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I brush the bangs that covered my right eye behind my ear, revealing my one black eye. If it wasn't weird enough having a red eye I have a black one, it could drive anybody insane. No literally stare at it to long it picks up on your fears and show them to you causing you to go insane. I sighed "All the mental disorders or dysfunctions I'm stuck with one red eye and one black, just add that to my anxiety and insanity." "Plus I'm locked up in a room with nothing but potato soup a bed a pen and a notebook. I hear footsteps near the door, I looked at expecting someone to open it only to my disappointment see a note slip under the door. I go over there and pick it up. Good news they will be releasing you from this room tomorrow the slender is going to figure out what to do with you, also Hoodie will be bringing a few objects just to see what you would do with them -Masky I sighed as Hoodie had walked in with a box. He didn't speak to me as he placed the objects near me. One knife, One chain, Some fabric and a dummy, oh and crowbars and pipes. He glances at me before quickly looking away, and thats when I remembered he could see my right eye. I brushed my bangs back covering my eye as he left the room. "What is this, some kind of test?" I mumbled I grab the knife and stab the dummy repetitively, pleased with a decent sized hole I take the chain and tie it around the dummies throat, I drag it to the my bed and stand on it. With my free hand I feel around the ceiling looking for something to hang this on. Finding a small nook I tie it to that and leaving it there. getting off the bed I take the fabric and tie it around my right eye. "So I don't hurt any more people." I say. "You're a mess tangled with your confidence you think you haven't sinned well you're unstoppable your walls are impassible, Oh I think you're better off looking alone 'cause the boys that chase your hips can just go find their way home. And at the of the day you think to yourself 'My body is a product being sold on a shelf' Tell me I can change,Tell me I can change. Well I know you lay in bed contemplating your own death. Well just look at what you've done. Don't you dare forget the sun love!" I sang,  I didn't bother with the rest of the song mostly because that part stuck to me the most. I sigh thinking about what I could be doing if i wasn't locked in here but what could be happening would be worse then whats happening now I guess. "I don't understand why I'm here" I mumbled "Everything is just so confusing..." I hang my head as a sat there my back against the wall and a knife near the bed. "I just don't understand." I mumbled before drifting off into another dreamless sleep.

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