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"Come on, you'll be fine. Nobody's going to kill you or anything," Parker told me, grabbing my hand and starting to pull me into the small cafe.

"But this place seems gross. And too cheesy. It's a cafe from those stupid movies that girls always watch," I retorted, pulling my arm back from him and crossing them over my chest.

"Those movies are amazing, thank you very much, but whatever you say," Parker said. "I guess I'll just have to go and eat muffins all on my own,"

"I would never want to eat any muffin that you like. You have horrible taste. It sucks," I said. "Remember your gross hospital muffin?"

"Still trying to figure out how I can eat that muffin again," Parker said. "And then force you to suck it up and finally taste the best food in the world,"

I rolled my eyes. "Let's just get in there," I said, grabbing his arm and pulling him into the cafe. Sure, I didn't want to go in there and actually eat their food, but it was better than getting threats from him to even try to eat that muffin again. The small bite I ate was more than enough.

This was really our first real date. Going into public and being seen together, and I was just a little bit worried. I knew how people could judge people in public. Did not want to be on the other side of that.

Nobody even so much as glanced up at us when we walked in. I don't know why I was so freaked out that something was going to happen.

Parker was close behind me. "I'll go and order for us, you can go and find a good place to sit," He said, putting his hand on my back slightly as he passed me.

I went towards a table that was right by a window that was facing out onto the street. It wasn't too busy. Being only a Thursday and all.

"Hey there," A voice said. I looked up and saw some guy that I didn't even recognize.
"Hey?" I said. A question. I had never even seen this guy in my whole life. Had no idea why he was talking to me.

He slid into the seat across from me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Matthew," He said. It was pretty safe to assume that was his name.

"Uh, Sebastion," I leaned backward in my chair. He gave me a bad vibe, and I didn't like it at all.

"Nice to meet you Sebastion," Matthew said. "You're pretty cute," He gave me a smile.

I looked over to the counter and saw that Parker was on his phone, still waiting in line to order. "Um, I have a boyfriend. Not interested," I said, hoping he would just go away.

"That guy?" Matthew asked, gesturing to him. "I know the type. Don't think that he's the type of person that you really want to date,"

I looked down at my lap. "Well, better than doing anything with you," I said. It was a pretty wimpy thing to not even look at him as I said that, but I didn't realize that until after.

"I can assure you that I'm a hell of a lot better than he could ever be. Really not looking at me now? Nervous?" Matthew asked.

Keeping my focus down, I wondered if I should go and just stand by Parker. It sounded like a really good idea to me.

"Not saying anything now, are we?" He asked.

That's when I decided that I wasn't dealing with any more of that crap. I got up and went to stand by Parker.

"Weren't you finding somewhere to sit?" He asked me.

"Just shush," I said, reaching down and grabbing his hand. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Matthew walking up behind me.

"Come on babe, really gonna go and hide with him now?" Matthew asked, moving to stand in front of the two of us.

"Babe?" Parker asked, dropping my hand. "Seb, who's this?"

"This random jerk. I've never met him," I said, a frown forming on my face.

"Oh, sure you have. We go way back. I've known you for like ever. Do you just not remember the party last week or something?" Matthew asked, a smirk on his face.

"What party?" Parker asked, and when I looked up at him, he looked so hurt.

"There was no fucking party. Get the fuck away from me," I told Matthew. I turned and started to walk away, expecting Parker to be right behind me.

When I got to the door and turned back, He was standing where I had left him, just staring at me.

From the look on Matthew's face, I was assuming that he had said something else that I hadn't heard.

"Parker-" I started to say, walking back over to him, but he held up his hand to cut me off.

"Cut the crap," He said. "Never expected that from you. Must've forgotten that you would quite literally be dead without me?" He asked me, crossing his arms. The look in his eyes made my stomach turn; and not in a good way.

"I swear, nothing happened!" I tried to desperately explain to him. Matthew had left, clearly leaving the damage that he had done for me to fix all on my own.

"Oh really?" Parker asked. "Because it sure doesn't sound like it,"

"Really Parker? You're going to believe some random guy that I cheated on you over me?" I asked him.

"I never said a word about cheating,"

"I'm not some kind of idiot. That's exactly what he was trying to make you believe. What the hell happened to your brain? Leave it in the pool?"

I regret saying that now. A lot.

"Fuck you," Parker told me, and the glare he gave me made me want to turn invisible and never be seen again.

With that, he shoved past me and went to the door, slamming it shut behind him.

I let out a defeated sigh. What was I supposed to do? I didn't know how to fix something like this; I had never even been in a relationship. All I knew was what I saw on TV.

We were soulmates. We weren't supposed to get into arguments that destroyed everything.


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