Chimes and Chains

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I awoke to my arms throbbing up abouve my head. My vision was dazed and I was hit with a pounding headache

I groaned and looked around. It was a cold, damp room. The walls had cracks and my arms felt weak.

I briefly glanced up, as my neck hurt with any small movement.

They seemed to be tied up abouve my head by a black chain. I groaned again and let my head fall and hang down.

I heard a chink and knew sort of the location of where I was.

Ghirahim's Castle.

I felt uneasy under the demons gaze, even though I could not see him, I felt him.

"Good morning dear Skychild. Long time no see!" He joked

I didn't move or make any acknowledgement of him.

He seemed upset by that and grabbed my chin making me look at him, much to me and my necks dismay

"Look at me when I talk to you Skychild. It's disrespectful!" He spat.

I avoided eye contact and the pains in my body.

I was tempted to spit on him, but my mouth was too dehydrated to. I hardly dought I could talk.

As if he read my mind, he chucked my chin ago and another Chink was heard.

My arms draped weakly to my sides. I was unable to move them. A bowl of Soup, 3 sliced of crispy bread and a glass of water appreered on a tray

"I do need you to live so I can..... Use you.... So eat up!" He said and left with a chink

I eyed the food suspiciously. I tried moving my numb arms to only be greeted with Dismay

I heard a familiar and piercing ringing full my ears and my pounding head.

I felt blood rush around my body and my arms returned to me.

I tried moving a tingly finger to see if I was dreaming or not. It was infact moving.

Finally, I can eat

My subconscious thoughts said loudly in my head. I reached for the sliced bread and smelt it. I looked it all over. I concluded it was safe and took a small bite.

Oh Hylia!

It was delicious! I ate it in rapid speed and then tried the soup, egnoring trying to see if Ghirahim was trying to drug me or not

It was Devine! I drunk it and scooped up the rest with the other slice of bread. I placed the third slice of bread in my now empty Satchel.

Of course, he stole all my stuff.

I was bootless, Hatless, Cloackless, Swordless, Armourless, useless and all the other less's you can think of.

I then looked at the big cup of water. It, on closer inspection, did not look or smell like water.

I was skeptical. It looked Pink. It was smoking a Pink odor and smelt of Carrots and Pumpkins

Ghirahim appeared.

"Are you done child?" He looked at me inspecting the glass of water and the empty food tray " I see you are. And if your wondering what that is, try it and find out. Or dehydrate, up to you!"

He left with the tray.

I was cautious but my mind and lack of water made me take a sip.

I immediately recognised it as a Health potion. I drank it all in seconds, feeling it run through my dry throat was Surreal.

I placed the glass down and lent against the wall.

My head eased and my body relaxed, though not completely.

I remembered a little thing Time gave us all.

It was a knife he gave us, each with Intricate designs resembling us.

I patted the secret pocket in my torso feeling a lump.

I felt a bit at ease knowing I could use that against the demon. The blades where forged with very powerful magic created by a Deity. A Deity to this day Time will refuse to tell us the name of.

The ringing came back. But this time in pulses. It had a chiming sound blaring throguh .

I immediately recognised that as Fi. But she lay arest in the Goddess Sword awaiting a new Quest.

But ever since this odd mark appeared on my face, the same blue sword as my decendents, she has turned up to me.

It felt off holding the blade again. Then, in the sanctum, when I saw Wild with it. It felt so weird.

But why has she not spoken till now?

Hylia, oh great goddess, please help.

I was intruded in my thoughts by the sound of Metal against stone.

I jumped a bit at the odd sound and looked up.

The goddess blade, returned not Blessed, yet glowing a bright blue, lay before me by the feet of the demon.

"Your blade wont shut up. Shut it up."

He said. The ringing got louder but it was only in mine and most likely the demons head as it was not echoing around the empty room.

Cautiously, I leaned out and wrapped my hand around the pale green handle.

I felt my soul being sucked from my body.

I appeared in a pitch black room, no light, but I could see myself clearly

And a figure Infront of me.

They where a bit taller than me and wore a fluff on their shoulders and waist.

It was immediately recognised as Twilight.

I tried to move or scream at him but my voice came out strained and quiet. My body was frozen.

He looked like he was fighting something, hands pressed to his head painfully and he was twitching.

Whatever it was won and he collapsed.

A wolf like creature went over and smelt his passed out figure.

The wolf scoffed and disspareard into particles.

I could move again.

I ran to Twilight's side as quick as possible.

I sat him up but he was out cold.

Something in his leg caught my attention. It was producing a red glow and on closer inspection had unhealthy black veins branching out of it.

It was a tooth of the imprisoned.

It went straight through his thigh.

I was useless here but now knew I needed to get out.

I held Twi close in my arms.

It felt like hours until he finally faded away and the beast returned. This time it was passed out.

I looked at it softly. Suddenly, a bright flowing white light blinded me and i felt myself being thrown about

I was back in the dungeon. I was breathless and so was Ghirahim it seemed.

"Skychild. Get that sword under control before I break it and you." He said angrily.

He got up and dusted off his clothes and left in a huff

I was alone in my thoughts and frantically tried to remeber what happened.

I came in sections. But one thing was for sure. If Im not able to help Twi, he's dead in the next four days.

Yay. Pls comment on who's POV u want more! I'm really trying on this book! Please vote it really helps me out! Anyway, Adiós!

Word Count - 1187

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