Baby Sitting

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Peach's POV

Luigi and Daisy left to go and practice at the shop for a dance routine and it was Mario, Momma Mario, myself watching Baby Willow.

I set Willow in her swing, her as happy as she could be.

"Who's Auntie Peach's favorite little niece!" I said to her as she was swinging in her chair. She cooed as she watched me.

"Who's the cute little baby!" And she cooed.

"Peach, don't you think you can just talk normally to her? You sound like you are on helium." Mario said and I scrunched my face. How dare he say something like that to me!

"You better knock that off, Uncle Mario. Or Auntie Peach is going to get very cross with you!" I said and Willow smiled. The little baby in the swing soon fell asleep. She looked like an angel.

I picked her up and set her in her crib with her soft blanket on her.

I looked around Luigi and Daisy's bedroom, where Willow's crib is now, until the nursery was finished. It was almost done, it was Daisy's old room before she got married.  It was entirely purple. Lilac walls, dragon purple for the trims, it was beautiful.

I walked out and Momma Mario was about to leave.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stay long, I have to get back home. Tell Luigi and Daisy I had to go. Bye!" She said as she gave us both a hug and left.

"Question: Who are your cousins?" I asked as I sat down on the couch next to Mario.

"My cousins are-a Wario and Waluigi. They are my Aunt Mario's kids. They get in-a trouble a lot. I think they are part of a mob. Thank goodness they don't-a come to Brooklyn much, or Momma would give them a piece of her mind. And-a swatting too!"

"Why does she visit them then?"

"To give a piece of her mind while they sit in jail. How they are disgracing the Mario name and how their mother must be rolling around in her grave. Ever since she died, they turned into bad eggs. I feel sorry for them sometimes, but if they do-a know right from wrong, they shouldn't get much sympathy." Mario said as he turned off the  TV, got up and went into the kitchen.

Mario seemed a bit off now, he was depressed. It reminded me of the time when Daisy lost her mother, then father. Her kingdom fell apart, being taken over and then came to my kingdom for help. That's why she lived in my kingdom, she didn't have a kingdom of her own anymore.

Mario went into the fridge and gone a soda in a glass bottle, opened the top and set it on the counter. He got another one, did the same thing, but set it closer to him.

"Take one, Peachy." He said as he motioned me to take the one furthest from him.

I did, now taking a swig from the bottle, the sugary, acidic taste touched my tongue.

"My aunt was so-a nice. I don't understand why her bambinos turned bad. That's what I am always scared about. What if down the road our kids,after we are gone, turn bad like my cousins..."

"They would never!"

"You don't-a know, Peachy."

"I do, because if I had a baby, that little one would have the best family they could ask for. They would have the best father and mother. They would also have the greatest aunt and uncle. I'm telling you, Mario, that if we ever have a baby of our very own, they would be wonderful." I said, tears in my eyes, and holding onto Mario tight.

"You want a baby, huh."

"I would. But I need practice first, just like Daisy said."

"Alright, Peachy-"

Suddenly Willow woke up, now really fussy.

"Oh, Willow! You are okay, Auntie Peach is coming!" I said as I went and found Willow in a full diaper.

"Ew... now I got to change your diaper." I went and grabbed a new diaper, wipes, and baby powder. I changed her and as if it was a flick of a switch she was all better. I took her back out with me, taking her to the couch, where I sat back down, a baby in one side and my other hand a Coke.

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