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So where did we leave off last time? Oh yeah, right when I realized that my soulmate was our lovely Parkie.

After I realized it, I tried to just get in the shower and try to forget about it, trying to pretend that it never happened before. But it was so much harder than you would expect it to be. Because my soulmate wasn't just someone that I barely even knew, and it wasn't just someone that I hated with a passion but had to deal with the fact that they were now my soulmate.

My soulmate was a guy. Male gender. Maybe I haven't always been totally sure that I was straight. There had been a few times in my life where I had doubted it a little bit, wondering if I was totally straight, because there had been a few signs before, but I had just brushed them off all the time.

But... I had liked girls before. Unless that was just my mind pretending that I liked them to hide me from the truth? But that didn't make any sense.

Why would my mind want to do that?

All of it was so confusing, and it was exhausting. I don't know if it was the sudden revelation, or just the stress of finding out who it was, or everything at once, because the next thing I knew, I was crying. And I still don't know exactly why.

But I do remember the feeling of knowing that nothing would be the same again, and feeling like my entire life up to that point had been a lie. And feeling hopeless. You might be thinking that I was overreacting, that I didn't mean to be upset.

Or you might be saying that soulmates can be platonic too- not just romantic. That's not how things work with these marks- it sucks.

Now try finding out in the span of two minutes that your soulmate was the same gender when you had thought that you were straight your entire life. Maybe now you'll get why I was upset.

I don't know how long I sat there in the shower, just not being able to get out. Maybe an hour? My mom was going to kill me when she saw how much water I've used. 

I got in the shower though, and I tried to calm down the very best that I could. Tried to just get it out of my mind. If you've ever had something life-changing that wasn't exactly good happen to you, you would know that it didn't work.

After I got out of the shower, I went back to my room and put my pajamas back on. I didn't go to sleep for a really long time.

At one point I pulled out my phone from where it was charging on my nightstand, and I almost send a quick snap to Parker, wanting to talk to him some more, but I ended up changing my mind right before I pressed that little arrow at the bottom of the screen. I didn't want to wake him up anyway.

I spent the night tossing and turning, not able to sleep even after I went back to the bathroom and grabbed melatonin, desperate to go to sleep.

Every time I tried to close my eyes, the only thing that happened was Parker entering my mind. Of course, he was. I had a feeling that he was going to take up most of my thoughts for a really, really long time. 

He was my soulmate. Meaning, the perfect person for me in every single way. It also meant that I was his soulmate, I was the perfect person for him. Soulmates weren't just a one-sided thing. They went both ways. 

I remember freaking out, even more, when I realized that. That meant that Parker knew. He knew that I was his soulmate, his mark had probably gone off too. They were going to have to talk about it. And probably soon too. 

I had for sure been laying there for hours before exhaustion won over my mind, and I finally fell asleep. A fact that I didn't even notice until I woke up at noon the next day.

I would've slept longer, but my mom came in and yelled at me.

"You need to wake up! You are wasting the day, as always. I shouldn't have even let you go to that party!" She yelled at me, where I was half sitting up, barely hearing her because I had literally woken up like, two seconds ago.

Of course, she was mad. When was she not mad? She left my room after telling me that I needed to get my homework done. Even though it was Saturday, I didn't need to do it until the next day.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and felt my heart stop beating for a moment when I saw that I had a Snapchat from a contact named Parker. 

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