Strife of the party

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Once upon a time there was an really cool and very unique kingdom of New York and the kingdom was ruled by a beloved king named Master Splinter and his queen and wife named Natasha Hamato and their four sons Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and their one daughter Karai and their four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa and they also adopted a girl who wears black and purple and dark purple clothes and socks and biker jacket and biker sneakers and magical and indestructible 80 foot long multicolored hair and vampire red eyes and vampire pale skin and her name is Marinette Hamato and Casey was planning and preparing for Marinette's birthday party and then Marinette came into his bedroom and she asked Casey what was he doing today and Casey told Marinette that he was planning and preparing for her birthday party and Marinette told Casey that she was thinking that she could plan her birthday party this year and Casey laughed at her thinking that she was joking around but he realized that she was serious and Casey told her that he was going to plan her birthday party this year and Marinette said that he always plan her birthday party every year and even before she was born but this year she told him that she wanted to plan her birthday party her way and they went to go to different desert shops and Casey picked out a couple of cakes for her but Marinette said that she's gonna go pick her own cake and decorations and she picked out a mermaid cake and the little mermaid decorations and she asked all of her favorite celebrities if their schedules are free and if that they want to come to her birthday party and they said yes and that all of their schedules are free from many things and Casey and Marinette went back home and they saw that Marinette was super happy and excited and they asked her how did it go and she said that it went great and really wonderful and Vanessa noticed that Casey was really stressed out and she was nervous and worried about him and she asked Casey what was wrong and he told Vanessa everything that happened and Vanessa told Casey that he should let Marinette plan her birthday party this year and she also told him to not to say or do anything really mean and rude and hurtful and harsh and cruel and crazy and insane and wicked and wrong and bad and naughty and Casey said that he won't do anything really crazy and Vanessa left his bedroom and he asked his stuffed animals what should he do and his stuffed animals were silent and Casey got an rotten and evil and repulsive idea and he made a few phone calls and he also grabbed April's kunoichi tessen and sword and Karai's tanto sword and he snuck out of the castle and he went to all of Marinette's favorite celebrities houses and he popped and slashed and sliced their tires with their weapons and he went back to the castle and he went to bed and the next day when everyone else got up especially Marinette she went to go to Casey's bedroom and she said that she can't believe that it's her twenty-third birthday and that she doesn't feel a day over twenty-second and she also thanked him for letting her plan and prepare for her birthday party this year and she knows that it wasn't easy to give it up but he was weirdly cool about it and Casey said that she made it look so easy and Marinette hugged him and she told him to meet her at the park and she ran out of his bedroom and her cat snowflake was looking at him and he asked the cat what snowflake and her cat snowflake growled and hissed at him and Casey said that it's party time and he went to the park and he saw that Vanessa and Marinette were chasing after the garbage truck with her mermaid cake and the little mermaid decorations but the truck sped away and Marinette was really upset and Casey asked them what happened and what was going on and Marinette said that the garbage man threw away her mermaid cake and the little mermaid decorations and Casey faked gasped in surprise and he asked them how did the garbage man not understand the vision she was going for and they started and kept and finished breathing in and breathing out and Marinette said that it's okay and that at least her favorite celebrities are gonna be there soon and she got a call from every one of her favorite celebrities on her cellphone and she said hello and they told her their names and they also told her that they couldn't make it to her birthday party and that someone destroyed their tires and Marinette said that she hopes that they get some new tires soon and they said thank you to her and she said your welcome to them and they hung up their phones and she told Casey and Vanessa that her favorite celebrities weren't coming to her birthday party and that their tires on their cars were flat and Casey said that she's kidding and what are the chances and that the guests are starting to arrive and their guests arrived at the park and Casey said that he better go welcome everyone and that he'll try to put on a happy face and he went to go greet them and Marinette heard her cellphone ring again and she said what now and she answered her cellphone again and she said hello and all of the bakers and chefs in the kingdom told her that they couldn't bring her favorite foods and drinks and snacks and treats and her birthday cake to her birthday party because someone told the health inspector of all the weird things that have been going on and now they have to clean up all of their bakeries from top to bottom and make it spotless and she said thanks for trying to make it work and they said your welcome and they hung up their cellphones and Marinette and Vanessa and her cat snowflake went to go sit down on the grass underneath the tree and Casey was joking around and laughing with the guests but then he saw that Marinette and Vanessa and her cat snowflake were sitting on the ground underneath the tree and he walked over to them and he asked Marinette was she going to join her party and Marinette said that her party was ruined and that her mermaid birthday cake and the little mermaid decorations were gone and that her favorite celebrities weren't coming to her birthday party and Casey said that he apologized to hear about that and Marinette told Casey that he gotta help her out and she asked him was there anything that he could do to save her birthday party and Casey said that he might be able to figure something out and he fixed her birthday party by getting everything back to normal and Marinette asked him how did he manage to pull this together so fast and Casey said well it wasn't gonna be the awesome party that she had planed but it will have to do and the garbage man hello to Casey and he also hoped that he didn't mind but he came back for some cake and Vanessa asked him did he knew the garbage man who threw away Marinette's mermaid cake and the little mermaid decorations and Casey said that he barely knew the garbage man and they saw that Marinette's favorite celebrities came to her birthday party and they called Casey's name and they ran over to them and they handed him April's kunoichi tessen and sword and Karai's tanto sword and they told him watch where he leaves the weapons and it popped their tires which they'll be charging him for and they saw a lot of different kinds of foods and drinks and snacks and treats on the tables and they walked quickly away from them and Marinette asked Casey what were April's kunoichi tessen and sword and Karai's tanto sword doing underneath all of her favorite celebrities's tires and Casey said that these aren't even their weapons and that everyone's using them nowadays and Vanessa said that she told him not to do anything really crazy and insane and Marinette grabbed April's kunoichi tessen and sword and Karai's tanto sword out of his hands and fingers and she told him to save it and that she couldn't believe that he'd been lying to her this whole time about getting rid of her mermaid cake and the little mermaid decorations and popping her favorite celebrities's tires on their cars and making those fake phone calls just so that he can run her birthday party his way and it wasn't fair to her at all and it was her turn and he knew it from the start and she ran away from her birthday party and Vanessa said that he has to make it up to her and she chased after her and Casey told everyone else and especially her mom Queen Natasha and her dad King Master Splinter and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her friends and all of her favorite celebrities what happened and they said that they can help only if he promised that he would let Marinette plan her birthday party her way and he promised that he would let Marinette plan her birthday party her way and they made Marinette's birthday party extra special and Casey went to go find Marinette and Vanessa and he found them sitting on the bench and he walked over to them and Vanessa asked him what did he want and Casey said that he wanted to apologize for not letting Marinette plan her birthday party this year and he wanted to make it up to her and Marinette said that she and Vanessa could come and that she forgave him and they went back to the party and Marinette saw that her birthday party was really nice and sweet and kind and really cool and very beautiful and really pretty and very wonderful and really unique and she was really compassionate and merciful and very considerate that Casey did this for her and she was singing a song called Part Of Your World with Halle Bailey and they had a lot of fun at Marinette's birthday party and Casey learnt an very important lesson it's not okay to sabotage someone else's birthday party plans and destroy someone's tires on their cars and make those fake phone calls just so that you can run their birthday party your way and they had a sleepover and a secret siblings and friends club and they were telling a lot of crazy and insane secrets to each other and they were having a lot of tickle fights with each other and they were playing the this little piggy nursery rhyme on both of their bare feet and toes with their hands and fingers playfully and they were watching tv shows and movies and dancing and singing songs and swimming in the pool with their bathing suits and FinFun mermaid tails from FinFun and they were watching the sunset in the sky and they were watching the flying fire and ice flowers in the sky and they were watching the stars in the night sky and Marinette made a lot of wishes for her dad King Master Splinter and her mom Queen Natasha Hamato and her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her friends and her new friends and Casey's dad and all of her favorite celebrities and they went to go to sleep and they started and kept and finished dreaming about different things and they will always be together and they will always love each other and whenever they get into a brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other Marinette will always help out her brothers Leo and Raph and Donnie and Mikey and her sister and girlfriend Karai and her four friends April and Shinigami and Casey and Vanessa and her new friends and they wouldn't get into another brother and sister and friend fight protocol with each other again and they all lived happily ever after, The End.

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