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Daisy's POV

I started getting tired... especially from Peach on RockBand for at least another 3 hours making her band, creating a band name, and making a band logo...

Really?! Peach! It's almost 11 o'clock at night!!!

"Peach, *yawn* are you done? We would like to all go to bed..." I said, yawning and laying against Luigi, as tired as I was.

"No! I need to make sure it is perfect!" Peach said, "But you could just go to bed. I am not going to do a song."

Well... that was true...

"Ok, but please at least get to bed tonight, alright?"

She nodded and happily laid on the couch next to Mario.

"I guess Daisy and I are going to bed. Night you two. *yawn*" Luigi said and he picked me up, bridal style, and took me to my room.

"Can I stay with you tonight, Daisy?"

"Luigi, you can.*yawn*"

Luigi smiled at me and sat me down. Thank goodness I had a king size mattress.

Luigi went to his room and came back in PJ's. I was already in my PJ's.

We both slipped into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning...

I woke up, curled up by Luigi. He had his arms around me, still sleeping.

"Luigi..." I said groggly, Luigi only opened his eyes slightly.

I eyed the clock, it was 9:00 am... we needed to get up...

"Sadly, we need to get up, hun."

"Can we just stay like this forever, Daisy?"

I sighed and kissed him.

"We have to get up at some point. We gotta get groceries remember?" And Luigi sighed...

"Why can't Mario do it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Luigi, remember the last time he went to get groceries. He brought home a cart full of marshmallows, coffee, and poptarts. Not unless we were Viv, Lucy, and Monte, we are not roasting marshmallows like them in The Linguini Incident." I said and Luigi then groaned.

"Alright... we better get up..." and I smiled. He he slowly let go of me and I finally got out of bed.

I put on my robe and opened the door.

I yawned and then I heard the same tune go over and over on the TV.

I went over to put on the kettle to make tea and I then finally looked in the living room.

"PEACH! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!" and I saw Peach still designing her character,  and Mario sleeping on the couch.

"Don't yell at me, Daisy! I have been up all night creating my character. And I didn't get any sleep." She said and I sighed.

"Peach, we told you to go to bed. Plus, Mario! Why didn't you have Peach go to bed?" I said and Mario woke up and looked at me, wide eyed.

"I'm so sorry, Daisy... The same tune over and over bored me to sleep..." He said groggily. We were all whipped...

"Alright, I gotta take a shower, then Luigi, Mario, and finally Peach." I said and the boys nodded and Peach stood up in protest.

"Why am I last?"

"Because, one, you should get some sleep first, and two, Luigi and I are going grocery shopping." I said

"Daisy, why don't we all go?"

"Because it will take too gosh darn long!"

"We will be quick in getting ready!" Peach said and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, if we are not ready by 11, we are too slow and only Luigi and I are going. Got me?"

Everyone nodded and I ran to the bathroom first.

I got washed up, dried, clothed, and did my hair.

After a few minutes, Luigi was done.

A few minutes after that Mario was done.

A hour later...

Peach was done.

It was exactly 11.

"See! We did it! Now let's go! *yawn*" Peach said and she was tired.

"Fine... let's go. We better get there before it's a mad house." I said and Luigi laughed a little. "Daisy, it's Brooklyn, when is not a mad house?" and I smiled.

We got our little foldable shopping basket and went on our way to the market.

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