Dare#4:Dr.Mario in the house

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Me: Hello readers and welcome once again to the Mario,Sonic and Goku craziness series. Let me take a look at today's activity.

Few minutes later...........

Me: ok.....Mario!!

Mario: Yes!

Me: We have another dare today.

Mario: I hope it isn't me fighting someone today. If it wasn't for that 1 up mushroom I would've been in the hospital for weeks.

Me:Nope. But it involves you performing medical practise.

Mario: What do you mean?

Me: BeckyRodman dared you to give Goku and Sonic a check up....as Dr. Mario.

Mario: Okay! Finally I can continue to do my other profession. Give me a sec.

After 30 minutes ........

Mario:Ok I'm ready.

Me: Nice. Let me bring in Sonic and Goku.


Me:Hey Goku! Sonic!

Sonic/Goku: Yeah

Me:You guys have an appointment....

Sonic:uh?....appointment with who?

Me: Dr.Mario of course.

Sonic: Huh?! Mario's a doctor?! How come he never told me?!

Goku: hmm...... (who's a doctor again?)

Me: the two of you follow me so I can take you to the lab for the check up.

At the lab...........

Me: Mario!

Dr.Mario: That's Dr.Mario to you! Have you brought the patients for the check up?

Me: Yeah. They're here.

Sonic: woah! Since when did you become a doctor?

Dr.Mario: wayy back in 1990. But I stopped. But now here I am continuing what I did back then. Alright so who's going first?

Sonic: I will.

Dr.Mario: Ok....Goku can you please wait in the ward room.

Goku: o-ok.

Dr.Mario gives Sonic a check up. He examines his eyes,ear and everything and draws blood to also examine it. After examining ,it seems Sonic is ok.

Back in the ward room.........

Goku was sitting on the chair still thinking about who a doctor is and what he does.

Goku : What does a doctor do again? Oh right! He treats sick people. But how?

While thinking he saw a picture on the wall that totally send a chill down his spine.

Goku: aaaah!*hides behind the chair*

Dr.Mario tells Sonic to call Goku once he opens the door to leave.

Sonic: Ok Goku you're up.


In the lab.......

Dr.Mario: Good. Goku sit over there.

Goku sits on the chair Dr.Mario told him to sit on while keeping an eye on him.

Dr.Mario: Ok...let me start the check up.

Dr.Mario checks Goku's heartbeat, then checks his ears,eyes and all that.

Dr.Mario: oh.....it appears you have some sort of infection (lying)

Goku: I do? But I feel totally fine.

Dr.Mario: Don't worry, with this it'll get rid of the infection in no time.

Dr.Mario goes to a drawer and searches for something. After a few seconds he found it.

Dr.Mario: Ok I'm ready*holding the needle*

Goku:*sees it*

Goku: Holy shit!!!

Dr.Mario: Don't worry this will be over in a second.


Dr.Mario: Come on just take the shot!!

Goku: No!!*standing at the other side of the table*

Dr.Mario: take it!!* runs to him*

Goku: No! * jumps over him*

Dr.Mario: Mhm!!!!

Goku: Over my dead body will I ever take a shot!!

Dr.Mario: we'll see about that.*jumps up high to get to him*

Goku: Shit!!!!! * rolls under the table quickly to avoid him*

The two ended up messing up the room. Their fued continued until Goku punched the door breaking it and makes a run for it.

Dr.Mario: Get back here!!!*chases him*

Goku: Not if you catch me first.*runs fast*

Dr.Mario: This is going on your medical bill!!* still chasing him*

Goku: I don't give a shit!!

Dr.Mario(😡): Mhm! *runs faster*

Goku* goes even faster*

The two run down the hall with Goku pushing nurses here and there making them fall down. He even pushes a guy on a wheel chair sending him tumbling down a set of stairs.

Dr.Mario: Stop him!!* says it to a nearby nurse*

Nurse* blocks the way*

Goku* instant transmits and teleports behind the nurse* *continues running*

Dr.Mario*jumps over the nurse*

Goku runs and hides in a room filled with medicines and drugs and locks him self there.

Dr.Mario* knocks the door hard* : I've just about enough of you!! Open the door and take the shot!!

Goku*locked in the room*:Never!!

Dr.Mario: grr!! You're making my job difficult! * brings his mallet and breaks the door down* of all my years as a doctor I've never handled anything as stupid and annoying as this...you're the worst patient I've ever treated.

Goku: If you actually knew how to do anything besides giving shots I would've been done 3 hours ago.

Dr.Mario" 😡😡* walks towards him with the needle*

Goku: * throws drugs at him*.

Dr.Mario: Ow! Hey!

Goku* runs past him quickly*

Dr.Mario: aaaaaarrrgggh!!!!!!

Dr.Mario darts as fast as he could to catch up to Goku. Goku runs towards a flight of stairs and at the last moment instant transmits behind Dr.Mario sending the poor doctor falling down the stairs and breaks his leg.

Goku: 😥 Glad that's over.

Nurse: have you completed your check up sir?

Goku: sorry but it looks like the doctors not around at the moment.

Nurse: That's strange, I'll go call another Doctor.

Goku: Ok.

10 minutes later.........

Me: it's OK Goku, this doctor won't give you any injection.

Goku: You sure?

Me: Yup.

The doctor enters the room and after introducing himself he checks Goku. Here is what happened after he examined him.

Doctor: well...Goku it seems you have an infection.

Goku: What do you mean an infection? That's the same thing that other doctor said but I don't have one.

Doctor: there's a cut on your arm.

Goku: there is?* looks and sees a cut there*. ( I must've gotten it when I was running away from Dr.Mario)

Doctor: and it appears there are some bacteria present on the cut. So first I'm gonna clean it up.* sprays the cut with an antiseptic*

Me*whispers to krillin* In case he gets up. Please try and hold him.

Krillin: I'll try.

Doctor: Now I have to inject it to kill any other bacteria that has somehow gone inside your body.

Goku: By inject you mean?

Doctor: Yes....your gonna have to take a shot.

Goku: Dammit not again!!

Me: well that's all folks. And don't worry if your one of them. We all have fear of taking shots. I was a huge coward when I was little when it comes to taking shots..but you shouldn't be down if you're scared because you're not the only one.

Krillin: just take the shot Goku! It'll be all over in 2 seconds.

Goku:No!!lemme go!!!!

Me: hehe...see you guys in the next dare. Hope you enjoyed this.

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