Chapter 2

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I was literally freaking out! That symbol was a free ticket to the Mushroom Kingdom! I could go whenever I wanted now!


But I noticed something weird...there was nobody there. It was completely empty.

Me: Hello? Anybody here? It's Rainbow Dash! I was here last time, I'm no outcast!

I suddenly heard a big explosion from a distance. I hurried to where all the excitement was, of course, it was Bowser. I hid somewhere and watched everything that was going on.

Me: Shoot, what does he want now? The princess?

I listened to what was happening.

Bowser: Mario! You're face just makes me sick! I'll pummel you real quick and take Peach! Nothing can stop me now!

I saw the Mario bros hop onto the ship and shoot fireballs at the minions, they never fail to amuse me. I smiled watching it unfold knowing they were gonna win! I didn't want to make a scene, so I stayed quiet and continued watching. But suddenly, it got a little dark. Nighttime already? But the sun was still out. I suddenly felt a cold chill, I turned around and saw a large shadow, I gasped seeing the yellow menacing eyes. Sombra? No, it couldn't be, he knows nothing about the Mushroom Kingdom.

Me: Wh-Who are you?!

?: It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is what I came for.

Gosh, this guy was creepy...or girl...or whatever.

Me: Whoever you are, you have to get out of here, now!

They let out a menacing laugh which really got me feeling tense.

?: I can taste your terror, child, all that anxiety and doubt. It's delicious.

Me: I-I'm not afraid of you! I've been through stuff a lot scarier than you!

?: You reek of fear, you bury it deep within you.

Me: You're the coward! You don't even bother to show your face!

But the next thing I knew, the large shadow flew upwards and it suddenly grew dark. What the heck?! I turned around and saw that the fight wasn't over. Mario and Luigi were down.

Bowser: I hope this is the last time I see your stupid Italian faces! Hasta la vista, Mario Bros!

A large Banzai Bill was charging at them. I gasped.

Me: Mario! Luigi! Watch out!

I ran to them and shoved them out of the way just before it exploded  where they were standing.

Bowser: You again! Looks like you're bold enough to face me!

Me: Shut up, Bowser. My magic is untouchable, you wouldn't be able to use it anyway. It only works for me.

Bowser: Tough talk coming from someone who was once deathly afraid of me.

Me: Dude, I was never afraid of you to begin with. I've known about you since I was 3 years old. You don't scare me once.

That made Bowser angry, he shot a Bullet Bill at me, I quickly dodged it.

Me: See? Call me Sonic the Hedgehog, you can't touch me.

He got pretty angry when he kept missing.

Bowser: This ain't over yet, dweebs!

He flew off in his Clown Car along with his fleet of ships. I turned to Mario and Luigi.

Me: You guys okay?

They nodded, they seemed happy to see me again.

Me: By the way...we'll have to do the catching up later. Have you guys been experiencing anything odd?

Mario nodded, he explained how the sky often changes from light to dark during the day and how it happened just a few days ago.

Me: Gosh, if I knew, I probably would've come sooner. I just hope it's not Equestrian magic.

They looked at me with confused looks.

Me: Oh...I guess my friends didn't tell you last time we were here. It's complicated, but it's the type of magic we have, it's what Bowser tried to take from me. For me, it's speed. My friends have different powers.

I looked up seeing the sky turn bright blue again. What was that shadow?

Me: That thing showed up right in my face during your battle. I might need to ask my friends if this gets more serious.

I looked down at the ground getting lost in my thoughts. Hopefully this was nothing too serious, if not, I can actually have some more time to relax while I'm here.

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