Craziness show: Episode 2

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Me: Hello everyone and welcome to the 2nd episode of the craziness show.

Goku: cool so what are we gonna do today?

Sonic: Yeah what's today's agenda?

Me: Well the readers are gonna have a funny show based on something that happened some time ago in one of my books so I thought it would be nice if I show them here.

Mario: Ok so what's it about?

Me:You'll see.

An hour later.....

Me: ok guys*done setting everything up*

Goku: So what are we watching?

Me: Some classic Mario comedy.

Mario: hmm?

Me: Just watch...

The TV turns on as it displays this title

Mario and Kirby: total War

Mario had just prepared his favourite meal, pasta with hot sauce.

Mario ( pouring the hot sauce on the bowl of pasta) : ahhh....just left with one more thing, a nice tasty drink.

Mario goes to the kitchen.

Kirby comes in through the window.

Kirby: poyo  (tired)......*panting*..... (Sees the pasta with the hot sauce) Poyo!!( eyes shine)

Kirby inhales the whole bowl.


Mario enters the dinning room with a bottle of Pepsi.

Mario: Time to.....ahahaha!! delicious-a-pasta, it's a gone!...Kirby!!!!

Kirby: poyo?

Mario runs to the kitchen and takes a frying pan and chases kirby with it

Kirby: poyo!

Kirby runs around the table

Mario: Come back here!

Mario chases  kirby while trying to beat him with the frying pan, in an attempt to hit him he ended up smashing a glass cup, then breaks a candle, then knocks some plates to the ground breaking them to pieces.

Mario: I'll kill you , ya pink puffball

Mario continues to chase him down the hall , got downstairs but tripped and fell down the stairs. Once he lands on the floor kirby passes by him and runs for his life, the red plumber gets up and dashes after the pink puffball with the frying pan, he hurls it but misses and breaks a nearby window causing glass to shatter.

Mario: can run but you can't hide!

Kirby: POYO!!

Mario: Mhm!

* glass breaks*...............*chairs and tables flying around*

Kirby: POYO!! *runs full speed*

Mario: I'm gonna get you.

Kirby runs and jumps over a table in which Mario breaks it in half with his mallet, he chases kirby back and forth breaking more stuff with his mallet.

Mario: That's it...* takes fire flower*.....*turns to fire Mario*...


Mario darts shooting fireballs at Kirby and some of it burns kirby making him run faster while screaming. The white and red plumber continued pursuing him until they entered the living room and back kirby to a corner.

Mario ( fire Mario): I've got you now you little runt.

Kirby: poyo! (😦)

Mario(fire Mario):...*charges a fireball*.....Mhm!!....haa!!

Kirby: aah!!* jumps up high, floats over Mario and runs away*

Mario(fire Mario): Hey get back here you son of a bitch!

Mario ran after kirby and soon the chase became like what you normally see in Tom and Jerry. After some time the two got back into the kitchen with Mario closing the door.

Mario ( fire Mario): Alright no more runnin'...ha!* hurls a fireball*

Kirby: * inhales the fireball*..........*turns to fire kirby*

Mario (fire mario): uh oh...

Kirby (fire kirby): *breaths fire seriously stunning mario*

Mario:* reverts back*.....d'oh

Kirby (fire kirby):😈

Mario: *gulps*...😅 hehehe.

Kirby( fire kirby): *blows the fire burning Mario*

Mario: aw!!ooh!! hot!hot!!

Kirby :*chases him and blows fire burning his butt*

Mario: y'ouch!!! Ahahaha!!😲

Kirby now starts to chase Mario who runs full speed out of the kitchen, run through the hall, run upstairs, pass by the west wing of the castle, go downstairs with kirby still trying to roast Mario alive. Mario manages to grab a flower vase and throws it at Kirby damaging him and making him lose his fire ability.

Kirby inhales a nearby chair and spits it out shooting the chair now the form of a star to Mario who jumped to dodge. The plumber leaps to pound kirby with his mallet but  kirby dodges it and gives him a strong double kick sending Mario to the ground. The plumber gets up and uppercuts the pink puffball so high he crashes the ceiling and falls to the ground.

Mario: You're gonna pay for what you did!, you have the guts to eat my pasta.

Kirby: poyo

Mario: What do you mean you didn't know?, you knew very well yet you decided to devour it.

Kirby: poyo poyo poyo!

Mario:Don't blame me for what I did to you, you brought this upon yourself you little pink devil.

Kirby: poyo

Mario: Watch your mouth!

Kirby: poyo poyo!!

Mario: That's it!, your gonna get it son..

Mario runs and punches kirby then slams him with his mallet shooting him to the wall and bounces back to Mario again as Mario whacks him to hit a flower vase. Kirby gets up and performs a drill kick followed by a roundhouse kick, kirby inhales Mario's mallet turning him to hammer kirby.

Mario: Mamamia!.........aahh!!

Mario dodges a serious hammer smash by kirby and the attack broke a table into many pieces. Kirby then dashes and spin himself while moving breaking and slamming things in the hallway everywhere. Mario ran away in order not to be hit by the attack.

Mario luckily found a takonni  leaf nearby and used it turning him to takonni Mario.

Kirby swung the hammer  smacking a chair sending it flying towards Mario but swung his tail around to deflect it back at Kirby but he spin the hammer deflecting it back for the plumber to whack it again making it break.

Kirby threw the hammer towards Mario but he missed.

Mario (takonni mario): hah! You missed.

The hammer came back hitting the back of Mario's head, reverting him to normal and came back to kirby's hand.

Mario: How the hell did you do that?, this ain't no Thor ragnarok.

Kirby throws the hammer so hard fire engulfs it and hits Mario sending him to the far side of the hall smacking a wall.

Mario slowly gets up. He looks straight in his direction and sees kirby dashing towards him. Mario acts fast picking a crowbar and hurls it at Kirby hitting him hard on the  face. The crowbar leaves a red long imprint on his face.

Kirby gets angry, sees a blue karate belt and inhales it turning him to throw kirby.

Mario: let's a go!

Kirby grabs all sorts of things and hurls it at great speed towards Mario however the red plumber dodged them. Kirby throws a wooden crate, plates and even cutlery knifes at the plumber who dodged with ease.

Mario: You have to do better than that to....aaaah!!!!

Kirby ( throw kirby): *throws a grand piano*..

Mario: Are you outta your mind?!

Kirby (throw kirby): *throws a large speaker*

Mario: *ducks* woah!!

Kirby (throw kirby):* throws a couch*

Mario : *dives to the left to dodge*

Kirby(throw kirby):* throws a flat screen TV*

The flat screen TV hit Mario in the face making him fall down. The plumber got up only to see an incoming javelin stick zoom towards him making him scream as he zipped to the right dodging it.

At the far end of the hall, Luigi came in opening the door.

Luigi: what's going on here?* sees the javelin stick coming towards him* aaaah!!

The javelin stick stabbed the wall next to luigi as he panicked. The green plumber looked straight ahead seeing kirby throwing all kinds of things at Mario.

Luigi: oh no!!.....aaah!* ducks to dodge a flying vacuum cleaner*

Kirby throws a ladder at Mario. Mario does a jump flip to dodge the ladder and catches a stool thrown by kirby, he throws the stool back hitting kirby degrading him to normal.

Mario: Now that that's over.* loads an assault rifle* you must die!!


Mario: * fires haphazardly everywhere*

Kirby: * takes cover hiding behind a shelf*

Luigi* Mamamia!!..* goes behind a table*

Mario: what's a wrong?, won't you come out and play...* takes a grenade and throws it over the shelf*

Kirby:* jumps up, inhales the grenade and spits it back at mario*

Mario: Holy mother of spaghetti!


Mario gets caught in the explosion and is sent flying to go inside a closet. He gets out holding a rocket launcher with only one missile available Mario fires, the force of the blast that occurred once he shot it made him fall back into the closet.

Kirby easily opened his mouth ducking the missile into him and obtains the missile kirby ability.

Kirby transforms into a missile as soon as Mario opened the door. He screamed as he got closer and a small explosion took place, the plumber was black as charcoal  due to the explosion, he took a herb from his pocket and ate it completely healing him and made him refreshed. He took another item from his pocket, a metal mushroom transforming him to metal Mario.

Mario (Metal Mario): hah let's see if you can beat me now.

Kirby now missile kirby turns to a missile and flies towards Metal Mario and upon impact explodes.  Missile kirby sees Metal Mario still standing, the explosion didn't affect him.

Metal Mario jabs kirby turning him to normal and gives him a strong spin punch shooting him to crash a wall.

Kirby gets up recovering from the collision. He later sees Metal Mario with a readied fist and almost punches him but he dodges for Metal Mario to punch the wall instead. 

Kirby runs to the kitchen again, closes the door behind him and hides inside a drawer. Kirby stays in there, he sees a basket of red pepper in there.

Kirby: poyo*Flashback of him once eating a red pepper and shoots fire to beat a bad guy.* poyo.

Mario (Metal Mario): Come out  come out where ever you are....*opens the kitchen door.*

Kirby*eats the basket filler with 200 red peppers*.................*whole body turns red as smoke appears in his mouth.*

Mario (Metal Mario):Mamamia!

Kirby:* opens his mouth as a huge mass of fire burst out of him burning  Metal Mario at extreme temperature reverting him to normal*

It was super effective!

Mario: Ow..........*falls down and faints *

Kirby: poyo! 😀

Finally happy that the Italian plumber was down kirby did his victory dance.

*10 minutes later*

Kirby sits down on a table with a fork and knife eating a large delicious cake.


Goku:😂 that was hilarious!!

Sonic: True😂😂

Mario: That was humiliating..

Piccolo: Cheer caused a lot of smiles today 😂😂

Knuckles: You guys saw the bazooka part!😂😂😂

Tails: And the part where he got burned by kirby eating pepper😂😂


Me: 😂 ok that's all guys.

Goku: And see you in the next dare.

Piccolo: Which is for Frieza whose going to react to a story made by a certain fantastic author.

Me: Ok see you next time. *waves*

Everyone: *waves*

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