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After Mario, Sonic and Goku met Professor Willow. They soon learn about pokemon and now finally have their very own pokemon. While they were in the lab after Sonic beated Mario Shadow the hedgehog came, Sonic later found out that he had a pokemon and challenged him to a battle but within 5 minutes, Sonic lost to Shadow's poochyena. Shadow left but Sonic told him next time he battles him, it won't be so easy.

"Mario, why don't we go out to catch more pokemon.", said Sonic.

"Let's a go", Mario agrees.

The two went to catch more pokemon , Sonic caught ekans,  geodude and a torchic.  Mario caught treecko, Abra and pidgey. After catching them they started to battle  other trainers from different places.

Week after week. Mario and Sonic became strong trainers and they were finally ready to enter a gym. They went to see Brock the gym leader, excellent with rock type pokemon.

At Brock's gym........

Sonic confronts Brock after finishing someone's graveler with water pulse.

"Hmm, you're a new face", Brock says." My name is Brock. As you can see I'm a gym leader specialized with rock type pokemon."

"I know, judging by the environment." Sonic said while looking at the place.

"You think you can beat me?....prove it, let us begin."

The battle started and Sonic told his froakie to use "quick attack"on Brock's geodude but it wasn't that effective. Brock's geodude used defence curl to raise its defence and used "tackle" giving some amount of damage to froakie.  Sonic told froakie to use "Water pulse" and did it again making geodude faint. Brock brought out another geodude, Sonic's froakie used water pulse but geodude dodged it. Froakie used cut and repeated it again and again and used water gun. Brock's other geodude fainted. Brock brought out nosepass and told it to use "rock throw" giving froakie heavy damage to froakie but it wasn't effective. Froakie used water pulse to hit nosepass, it was a critical hit and nosepass fainted. Sonic won.

"Wow , I'm amazed!." The gym leader said. You have strong pokemon, to show you have beaten me I'll give you the "Boulder badge" This badge makes your pokemon stronger.

"Ok, thanks", Sonic said before taking the badge. Huh?

Sonic takes a look at froakie then it's body turns white and a bright light evolves to "Frogadier"

"Woah!!, my pokemon evolved!", said the excited hedgehog. Sonic takes out his pokedex and reads the description about Frogadier.

Mario at that time also had a battle with Brock and finishes his last pokemon by telling his charmander to use "metal claw".

"Sonic !, your pokemon evolved!!", the surprised plumber said.

"I know, isn't that cool"  Sonic replies.

"Hmm....what?" Mario says.

Mario also takes a look at charmander and a white light covers it and it starts evolves to charmeleon.

"Yes my charmander has also evolved!"says Mario.

"It has?!", that's great." Sonic said.

Mario then takes his pokedex to see a description about charmeleon. " Nice, so Sonic, should we have another battle, last time we battled was 2 weeks ago. By now both of our pokemon should be strong but I want to see who's pokemon is stronger."

"Ok, you're on. My pokemon are strong especially Frogadier  since it just evolved." Sonic said.

"Mine too. But let's use the pokemon we caught earlier first before we use our evolved pokemon." , Mario said.

The  pokemon battle started. Sonic brought   geodude and Mario with brought  treecko. Mario's treecko gave Sonic's geodude heavy damage with "absorb", treecko then use" pound" and uses "Leer" to reduce geodude's defense. Geodude used tackle but treecko dodged and used absorb and geodude fainted. Sonic brought out ekans and told it to use to use "wrap" on Mario's treecko, it took heavy damage and used absorb to to recover itself a littl bit. Ekans used "glare" making treecko paralyzed. Ekans used wrap again and again making treecko faint. Mario brought abra and told it to use "confusion" on Sonic's ekans, it wss super effective since poison type is weak against psychic type moves. The move was too strong for ekans so it fainted. Sonic brought out torchic and Mario withdrew and brought out pidgey. Torchic used ember on pidgey and it sustained a burn. Torchic used scratch repeatedly.  However Mario used "burn health heal pidgey's burn and told it to use "gust". Torchic flew and hit a tree, but it got up and Sonic told it to use growl,  Sonic also told it to use ember and pidgey fainted. Mario brought back abra and it used confusion, torchic took some damage and it became confused. Torchic used ember but the stack tater burnt a bush.  Abra used tackle twice on torchic and finished it with another confusion. Sonic finally brought out frogadier  and finished Abra with a strong  quick attack and it fainted. Mario brought out charmeleon.
                                     The fight got intense by the moment. Charmeleon ran at a fast speed and used metal claw on frogadier. Frogadier  took some damage and it used cut. Charmeleon sided backwards due to the force of that move. Charmeleon used "flamethrower" but frogadier blocked it with water pulse. Charmeleon ran and used "slash" repeatedly but frogadier blocked the attack with  cut and used water pulse, unfortunately, charmeleon ducked and uppercuted reindeer with a "mega punch". Frogadier flew high into the air and hit the ground.

The injured pokemon then tries to get up but falls down. Sonic then pleads with it to get up. But still falls down, Sonic then pleads with it once more, with that said the pokemon got motivated and got up.

"That's the spirit!, now use cut" Sonic says.

Frogadier runs to use cut but Mario command his charmeleon to dodge it but it was too late, frogadier used cut repeatedly and rapidly on charmeleon and finished it with a strong water pulse making charmeleon fall down and faints.

"What?!, I was so close too." Mario said.

" I won again. You need to train a bit harder  Mario.", Sonic said.

"Don't worry, I will.........but next time will be harder than this." Mario says.

"Ok , let's go and catch more pokemon', Sonic said.

"Wow!!, that was a great battle", Goku says.

"Woah, Goku you were watching us battle the whole time?!", Sonic said.

" Yeah" Goku answers."I was watching, I just came here to look for more pokemon. I  already have 3 gym badges.

"What?!",Mario and Sonic said in unison.

"My machop has evolved to "machoke". It's really strong. I'm teaching it a weaker version of kaioken.

"Kaioken?!!", Said the blue blur  and the red plumber in unison." How are you going to teach it that ?!

"I've already taught it, it just needs to master it."

"Hey Goku, can I have a battle with you.", Mario said.

"Alright", the saiyan accepts."I've always wanted to battle you.

The battle started. Charmeleon was in a tough situation as Machoke was doing every attack. Mario was surprised that Machoke was dodging charmeleon's every move. Machoke gave charmeleon a karate chop, cross-chop and seismic toss giving charmeleon great damage. Charmeleon fainted.

"What?!, I lost again?, Mario said.

"Let me guess, you lost to Sonic."Goku said."You better make your charmeleon strong else those strong trainers will just finish you like that and tell you you're not strong enough for them.  Sonic can I battle you?"

"Alright", Sonic answers. "After that I'll go take a break."

"Their battle started and frogadier  ran at quick speed to to use slash on Machoke but it blocked the attack and gave frogadier  a karate chop. Frogadier jumped high in the air and used water pulse.  Machoke went back, wiping the water from its face,before it noticed frogadier  gave it a "mega kick". Machoke fell down but immediately got up. Goku told Machoke to use "low kick" and it did it sending frogadier flying, Machoke ran and used seismic toss to frogadier, frogadier  was weak and and it fainted.

"Looks like I lost.", Sonic admits.

"Good job Machoke ", Goku congradulates Machoke giving it a high five in advance.

" Ok lets call it a day, I'm beat."Sonic said a bit tired.

       The 3 went home to rest. But meanwhile.....................................
      Bowser and Dr.Eggman have begin to start their plans to cause havoc as usual. To see what will happen. Read the next part.

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