The Love Triangle of Good Boy and Bad Boy

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Right as I thought I hope my clumsiness doesn't get in the way today I tripped over a rock.

Rather inconvenient since rocks are everywhere for people to trip on.

I should get my servants to remove all rocks from anywhere I would be walking.

Then right on cue, a handsome guy appeared out of nowhere offering me help to get up. "Hi. I'm Love Interest 1 also known as Good Boy. And don't make any dog jokes please it gets old."

Suddenly a rapscallion appears on his pure black horse in dark armor carrying a sword with Slithern marks on it. "Ooh, a Bad Boy... This should be exciting."

He starts to speak in a crybaby's voice "You think that's bad when I was three I lost my pet goldfish! When I was six I had a cavity! And when I was eight I had to do my sister's homework! It turned me into a bad boy! Also, no dog jokes here either those get old too."

"Welp, you're not tough after all... I'm done here. Come on Good Boy! Why don't you buy me a soda?"

Getting even whinier Bad Boy just has to make his voice heard. "I am a Bad Boy! Watch me use my sword! If they were invented yet I'd use a motorcycle!" I turn to him

"What is a morticircle? You're not a bad boy and you know it!"

"But earlier you said you knew what a hair salon was!!!" Whine WHINE WHiNe

"How do you know that?!"

"UUUUUMMMMM!!!! I was waiting for the right moment to make my entrance? Duh!"


Hidie pops into this world beyond angry "Nobody reads my work till it's done! Not even my characters! Hidie out!" She dropped a mic. Then she disappeared into oblivion. Weird how she does that.

Anyways back to me

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