One Angry Person

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful and really cool kingdom of New York and the kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and his four sons and two daughters and friends and they also adopted a girl with magical and indestructible 80 foot long Vampire Red and Platinum Blonde and Vampire Black and Rainbow and Golden blonde and Emerald Green and Dark Purple and Fire Red and Dark Pink and Crimson Red hair and Vampire Red eyes and vampire pale skin and her name is Marinette Hamato. One day Marinette had to go to the bathroom but Casey was in there and she asked him can she use the bathroom and he said that he was busy and she said that he was in there for an hour and he told her to get lost and that he has an important hockey game today and Marinette's dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends asked her for her help and she helped them and she was going to watch tv and Casey was watching a movie and she told him that she was watching tv and he told her that he was born first and that it was his first serve and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends were fighting over the tv remote and she have had enough of their crazy fights and she told them off saying that she doesn't like to deal with their crazy fights and she told Casey that she was sick and tired of him bullying and picking on her and Casey told her that if she got something to say to him then say it and she told him that he's the worst friend in the world and Casey just slapped Marinette on the cheek and April and Karai and Shinigami asked her was she alright and she pushed them away and she told them that nobody loves her and that she's not doing anything for them ever again and her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends started to yell at Casey and she started to treat her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends badly and her sisters and her friend needed to talk to Casey and they need Leatherhead to help them out and her dad and her brothers and her friends and her new friends were yelling at him for slapping her on the cheek and he told them that she had the nerve to say to him that he's the worst friend in the world and they told him that he is the worst friend in the world and Casey said that he's not convinced and he didn't see April and Karai and Shinigami complaining and they were back with Leatherhead and he apologized that they were late and that her sisters and her friend wanted to get a new look and Casey complimented on their looks and her sisters and her friends told him off and they told him about the Dork Diaries and the four stories about Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella and Rapunzel and Snow White incident and that he needed to make it up to her and Marinette was talking to her friends on her video chat and she told them that she was fed up with Casey and that she won't forgive him for what he did to her and that she should find a new friend to replace him and they told her that she can't be mad at him forever and that she needs to give him another chance but Marinette told them that she remembered that her dad told her that she and Casey was playing together when they were kids but she didn't know what her dad was talking about and her friend Casey heard everything that she said and he felt bad for her and he went to go make it up to her and bought her new things and he made her something for breakfast and she saw what she got in her room and she went downstairs and she saw a plate of pancakes and bacon and fruit and fruit punch on the table and she asked him what's all of this stuff and he told her that her wanted to apologize to her for slapping her on the cheek and she forgave him and she apologized to him for being a bully and saying that he's the worst friend in the world and he forgave her and she apologized to her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends for being a bully and they forgave her and Marinette and Casey learnt an important lesson it's not okay to slap someone else on the cheek or to bully or hurt your family and friends and your new friends and that you should always be nice to them and they had a sleepover and a secret siblings and friends club and they told a lot of crazy secrets to each other and they were watching tv shows and movies and dancing and singing songs and playing with her dolls and they were having a tickle fight with each other and they were playing the this little piggy nursery rhyme on her feet and toes and they were watching the flying fire flowers and they looked at the stars in the sky and Marinette made a lot of wishes for her dad and her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends and they will always be together and they will always love each other and whenever they get into a brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other Marinette is always there to help her brothers and sisters and her friends and her new friends and they wouldn't get into another brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other again and they lived happily ever after The End. 

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