Almost There!

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Mario Luigi peach Daisy Maria Pauline and donkey Kong went to the place where all the go karts are made

Maria: No way...

Donkey Kong: well do you want ride a go kart or not?

Maria: yes I do!

Mario peach and Daisy went to pick a go kart

Maria: I'm going to get fastest one!

She was about to get a go kart but Luigi stopped her

Luigi: hold on maria I'll get an extra seat in my kart so you can ride with me

Maria: what?! But dad I drove a go kart before!

Luigi: I know but your not ready and this time it's way to dangerous

Daisy heard what Maria and Luigi were talking about and walked up to them

Daisy: Luigi how do you know she's not ready if you don't give her the chance?

Maria: yeah I want to save Luisa to! She's my cousin after all!

Luigi: ...alright but try to pick something safe ok?

Maria: I will i promise!

Maria finally went to pick a kart

Luigi: she's growing up so fast

Daisy: I know but can we have this emotional conversation after we save luisa?

Luigi: right right of course!

Mario peach Pauline and Donkey Kong had the same go karts as last time. Here is was Luigi's kart looks like:

Luigi's go kart was green instead of blue

Maria: pretty cool dad but check this out!

Maria showed off her go kart and it looked like this:

Maria: I always wanted a pet yoshi and it's perfectly safe

Luigi: I guess it does look like you won't get hurt-

Daisy drove up to Luigi and Maria in her new motorcycle

Daisy was also wearing her biker outfit from Mario kart. Then everyone got in there vehicles ready to drive off

Maria: wait it's just the seven of us? Don't we need an army?

Donkey Kong: Nah how much trouble can one spoiled brat cause?

Maria: Ha! That's true!

Mario: To the dark lands!

Peach: we're going to save Luisa!

All: Yeah!

Everyone drove off on the beach heading towards the dark lands but Mario couldn't stop thinking about Luisa and thought about her childhood

5 year old Luisa ran up to her dad and she was crying

Luisa: daddy!

Luisa hugged Mario and he hugged back

Mario: what's wrong Lulu?

Luisa: I wanted to be nice to bowser but he said when he gets big again he'll put me in a cage over lava!

Mario: it's ok luisa I promise as long as me and your mom are here we won't ever let anything bad happen to you

Luisa: *sniff* but what if we're not together when I'm in trouble?

Mario: then all you have to do is think about us and that nothing can keep the three of us apart for long

Luisa: ok

Mario stopped thinking about that memory and was even more determined to save Luisa


Meanwhile Luisa was still sitting in her cage above lava and thought about her childhood

10 year old Luisa was doing the training course with her parents

Mario: you can do it Lulu!

Luisa: can I take a-

She slipped and fell but grabbed onto the ledge before she could fall

Mario and peach: Luisa!

Luisa: can you help me up?

Peach: just use your upper body strength to pull yourself up

Mario: we'll catch you if you fall

Luisa was able to pull herself up and back on the corse by herself

Luisa: I did it!

Peach: that's what happens when you never give up

Luisa stopped daydreaming and stood up

Luisa: I have to help my family

She took out a Bobby pin from her hair and picked the lock on her cage

Luisa: I'm so glad aunt Daisy showed me how to pick locks

Luisa opened the door of her cage

Luisa: don't look down. Don't look down. I can do this

She started climbing up the chain that held the cage over lave


Soon bowser Jr he arrived back at his castle

Junior: Now I just need the star piece in the mushroom kingdom and then I can save my dad! And maybe impress Luisa as a bonus. Wait no! I don't care about her!

Kamek appeared in front of bowser jr which scared him

Junior: AH! A little warning next time!

Kamek: sorry king bowser jr but I received a word from red shell koopa that five humans and a ape are heading this way and will be here any minute

Junior: one of those humans must be mama peach and stupid Mario! Hmm... let them in when they arrive but keep the others out

Kamek: are you sure-


Kamek: ...yes king bowser Jr


Mario Luigi peach Daisy Maria donkey Kong and Pauline drove right up to bowser Jr's castle. They all immediately got out of there karts

Mario: come on we can't-

Kamek appeared in front all of them

Kamek: welcome to-!

Peach punched kamek across the face

Kamek: OW! Ok that's getting old don't you think?

Mario: where. is. luisa?!

Kamek: she is safe but first king bowser Jr just wants to speak with you and princess peach

Daisy: seriously?! It's obviously a trap!

Peach: we can't risk it Daisy

Daisy: alright fine

Mario and peach followed kamek inside the castle but Maria ran right before the door closed

Luigi: Maria!

Daisy: hold on Luigi this could be a good thing

Donkey Kong: once we hear a fight going on we're busting in and helping Mario right?

Pauline: oh yeah definitely

Donkey Kong: good cause I'm not missing out on all the action

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