Chapter 2: Dimensional mayhem

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In the morning.........

"Lan wake up! "Megaman called out.

"Five more minutes." Lan mumbled.

"Lan!! You don't want to be late to see what dad's working on in Sci lab."



"What, wha- I'm up!"

"Dad's project, remember!"

"Oh right! I almost forgot!!" Lan said quickly getting out of bed and goes to brush his teeth.

Lan takes a shower, dresses up and eats his breakfast, after eating and saying goodbye to his mom he goes to Sci lab.

At Sci lab.....................

Lan enters the lab at the top floor. "Hey dad."

"Lan? Didn't expect you to be here."

"I ask if I could help you out today and you said yes."

"Oh right! But  as you can see I got everything under control. But there is something I need help with.

"What is it?"

"I want you to watch over this." He said taking Lan to a huge  machine and it was the one he showed to the government official the previous day.
Lan looked at it in amazement. He must've been too focused on the copybot yesterday that he didn't notice this machine." What is this machine?" "That's my project I'm working on with help from the other scientists. It's calls the 'net viewer' that's not the official name but that's what we'll call it for now, it captures things on the net and displays it on the real world in the form of holograms and they can be manipulated easily."cool!" Lan said as he stared at it." Now I'm going downstairs to bring some parts so I want you to  watch over it while I'm gone so you just wait here, I'll be right back but remember..don't touch anything on the machine."

Mr.Hikari leaves the lab to go downstairs and collect the things he ordered.


At the corner of the lab, a man in a dark cloak was watching everything that was going on. It looks like he came here to spy on the machine but just what is he planning?


The mysterious man picks the phone."hello?,...  yeah I've seen the machine. Yeah I've secretly placed the E.M.P on it, it will go off in 5 minutes time.. looks like my job here is done......yes sir." The man ends the call and walks out.

Back to Lan........

"I wonder if I could go inside?"

"No Lan!! Dad said we shouldn't touch anything."

"Oh alright."

All of a sudden...........the E.M.P goes off as a weird electromagnetic wave spreads across the room causing electronic devices to malfunction on the lab as the net viewer started going crazy.

"Wha! What's going  on?!" Lan said.

The machine started going crazy even more as the door opens and shuts. After a careful view on how some of the devices were behaving, one of the scientist could make out what happened." Someone's placed an E.M.P on the net viewer!"

"Who would do such a thing!"

"What's an E.M.P?" Lan asked.

"An electro  magnetic pulse."Megaman answered. It's a wave which can  destroy electronic appliances.

The door of the machine starts to open and close very fast. Lan walks towards it to look at it and check on it but a rumbling sound was heard from inside the machine as electricity started coursing around it. All the scientist were panicking while running out of the lab.

"Hmm....I have an idea." Lan said as he goes to the copybot 2.0 and  jacks Megaman into it making Megaman take over the copybot. "Megaman , do you think you can do something about it? " "No." "Hmm..."Lan goes closer to the machine to figure out if there's an off switch but then the door opens as electricity jolts around and something odd goes on, a green vortex appeared and like a black whole sucks everything.

Lan held onto a metallic bar while the rest of his body was in the air."Megaman help!!"

"Lan!! Don't worry I'm coming." Megaman now in the copybot said. He ran to Lan." Quick grab my hand!" Lan grabs his hand but with one hand still clinged to the metallic bar.

The lab door opens and Lan's dad rushes in." Lan!!!" Mr. Hikari said as he runs towards them. "I told you not to touch anything!!" "We didn't!"Megaman managed to say while trying to pull Lan out of the vortex's sucking range. Lan's dad started pressing some buttons on the side of the machine as quickly as possibly but while pressing he got a little shocked due to the machine's behavior.

The vortex got bigger as both Lan and Megaman were starting to get sucked into it."Dad!! Help!!" The two said as Lan's dad runs and holds Megaman who's holding Lan at the same time he tries to pull them out of there but the sucking force was too strong and he slips as Megaman and Lan scream as they were sucked into the vortex. The last thing Lan heard was his dad  shouting  his name.

Sorry if this was a bit short. Now Lan and Megaman have entered a vortex and we're sucked into it. What will happen wiry our netbattles and his navi? Find out In the next chapter.

See ya.

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