Where They Are Now

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In case you ever wondered what everyone has been up to since bowser was defeated and while luisa and Maria were growing up here's your answer


He and peach started dating soon after bowser was defeated. When they eventually got married he's still works in his plumbing business with Luigi which has only gotten better. Mario is the best dad ever and is always there for luisa when she needs him. Mario also teaches her Italian but is a little overprotective. He doesn't like it when people make jokes about him getting old because he isn't



She and Mario started dating soon after bowser was defeated. When they eventually got married she's still the princess of the mushroom kingdom and trained Luisa to fight when she was old enough. Peach is a great mom and loves giving luisa advice on anything and telling her stories. Peach trusts luisa to do things on her own but will not hesitate to fight anyone who hurt her daughter



It took awhile for him and Daisy to start dating and after while they both got married. Luigi moved to sarasaland which was a big change but got used to it quickly. He's still working in his plumbing business with Mario which has only gotten better. Luigi constantly worries about Maria and is always prepared for anything whether it's a paper cut or a broken bone. He learned Maria is growing up and still loves her no matter what



It took awhile for her and Luigi to start dating and after while they both got married. Daisy never stopped being a tomboy princess and always wants Maria and even Luigi to live life to the fullest. Daisy teaches Maria how to use power ups all the time. She's not as worried about Maria as Luigi is but of course will protect her no matter what.


Donkey Kong

He and Pauline are still boyfriend and girlfriend to this day. Donkey Kong forgot all about marriage and only brought it up to Pauline twice at most. When cranky Kong retired he wasn't ready to be king of the Kongs because he hated responsibility but did it anyway to make his dad proud. Donkey Kong is a good king just lazy



She and Donkey Kong are still girlfriend and boyfriend to this day. Pauline is actually ok with not getting married yet but does want to take that next step eventually. She's always there for Donkey King especially when cranky kong retired. Pauline supports donkey Kong no matter what and tries to get him to not be so lazy sometimes but still loves him



He's not enemies with the Mario Brothers but not exactly friends with them either. His construction business got less popular when the Mario bros saved Brooklyn and there plumbing business got a lot more customers. Spike wasn't really happy about that. He's actually a good dad to his daughter Sara told her about Mario and Luigi fighting bowser and teaches her about construction



She is really good at construction and building things. Sara doesn't believe the stories about the mushroom kingdom and bullies luisa a lot because she thinks she's lying. She gets nicer after maria saved her from koopas during the fight with bowser Jr. She apologized for being so mean and starts to like Maria romantically



He's been promoted to captain toad and is now the captain of the royal toad guards. toad takes his job very seriously but still knows when to have fun. He likes to tease bowser in his spare time and explore the mushroom kingdom forest. Toad promised to always protect luisa if Mario or Peach couldn't at any point in time


Bowser Jr

He took over the dark lands soon after bowser was defeated and has been waiting for the perfect time to attack and make peach his mom ever since. Junior may be 17 years old but is pretty much a stubborn brat even when he gets what he wants and mostly complains it's not good enough. But deep down he just wants to make his dad proud



He's still tiny and trapped in a cage but luisa checks on him and tries to make him feel better. Bowser always pushes her away because to him she's a living reminder peach fell in love with Mario and not him. After awhile Bowser stopped yelling at luisa and just ignored her but after awhile he doesn't care that Luisa is stopping by to see him



After bowser was defeated he failed to take down the Mario bros but escaped and raised bowser jr. He still keeps kamek around because he's smart and his magic is useful. Kamek always follows orders but still questions them in his head


Red shell koopa

Even since Blue shell koopa disappeared he used that as an opportunity to climb up the ranks in bowser Jr's army. Red shell koopa will do whatever it takes to become the general even kidnapping Luisa. He always follows orders no matter what. Red shell koopa is pretty cocky and full of himself but can be taken down with just one stomp on the head.

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