Chapter Five

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"Kill me."

Flavia was laying on the grass as her friends and the boys (who have decided to become part of the group) looked at her. She was covering her eyes with the hoodie as the blazing sun burned her very being, she started drinking a lot of water the moment she left the building for PE. The sun was hotter than usual and this has never happened to her, usually, all her long sleeve shirts were thin enough to not burn her alive.

This was a hoodie.

A hoodie.

She was going to die.

"Why don't you just take the hoodie off?"

The response Will gain was grass blades being thrown at his face, "It's comfortable. I'm keeping it on," was the mumbled vocal response.

María rolled her eyes, "You are going to die from dehydration."

"I have to agree with María," Paula said reluctantly, "you are going to faint."

"Why else do you think I'm asking you to kill me?"

"Why don't we go get changed for PE?" Nalia squatted down, "Come on Flav, you'll become a crispy Flavia out here."

"Too tired." She grumbled, "Sun. Took. Energy."

"I won't and can't carry you Flavia." Nalia shook her head, "Can one of you help me?"

Markus decided he was Cupid and pointed at Julian who glared at him but everyone was already staring at him. Will wiggled his eyebrows and Nico nudged his twin on the ribs but his gray eyes held amusement. Sighing Julian took hold of Flavia's hand and pulled her up making sure that her sleeve didn't pull up.

"Do you have the strength to walk?"

She shook her head, "Too. Much. Sun." She mumbled against his chest as he picked her up following her friends to their changing rooms.

"Is Flavia ok?" Everyone turned to face Emily who was already changed into her PE uniform. "What happened?"

"Nothing Em," María gave her a smile, "the sun got to her."

"Then why doesn't she take the hoodie off?"

"She finds it comfortable," Paula rolled her blue eyes, "honestly one of these days she is going to faint."

"I think she already did," Nico muttered pointing to Flavia who had been quiet the whole time. "We should take her to the nurse."

"NO!" Nalia and Julian said at the same time, while Julian sends a questioning look towards Nalia, she ignored him. "She just needs some AC." She gave a shaky smile opening the door to the girls' changing room slightly. "It's empty. Just in case Julian just pass her to me I'm going to drag her in."

"Let me help." María took hold of Flavia's legs as Nalia took hold of her arms and they took her inside.

"The nurse would help."

"No, she wouldn't." Julian interjected, "Um. Flavia she doesn't want her parents to worry...?"

Paula sighed, "That's Flavia alright." Shaking her head, she turned to face Julian, "Thanks for the help."

He nodded and turned on his heels to change into his own PE uniform. His friends followed after him questioning how he knew that about her. Emily watched them go before shrugging and heading to the field where the rest of her friends waited.


Flavia's eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was the fan in the ceiling. She smiled at the cool breeze it gave and looked down to see that she was still fully clothed. Ok, I wasn't kidnapped, she knew the walls around her, she was in the changing room of her PE class. Slowly she got up and opened her locker and took out her PE uniform and the extra long sleeve shirt she had for the class.

"Good, you are awake."

She turned around, one hand on her back and her dagger appeared, but it disappeared in a dust of her dragon's scale colors once she saw that it was Nalia who spoke. Her posture relaxed and entered one of the stalls in the changing room. She trusted Nalia to see her marks but you never knew who would enter the rooms and see something they weren't meant to see.

"How long was I out?"

"Not long, five minutes at most."

"Nobody saw?"

"Nope, Julian and I made sure of that."


"You sure you can do PE?"

"Yeah," Flavia stepped out of the stall fully clothed. She wasn't a fan of the uniform but it wasn't bad, it was a pair of simple black loose shorts, a gray shirt, and her black long sleeve undershirt. "I just need to drink water."

"Black? Are you sure."

"This was the one in my locker."

Nalia sighed but knew better than to fight her, "Fine. Let's go, the class is about to start. I'm shocked that we aren't late."

Flavia grinned as she followed her friend outside grabbing her extra water bottle to refill. Nalia and Flavia walked across the field to where the rest of the class was, the teacher wasn't there yet. The group looked up at the sight of a walking Flavia and she was going to sit with them, but Emily and three more girls appeared.

"Flav are you ok?"

"I'm fine Brooke," she smiled at the girl, "thanks for asking."

"Emily said that Julian had to carry you to the girls' changing room."

She did her best to hide the growing blush, "I wasn't feeling well. He was kind enough to take me there, Tiffany."

Tiffany nodded adjusting her glasses, "Good."

The three girls left to talk with the other boys in the class. Sighing Flavia plop down on the floor drinking more water from her water bottle. She was aware of the worried looks from the others and she didn't like it one bit. Sighing she began to fidget with the sleeve of her undershirt, she was fidgeting more than usual.


She shrugged, "It was the undershirt I had in my locker, Mark." Her eyes widened for a second, "Can I call you Mark?"

Markus grinned, "I don't see why not."

"Are we making nicknames now?" Julian grinned, "'Cause if that's the case I vote that you all get a nickname from us and us alone." He gestured at the rest of the boys, "What do you think?"

Flavia smiled bumping his shoulders, "Sure. Only if you let us give you nicknames." Her friends grinned their eyes shining with mischief at the thought.


"Sorry for being late, class," everyone turned to face their PE teacher. "I was preparing today's lesson!" Flavia didn't fail to notice the excited spark he had in his old blue eyes. "But before I tell you the lesson. We will start the class with two big laps around the field, fifty push-ups, fifty squads and fifty steps. No walking on the laps, jogging is the slowest you can go."

Right on cue, everyone groaned except for the ones who actually enjoyed doing sports. Collectively they all got up from the middle of the field and headed to the start and with many complains they began the laps. Flavia was jogging and next to her was Paula who kept up with her, Nalia, María and few of the other girls were walking. All the boys were far ahead already halfway through the lap but they were running, which wasn't the smartest move. Flavia continued on as she noticed Nalia, Tiffany, and Brooke sneak away from the second lap when the teacher wasn't looking and sat down on the floor or concrete benches. Many of the boys began to slow down and Flavia took her chance to run past them and finish the second lap first.

"How about Speedy?" Markus grinned next to her as he finished second. "Seems fitting."

"Nah," she began the steps, "Speedy is already taken by Green Arrow's sidekick."

"Didn't take you as a girl of comics."

"I'm more of books, shows and movie girl. The MCU is fantastic." She explained, "My brother never stops talking about comics though so if I get a reference it's because of him."


"Flav," Nalia walked up to her, "does it count if you have to go down 30 stairs to leave your house?"

"Stairs are steps. I say it does so just do 20 more."

"Can we not do them?" María groaned as Paula began doing push-ups, "I don't want to."

"The teacher isn't looking," Flavia grinned not finishing her steps just as Julian began his. "And since I don't want to do more either..." She looked around and sat down next to María and Nalia, everyone else began to join them. The class separated into two groups as the boys and girls split up to join the people they talk to the most.

"Are you sure you don't want to skip the class?" Julian asked eyeing the sleeves of her undershirt. "You shouldn't be wearing black."

"I already said why I'm wearing black." She shrugged and looked up at him from her spot on the floor, "And I wouldn't miss this class for the world!" Her eyes brightened, "Freshmen year means we do the Olympics unit and Olympics mean archery!"

"What's so great about that?" Nico raised an eyebrow at her.

"Don't get her started!" Her friends groaned just as Flavia jumped up and turned to face Nico.

"What's so great?!"


"Everything!" She yelled causing everyone to turn to her, she ignored them, "The concentration before shooting, the aim, the patience and the sound of the string when you let go of it! I love archery! Such an amazing sport and when the satisfaction of hitting the bullseye blossoms! Oh, that is even better!" Julian noticed that her eyes became brighter with every word she spoke, and her voice was so full of excitement that it became contagious. Not even her friends who have heard this same speech millions of times were immune to such happiness. "It's so great! Oh, I love archery and honestly, I cannot put it into words. You know what? If today, we do archery then I can show you!"

"I'm guessing someone figured out the unit." The PE teacher laughed as Flavia nodded, "We are starting Olympics, let's see how well you can jump." He gestured for them to follow and lead them inside the gym where there were mats piled together and a bar to jump over.

Flavia paled slightly at the sight but remained silent as she watched the all the boys and many of the girls clap or cheered in excitement. Nalia kept on muttering 'no' and Flavia agreed with her friend wholeheartedly. She was thinking of using her power and disappearing from the class, suddenly skipping didn't sound so bad. Flavia stares at the bar in frozen fear as her eyes darted to everything, everyone and everywhere.

Called her pathetic if you wish, but she was terrified of turning her back while jumping over a bar not knowing if she was going to hit the soft mat or not. What made her strange fear stranger was the fact that she has done worse. She has fallen of Fawn on purpose while they are flying extremely high, she has jumped from high places on purpose as training. Heck, she was known to do dangerous stunts with her weapons in hopes of finding a new efficient way to do a trick-shot.

When all was said and done she shouldn't be afraid of doing this when she has done things that were much more dangerous. Yet she still was and she didn't know why. Of course, she had a theory as to way but she wasn't sure how it made sense since the others things she had done included trust. Well, most of the things included in her trust of Fawn catching her, which she never failed to do. What she didn't trust was herself. She didn't trust she would be able to do the jump without some instinct or training kicking in and doing something she would regret. She didn't trust herself on doing the jump and not exposing herself. Looking around for any security cameras Flavia locked eyes with the back of her PE teacher's head as she willed herself to enter his mind.

... Nico, Will, Nalia, Emily... where's Flavia?

'Sick, you send her to the nurse.' Flavia spoke inside his head but as a human, it was masked as his subconsciousness, 'Didn't want to risk health.'

Right, I send her to the nurse. Hope she feels better.

Retreating from his mind Flavia made sure there were no securities cameras again and her marks began to glow the golden of Fawn's scales. She was there a second before vanishing out of thin air the next and no human would have been the wiser. Nalia turned around and saw that the place Flavia once stood was empty, frowning she kept her gaze fixed on the spot and managed to catch movement even if it was hard to spot.

Flavia may be invisible to the naked eye but camouflage doesn't make one invisible to one with the true sight or knowledge of what she was.


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