|~Usual Life~|

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It was an early morning when a lady came to the room where two girls were sleeping peacefully. The lady put the curtains aside and the sun rays were directly on the two girls' faces.

The lady was none other than Roshnaq and surely you guys have guessed the two girls. It was Zoya and Noor.

Roshnaq: Zoya, Noor. Get up. It is already 7 in the morning. If you guys don't wake up then surely you will be late for work.

Zoya: Ammi 2 min.

Noor was still asleep.

Roshnaq: No beta. Wake up or your father will be angry. Get up get up.

Zoya sat up and lazily went to the washroom.

Roshnaq: Ya Allah now what to do with this Noor. NOOR WAKE UP. IT IS ALREADY 10.

She lied. By hearing 10 in the morning Noor woke up with a sec.

Noor: 10.o my god. Now?
She saw on the watch which was hanging on the wall and she realised that it was 7:05.

Noor: Ammi this is not fair.
She cried.

Roshnaq: Everything is fair. Now get up and pack your thing for the first day of your college.

Noor nodded while half asleep. Roshnaq left the room while Noor went to the cupboard to select clothes, while yawning.

After 20 min, Zoya came out wearing a full sleeve top and jeans to go to her college.

Zoya: Good morning Noor.

Noor: What Good morning Appi. Wish me Bad Morning. You know na how ammi woke me up today. I thought I was going to be late on the very first day. And you tell if I go to the college late then the teachers will have a bad impression on me.

Zoya chuckled seeing her sister talking so much.

Zoya: Okay fine. Now go and take a shower.

Noor smiled and nodded. Zoya then went to the dining to have breakfast.

Then Noor also came.

Wasim: Good morning beta. What happened Noor. Why are you looking so dull?

Noor: Abbu actually it is all Ammi's fault. She woke me up at seven by saying it is ten. I was so worried.

Wasim and Zoya chuckled while Roshnaq gave a hopeless laugh.

Roshnaq: I really don't know when...
Others completed the sentence.

Wasim, Zoya, Noor: you guys will go to in laws, what will happen then.

Zoya: Ammu you say these at least 100 times a day. See that is why we even memorized it.

Wasim: Exactly Roshnaq. I want then to be properly educated at first then we will think about their marriage.

Saying this he gave a high five to both the daughters.

Roshnaq served them the breakfast. After that. Wasim set off for the hospital while Zoya and Noor set off for their college.

Zoya: Hey!

Her best friend and only friend who is really close to her, Pooja.

Pooja: Hey gorgeous. How are you?

Zoya: I am good. What about you?

Pooja: Yeah I am also fine.

Zoya: Come let's have coffee.

Pooja nodded and went to the canteen.
They were waiting for the coffee.

Pooja: Yaar plz save me.

Zoya: Why what happened.

Pooja: Ma has already started to show me different kinds of boys for my marriage. You know she even said that I have only 2 years. In these years I have to get married.

Zoya: Hmm that's good. Then get married.

Pooja: You are saying in such a way that I have to taste a piece of cake.

Zoya: You have 2 years na. Then chill.

Pooja sighed

Pooja: When you will get these type of news then you will understand.

Zoya and Pooja talked about many things and soon joined the class.

In Hooda Mansion.
A boy was still sleeping on the bed when another boy entered in his room.

Aditya: What Chote. At least now you should wake up early. It is already 8:30.

Arjun: Hmm hmm. What?

He woke up with a jerk.

Arjun: You should have tell me earlier.

Aditya just rolled his eyes and sat on the bed while Arjun ran to the washroom to change.

The Hooda brothers quickly went downstairs.

Harsh was reading newspaper and Anjana was serving food.

Arjun quickly had a toast and juice and kissed his mom's forhead and bid a bye as he was late.

Anjana: I guess he have made an oath to go everywhere late.

Aditya and Harsh laughed.

Harsh: Aditya, so from today you are going to join our office right?

Aditya: Yes Papa.

Aditya took blessings from her parents and went to office with his Dad.

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