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Once upon a time there was a beautiful and very kind girl named Marinetterella who lived with her four cruel teenage mutant ninja turtle stepbrothers and her two kind Kunoichi stepsisters and her Gypsy and Hockey friends and her wicked stepfather. She wasn't allowed out of the house except to tend the garden so her only friends were the animals who loved her because she was so kind to them Every day Marinetterella's stepfather and stepbrothers make her wipe the cinders from the fireplace and clean up the house from top to bottom And every day they make her draw their baths, style their hair, and help them dress. One day a royal messenger knocked on their door "The king is having a royal ball for the Hedgehog prince tonight Every girl in the kingdom is invited." he announced. "Every girl but you Marinetterella," laughed her stepbrothers. So Marinetterella got her bucket and broom and began her chores. As Marinetterella swept the cinders the younger stepbrothers yelled "Marinetterella! Marinetterella! Help us into our suits of royal purple and rocking orange!" As Marinetterella scrubbed the floors the older stepbrothers yelled "Marinetterella! Marinetterella! Help us into our suits of royal blue and rebel red!" Soon her four wicked teenage mutant ninja turtle stepbrothers and her two kind Kunoichi stepsisters and her Gypsy and Hockey friends and her wicked stepfather were dressed and on their way. "We're off to the royal ball, If you were clean of cinders and had something nice to wear, Marinetterella, you could go too." said her wicked stepfather. "Tsk, tsk such a shame." laughed her stepbrothers. "We're off to meet the Hedgehog prince." said two. "And two of us will be his kings." said the others. Marinetterella ran to the garden and cried. Slowly a gentle wind of pixie dust and sparkles formed around her. Then someone appeared. "Who-who are you?" Marinetterella asked through her tears. "I am your fairy godmother and tonight you will go to the royal ball and meet the Hedgehog prince!" said the woman. "But how?" asked Marinetterella. "Make haste. I need five mice, a rabbit, and a pumpkin." said her fairy godmother. Marinetterella didn't stop to ask why. Marinetterella called to the animals and they came quickly. Then she picked a pumpkin from the garden. With a wave of her fairy godmother's wand, the five mice became five sturdy horses, the pumpkin became a beautiful coach, and the rabbit became an elegant coachman. Marinetterella was wearing the gown of her dreams! And medium gold slippers sparkled on her dainty feet. "Hurry to the ball" said her fairy godmother. "But you must return home before the clock strikes twelve midnight! That is when my magic ends." When Marinetterella arrived at the ball the Hedgehog prince could not take his eyes off her. Everyone looked at the beautiful girl who caught the Hedgehog prince. "May I have this dance?" he asked. "Yes." said Marinetterella. And they danced, And they danced, And they danced. Until... The clock rang out twelve times. Oh no! Marinetterella remembered the words of her fairy godmother: You must return home before the clock strikes twelve midnight. Marinetterella ran out of the palace. As she ran down the stairs the Hedgehog prince found a medium gold slipper she had left behind. On her way home everything turned back to normal: the pumpkin, the mice, the rabbit, and her dress. Word traveled throughout the kingdom that the Hedgehog prince was looking for a girl who's foot could fit in the medium gold slipper. He planned to ask for her hand in marriage! When the Hedgehog prince arrived at Marinetterella's home each of her stepbrothers tried but couldn't get one toe into the medium gold slipper. Then he saw Marinetterella. He bent down on one knee and held out the slipper for her to try on. Her foot slipped right in. She and the Hedgehog prince smiled. "Finally, I have found you. Will you be my wife?" he asked. Marinetterella said "Yes! I will!" And they lived happily ever after The End.

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