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Peach's POV

I glanced at the clock every minute while Momma Mario was telling me many different things. Cooking,cleaning, the Mario Brothers growing up, and how she got here.

Her stories were long... she would then have little anecdotes in between each thing.

Then she started to notice my glancing.

"Am I boring? I notice your eyes move  a lot, looking at the clock?"

I started to turn white as a sheet.

"You know, it is rude to do that. A princess should know how to be polite... Do you know what I did to my boys when they were little and were impolite?"

I shook my head.

"I would spank them! Hahahaha! Mario wasn't always that polite. The most polite of my boys was Luigi. Though he was a scaredy baby." Momma Mario laughed a bit. Her laugh was loud.

"Anyway... I wonder how Daisy and Luigi are right now. Those two are perfect for each other...

Then it was 5, and Luigi and Daisy came back.

"Alright, I need to fix my makeup. Then we can go!" Daisy said as she ran into her room.

Luigi stood there, Momma Mario then hugged the life out of Luigi.

"It's-a nice to see you-a too,Momma." He said and she let him go.

"I better get rid of my apron and look a little more decent." Momma Mario said and she went into the bathroom.

"So, how was first impression of Momma?" Luigi asked me.

"Exhausting..." I said quietly, that woman had ears like a hawk!

Daisy than frantically found a CD and had us come with her, dragging Luigi behind her.

As we all ran, including Momma Mario, we were getting to the competition.

"Alright, you guys need to get tickets and we need to sign in! See ya!" And Daisy and Luigi ran off.

Daisy's POV

I ran and went to sign in.

"Um, miss? What is your song? It's not on this CD." The lady at the table said. I looked at the CD... that wasn't the right one... Darn...

"Oh, I will put down the song I need from that CD. Thank you for telling us."

"You're welcome." She said as a wrote the title of the song we were going to do now. I handed it back, grabbed Luigi and was now figuring out the new routine.

"Okay, so change of plan and song. We have to do what we feel with this. We need to synchronize. Our hearts are going to lead." I said as a smile appeared.

Peach's POV

Many dancers and their partners dazzled the stage. I wondered how Daisy and Luigi were going to do. I really wanted to know. I was shaking in my seat, Mario definitely noticed.

"It's-a okay, Peach. Luigi and Daisy have done this a long time. Back in our college years."

I nodded, I did know Daisy could do it. That definitely was hard when she left during her college years for a bit. That's when she met Luigi.

Then as I was lost in thought Daisy and Luigi were the last ones.

They came out, they were about to start. The music started playing...


They started to dance...

I've nothing much to offer
There's nothing much to take
I'm an absolute beginner

But I'm absolutely sane
As long as we're together

The rest can go to hell
I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
With eyes completely open
But nervous all the same

If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Could laugh at the ocean
Just like the films

There's no reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true

Nothing much could happen
Nothing we can't shake
Oh we're absolute beginners
With nothing much at stake
As long as you're still smiling
There's nothing more I'll need

I absolutely love you
But we're absolute beginners
But if my love is your love
We're certain to succeed

If our love song
Could fly over mountains
Sail over heartaches
Just like the films
If there's reason
To feel all the hard times
To lay down the hard lines
It's absolutely true

He picks her up and twirls her and dips her at the end.

The crowd went nuts! 

They were beautiful... I was crying, my makeup running... I was so happy for them. They were beautiful.

Momma Mario cried too, then gave them a standing ovation which everyone followed suite.

Luigi and Daisy bowed and the crowd roared.

It was beautiful...

Luigi's POV

"We were absolutely wonderful!" I exclaimed once we were off the dance floor.

"Even though we are absolute beginners..." Daisy smiled. We danced with our hearts, no real routine, just knowing how we would both react to the music.

It was unreal that we just did that.

"Please tell me we brought the extra outfits. We may need to do another dance." Daisy said and I nodded, I had the outfits.

"What would I do without you?"

"I don't really know, Daisy."

Every dance competition all competitors bring extra outfits for the final dance, the winner's dance.

"Alright everyone, get ready, we announce the winners in 3 minutes." The cordnator said to all of us.

Luigi and I were getting ready. I looked and saw the outfit we were going to use if we got to do Absolute Beginners. But instead I brought only one CD and had already done Absolute Beginners. So... we will just have to do the final dance as a other song. The clothes would work anyway.

"Will all contestants come on the dance floor, please." The announcer said.

We all got on the dance floor. Luigi has his new clothes on. He had yellow baggy suit pants, green baggy shirt, yellow long dress coat, and a green hat with a large brim and green ribbon. I had a yellow, short,poofy dress, with dazzling yellow close toed heels with a green gem at the toe. My hair was now down.

"Our 3rd place winners are... Jenny and Robert!" The couple in blue stepped up to get their medals.

"Our 2nd place winners are... Alice and Harry!" The couple in red came up and got their medals.

"And our 1st place winners are... Daisy and Luigi!!!" And we came up and got our medals.

"Alright, our 1st place winners get to pick the song for the final dance. All place winners will dance." The announcer said and I told the DJ what song we needed.


I know when to go out 
And when to stay in 
Get things done 

I catch a paper boy
But things don't really change
I'm standing in the wind
But I never wave bye-bye

But I try
I try

There's no sign of life
It's just the power to charm
I'm lying in the rain
But I never wave bye-bye

But I try
I try

Never gonna fall for
(Modern Love) walks beside me
(Modern Love) walks on by
(Modern Love) gets me to the Church on Time
(Church on Time) terrifies me 
(Church on Time) makes me party
(Church on Time) puts my trust in God and Man 
(God and Man) no confessions
(God and Man) no religion
(God and Man) don't believe
in Modern Love

It's not really worth
It's just a power to charm
Still standing in the wind
But I never wave bye-bye

But I try
I try

Never gonna fall for
(Modern Love) walks beside me
(Modern Love) walks on by
(Modern Love) gets me to the Church on Time
(Church on Time) terrifies me 
(Church on Time) makes me party
(Church on Time) puts my trust in God and Man 
(God and Man) no confessions
(God and Man) no religion
(God and Man) don't believe
in Modern Love

(Modern Love) walks beside me
(Modern Love) walks on by
(Modern Love) gets me to the Church on Time
(Church on Time) terrifies me 
(Church on Time) makes me party
(Church on Time) puts my trust in God and Man 
(God and Man) no confessions
(God and Man) no religion
(God and Man) don't believe
in Modern Love

Modern love
Modern love
Modern love
Modern love
Modern love

Modern love walks beside me
Modern love walks on by
Modern love walks beside me
Modern love walks on by

Never gonna fall for modern love.

After the dance was done we kissed, the crowd cheering.

Hello readers!

This is like the first author's note I have done in this book...wow...

Anyway, I do not own the songs above. Those are the songs that a can't stop listening to. Especially Absolute Beginners... I am listing to it right now... lol.

Anyway, I hope you liked the chapter. I was hoping that by listening to the songs you all would imagine how they were dancing. (Plus I am horrible at describing dancing within a song...)

So... I hope you liked this update!

Until next time!


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