than her and all Marinette knows how to shut people out and Marinette looked really hurt and she said that she needed some fresh air and that they asked for her blessing of their marriage but her answer was no and she was about to go find a place to calm down when Vanessa grabbed one of her gloves and she snatched ot off and Marinette asked for her glove back and Vanessa said that she couldn't live like this anymore and Marinette said that she should leave and Vanessa asked her what did she ever to her and Marinette said enough Vanessa and Vanessa said no why and why would she shut her out and why would she shut the world out and what was she so afraid of and Marinette told Vanessa that she said enough and she ran out of the throne room and she ran away from everyone and she turned the water into fire and ice and she went into the forest and Vanessa said that she's gonna find Marinette and that she would leave her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her three friends April and Shinigami and Casey in charge and Peter asked if she can trust Marinette and that he doesn't want her to get hurt and she said that Marinette's her friend and that she wouldn't hurt her and she went to go find her and Marinette was walking on the mountains and she started and kept and finished singing a song called Let It Go from Frozen and she made her stairs and her fire and ice castle and her dress and shoes with her fire and ice powers out of her hands and fingers and Vanessa was looking for Marinette and she went to the trading post and she walked into the store and she asked the owner if they've seen her friend Marinette and they said that didn't see her and they gave her a winter dress and boots and a cape and she met another guy named Jake West and a girl named Melanie Jones and they asked the owner if they could buy a few winter outfits and boots and they said yes and they paid for their winter outfits and boots and Vanessa paid for her winter dress and boots and a cape and they went to go find Marinette and they met a snowman named Damien Honeywell and he asked them what were they doing in the forest and Vanessa said that they were looking for Marinette and he started and kept and finished singing a song called In Summer from Frozen and he showed them the way to Marinette's fire and ice castle and Vanessa and Marinette's brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her three friends April and Shinigami and Casey were making sure that their kingdom of New York was warm and cooled off and they also made sure that Vanessa's boyfriend Peter didn't do anything to run or take over their kingdom and Vanessa and Jake and Melanie and Damien went to go see Marinette at her fire and ice castle and they walked up the stairs and Vanessa knocked on the door and the door opened and she asked them if they could wait outside and they said that they didn't mind waiting for her and she went inside the castle and Vanessa told Marinette that she's here and that she wanted to visit her and Marinette said that she's coming out and she walked into the room and Vanessa said that she liked and loved her fire and ice castle and her dress and shoes and Marinette said thank you and that she never knew what she was capable and Vanessa said that she apologized for what happened back when they were in the kingdom of New York and Marinette said that it was okay and that she forgave her and she didn't want to go back home and Vanessa said that they needed her to come back home and Marinette said that she belongs there alone where she can be who she is and without hurting anyone and Vanessa said that Marinette accidentally turned the kingdom into fire and ice and Damien came in the castle to surprise them and Marinette asked him what was he doing here and he wanted to see her and Vanessa said that it's just like the one that they built as kids and that they can be so close again Marinette said that can't be together and that she needed to leave and that she told Vanessa that she's just trying to protect her Vanessa said that she didn't have to protect her and that she's not afraid and Marinette and Vanessa started and kept and finished singing a song called For The First Time In Forever reprise from Frozen and Marinette accidentally struck Vanessa in the heart and Marinette looked at Vanessa in heartbreak and Jake and Melanie came to check up on her and she said that she'll be fine and Marinette said that Vanessa had to leave and Vanessa said that she knows that they can figure it out together and Marinette asked her what power did she have to stop her and this fire and ice storm and Jack and Melanie told that they have to leave and Vanessa said that she's not leaving with Marinette and Marinette said that yes she was and she kicked them out of her fire and ice castle and Vanessa and Jack and Melanie fell off the mountain and they landed in the snow and Vanessa and Jake and Melanie got up from the snow and they asked Vanessa what happened to her hair and Vanessa said that they saw that her hair is turning fire red and ice blue and Vanessa looked at her hair a little bit worried and she asked them did it look bad and they told her that they liked and loved it and they went to go see the trolls and Marinette was pacing back and forth and she was truly trying to calm down and she started and kept and finished breathing in and breathing out and she started to calm down and she started to get a little bit nervous and worried about her friend Vanessa and Vanessa and Jake and Melanie came to the trolls and they helped Vanessa and Jake and Melanie by singing a song called Fixer Upper from Frozen and Vanessa started to get a little bit weak and grandpabby said that Vanessa's life was in danger and that there's fire and ice in her heart from her friend Marinette and she might freeze and burn forever and they asked him if he can remove it and he said that he can't but only an act of true love can thaw and warm a frozen and burned heart and they practically suggested a true love's kiss and Vanessa started getting weaker and weaker and they took her back to the castle and everyone else's guards were trying to go into Marinette's fire and ice castle and they would try to hurt her but she defended herself and she attacked them with her fire and ice powers out of her hands and fingers and Prince Edmond came and saw this and he saw that one of the guards was being pushed out of the window and he told Marinette that he would take her home only if she stopped hurting everyone else and especially her best friend Vanessa and she stopped her fire and ice powers and one of the other guards was gonna shoot her with an arrow and Prince Edmond saved Marinette and they went back to the castle and he put her in the spare bedroom and he talked to her on why did she hurt her best friend Vanessa and Marinette told him everything that happened and he suggested that she and Vanessa could hug it out and make up and Marinette said that she would make it up to Vanessa and Vanessa said that she knew what Peter was up to when they were in the room together and that she's gonna tell everyone else and especially Marinette and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Jake and Melanie and she went to go find them and Marinette went to go find Vanessa and Prince Edmond went to go stop Peter Jones from hurting Marinette and Marinett was on her knees and Vanessa got in the way and she turned into an fire and ice statue and Marinette got up from her knees and she hugged Vanessa a little tight and she started and kept and finished crying tears of gold and her golden tears were streaming down her face and her golden tears were turning into a lot of one million and billion and gazillion and trillion solid gold bars and Vanessa started and kept and finished thawing and warmig up and Marinette wiped her golden tears with her hands and fingers and she hugged Vanessa and Vanessa hugged Marinette back and they let go of each other and Marinette asked her she sacrificed herself for her and Vanessa said that she loves her like a sister and as a friend and Damien said that an act of true love can thaw and warm a frozen and burned heart and Marinette knew that love will thaw and warm and Vanessa was a little bit confused and Marinette started to turn the kingdom back to normal and Vanessa said that she knew that Marinette can do it and Damien started to melt and Marinette created an fire and ice flurry for him and Prince Edmond was about to go punch Peter Jones but Vanessa stopped him and she walked up to him and he saw that Vanessa was back to normal and he said that Marinette froze and burned her heart and Vanessa said that the only frozen and burned heart around here is his and she punched him in the face and he landed in the water and everyone clapped and cheered and Marinette and Vanessa hugged each other and Prince Peter Jones was sent back to his kingdom of Hogwarts for his crimes against Marinette and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa and the duke and dutchess of London England went back to their home and Vanessa gave Jake and Melanie their own sleds and they thanked Vanessa and she said your welcome and Vanessa and Melanie became a couple and Jake and Amber became a couple as well and Marinette did a fire and ice show for everyone else and especially her parents in heaven and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa and Melanie and Jake and Amber and they were given fire and ice skates and Marinette gave her friend Vanessa some fire and ice skates and they started skating together and Prince Peter Jones got spanked and diapered and treated like an Adult baby boy and a two-year old would do and they would make him wear Adult diapers and an Adult baby boy outfits and sleepers and suck on pacifiers and sleep in a crib and eat different flavored baby food and drink milk and juice from different baby bottles and they would turn the spare bedroom into an Adult baby boy and a two-year old nursery and they would give him rewards for when he does something good and they would give him punishments for when he does something wrong and bad and naughty and Prince Peter Jones learnt an very important lesson it's not okay to force someone into working as Cinderella and as a maid and slave for you and make them wear different colored maid and slave dresses for you and make them do things for you and that you can't force or try to make them do things that they knew that they weren't supposed to do and that you can't force or try to make them do things for you and they had a sleepover and a secret siblings and friends club and they were telling a lot of funny and silly secrets to each other and they were playing video games and watching tv shows and movies and dancing and singing songs and swimming in the pool with their bathing suits and FinFun mermaid tails from FinFun and they were watching the sunset in the sky and they were watching the fire and ice flowers in the sky and they were watching the stars in the night sky and Marinette made a lot of wishes for her dad King Master Splinter and her mom Queen Natasha and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa and they went to sleep and they started and kept and finished dreaming about different things and they will always be together and they will always love each other and whenever they get into a brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other Marinette will always help out her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa and they wouldn't get into another brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other again and they all lived happily ever after, The End.

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