Chapter Seventeen

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Dear Mother,

I hope all is well since last we spoke. I have updated Alexstrayna regarding your current situation, and she, too, sends her warmest regards. Alexstrayna and I, along with our daughter Sarayna, must find a way back to the Empire as soon as possible, if not for our sake, then for the sake of our son, Lexan. For reasons I fear I cannot go into now, I am afraid he may be in grave danger, if he has not been subjected to such already. That is why I must come and ask for your assistance in this matter at your earliest convenience. We will be hosting a holiday gathering at our apartment on December 25th and would be most honored to have you as our guest for a short time in order for us to review with you what we have prepared so as to construct our travel arrangements back to the Empire. Not to mention, it would be ill of us to leave without properly introducing you to your granddaughter. Please respond at your earliest convenience so that we can know when to meet you at the train station. I look forward to your return letter.

Your Loving Son,

Saratanya again sat upon the golden throne that seemed to be her residing palace whenever she dreamed about the Empire. She was decked out in the glory only to be bestowed upon a Queen Empress, so she knew she was there for only one thing as her gown of deep red drifted off her shoulders, hugged her waist, and draped to the floor. Her wrists jangled with silver bangles as she raised one hand to beckon the unseen visitor before her.

"Enter, Razen."

Her brother-in-law stepped out of the shadows dressed in the finery fit for the Lord Steward. He hadn't changed a bit from how she remembered him. His brown hair was in a neat ponytail at the nape of his neck, and his blue eyes shone with the same passion they possessed whenever he looked at her. She hid her smile behind her folded hands as her mind's eye tried to remember what was underneath those robes.

He stood before her, sweeping into a glorious bow. "You are looking as beautiful as ever, Tanya."

She cleared her throat— he was here for business and wouldn't allow him to dissuade her from that. "You've been busy, Razen."

He stood up and clasped his hands before him in an almost formal pose. "Whatever do you mean, Empress?"

"I've seen Treyan. Here. In the Otherrealm."

"Of course. The palace had to be evacuated. I'm happy to hear he arrived safely. Your sons have been quite busy as of late."

"I've heard I have you to thank?"

Razen bowed his head slightly. "Only doing the duty bestowed upon me, my Empress."

She waved him off. "Enough with the formalities, Razen. Treyan informed me you never told them you were their blood relation."

"In the grand scheme of things, Saratanya, I felt it was best to leave emotional items best hidden so that we could achieve the greater good."

"You also never told them I was still alive."

He didn't respond. She watched him, trying to determine where to go from here. She stood up and began to descend from the golden throne—some things were best discussed face to face.

"Razen, what are you planning?"

He looked to her with a small smirk on his lips. "Everything I do, Tanya, is for the best of the Empire. It always has been. You know that," he said as he reached out to grab her hand in his.

She took the offered hand, squeezed slightly, and sighed. "If only Axell were still here. He'd—"

"He'd be doing exactly as I am now, perhaps even more boldly. If he were still here, so, too, would you be." He reached his free hand up to brush her cheek. She closed her eyes to his touch but didn't shy away. "I miss you, Tanya."

"I miss you, too. I miss all of you. Axell. Treyan. Reylor." He pulled her into his embrace before she could continue.

"They're planning on coming back. With the young princess."

"We will welcome them with open arms."

"And Reylor?"

"Reylor is being handled, Empress. You need not worry about him."

"So it is true. He has been less than honorable."

Razen sighed. "There seems to be one in every family, is there not? We were just lucky that Axell had a more open mind than his son."

Saratanya could not help but blush at the memories of their unorthodox relationship. Perhaps Razen could read her thoughts for he gave her a kiss that was more intimate than one given in formality.

"You can trust me, Tanya," he said, his face still close to hers. "Your sons are like my own. Through them, I see you, and Axell, and I would never let any harm come to them."

She closed her eyes and bowed her head in agreement, and he leaned to kiss her on her forehead. "Keep them safe, Razen."

"For you, Empress, anything." He pulled away and looked over his shoulder where the golden light in the dream—like throne room—began to shift. "The suns are on the move, and so too is yours. Morning comes, my love. Until we meet again." He took her hand in his, kissed it regally, and turned away in a wave of robes and power.

The sun was starting to shine through the small window of Saratanya's bedroom, and she slowly roused herself from sleep. Rubbing her eyes, she had one task she needed to complete before she began her day.

Sitting at the small desk in her quiet living room, she pulled out a blank piece of paper and laid it down next to the opened letter from her son. Taking a pen from the holder, she began to compose a response letter.

My Dearest Treyan,

It is so good to hear from you again, and I am pleased to know all is well. I will happily accept your invitation to spend the holidays with you and your family in Boston. I will take the morning train up on Christmas day and will plan on spending a week thereafter, so we can discuss these plans. I will feel ill putting you out for so long, so I will try to obtain additional accommodations as soon as I arrive so as not to inconvenience you any further. Please send my love to your wife and your daughter, and I will see you all very soon.

Forever your mother,

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