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Trigger warning

Slender had left me with Sally an adorable little girl. "Do you want to have a tea party?" She asked excitedly. "You know what, why not! You get the stuff out and I'll help you set up." She smiled excitedly and ran into her closet and came back a few minutes later with a box filled with a china tea set. She hands me the tea pot, the thingy that holds the cream and the pot you fill with sugar. "Can you please fill these up?" She asked sweetly. "Yea." I walked out of the room and into the hall way. "Now I just got to find the kitchen in this place." I mumbled as I shuffled down the hall. As I was walking down the halls I saw Toby about to walk into a room until he saw me he stopped. "I assuming you need help finding the kitchen." He said more calmly then he did when introduced himself. I nodded. "Right this way, follow me." He said and motioned me to follow. I followed him as we turned through the twisted hallways and finally walked into the kitchen. "Thanks." I said "No problem." He ticked and cracked his neck into an awkward position before saying something else. "Do you need help with that?" He said pointing to the tea set I was holding "Um yea." I said "I've been stuck in a couple of Sally's tea parties before, I know almost exactly how she likes it." He explained and took the tea set from my hands and sat it on the table. I laughed at that response. "A seven year old girl pretty much forced you to have a tea party with her?" I laughed. His face tinted pink "Well she's scary if you tell her no." Toby's voice cracked as if he was remembering something. "If she scares you just wait until you say no to me." I smirked He stopped making the tea and sat it down on the counter and stared at me. "You know what I don't even want to know." he mumbled going back to the tea. I laughed a bit at his reaction. "You know you laugh a lot." "Is it that obvious?" I asked sarcastically "Ok well um well." "Fallen got you tongue tied?" Masky said coming out behind Toby. He jumped at that a bit spilling a bit of the tea. He sighed. "Is this how you feel when I bug you?" He asked "Yep about right. Oh and Fallen why did Slender want you?" Masky asked turning his attention towards me as Toby cleaned up his mess. "He gave me an offer..." I said I guess you could say Masky looked shock but I couldn't really tell he had his mask on but his voice gave away his shock. "W-what kind of offer?" he stuttered. I hesitated before answering. "He asked if I wanted to be a proxy." Masky just stood their while Toby spilled the tea again. "Shit, I just cleaned this up?" "What?!" Masky asked in disbelieve. "You heard me he had asked me if I wanted to be a Proxy.'' "You gotta declined!" Masky shouted. Confusion was painted across my face as I stared at him. "Why? Is it because I'm a girl?" I asked "No, It's nothing like that at all. It's because its dangerous." He explained "Aww dose Masky have a crush?" Toby chirped. I felt my cheeks heat up at the statement. "N-no its because I'm her friend and I care." Masky stuttered a bit "Well I'm now her friend and I'm not telling her to declined and if she got in trouble she would have three other people to help her." Toby said giving me the tea set back. Masky balled up his first and took in a deep breath before relaxing his hands. "Well... I did tell him I wanted to think about it..." "It pains me to say this but... if you want to be a proxy accept it, but be warned your past will be erased as well only parts you don't need at least, or you can decline and go back to your life knowing me as Timmothy." Masky explained I nodded "I think I've made up my mind, I'll tell slenderman after Sally's tea party. Masky nodded before turning and heading off. "I take it that its time for me to help you back to Sally's room." Toby said motioning me to follow as he started to walk down the hall.

"There you are!" Sally said excitedly as she threw herself towards me and hugging onto my legs. "I was starting to think you ditched me!" she wailed. "I didn't i just had to ask for help." I explained as she let go. "Oh, you can bring that over here." Sally said leading me to a table. I set the tea set down and sat down on one of the tiny chairs. Sally sat down in a chair a crossed from me and sat her teddy bear Charlie in the chair next to her. I waited patiently as she poured tea in mine hers and Charlie's cups. "I know this is a little personal but what brought you here?" she asked sweetly as she sipped her tea. "Masky, did. Why?" She shrugged and continued to question me "Any feelings for any of them?" I shook my head "No... Not that I know of, Why?" "Well I am young but I still don't like seeing my family hurt..." She said smiling a bit. "If anything I'd be the one hurt, not many people like me as a friend so I highly doubt anyone would like me as anything more." she giggles "Toby and Masky seem to have a liking to you." My face dusted a light pink color as the words left her mouth. "Well Masky has been my friend since the beginning of... We'll since my mom left. And Toby? I just started talking to him today." I explained and sipped on my tea. "I have ears, I heard everything when they were talking about, I'm one hundred percent positive Toby stood up for you." sally sassed like a teenage girl would but it was weird because she's only seven. "That doesn't matter, nobody is just going just have one glance at me and be like ooh she's pretty, because it's pretty clear I'm not." I explained she smiled. "whatever, you are pretty. Even with the scar." "scar?" I touched my right eye and felt around remembering the scar. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. "Mom says I was born with a gift but what kind of gift is a red eye and a black eye that makes people insane?" I sighed and held the knife to my right eye, I dug it into my skin right where the end of my eyebrow was and sliced it down till it reached my chin making sure to cut the actual eye out. I watched as it fell into the sink and felt the blood drip down my face but when I looked up what horrified me the most was the fact that the eye I just cut out was growing back. "What the fuck?" I mumbled as it fully grew back within seconds along with the skin but leaving a scar I could possibly never forget. "Yea you have a scar along your right eye." Sally points to my scar. "It goes well with the freckles." Sally compliments "I have freckles?" I asked she looks at me questionably "Do you ever look in the mirror?" "Only to look at my eyes to do my makeup..." "Oh," she said quietly. I sigh. "Is it really that bad I don't know what I look like?" I asked "No. It's not it's just rare." I nodded "yea I guess." "So what's your story?" She piped up a bit happier. "My story?" She nodded "um well." I sighed as the memories flooded back. I was sitting in the car maybe eleven or twelve go bed shopping with my dad. I had my earbuds in blasting No. 5 by Hollywood undead. I looked at my dad whose lips where moving but all I heard was Deuce singing. I decided to take one earbud out and turn my music down a bit. "What did you say?" I asked, earning myself a sigh he starts talking again, "so me and your mom were talking, it's your first year of middle school and think you should wear contacts." He explained. "Contacts! Really? I like my eyes they way they
Are." I crossed my arms over my chest "Then why do you hide them behind your bangs?" He snapped. I tensed up a bit not being used to hearing my dad snapping. "Because they scare people..." As those words left I swear his eyes widened in fear. "Let's just get this bed and come back." I shrugged it off and put my earbud back in and turned it up full blast again. By now the song was already halfway through lion.
The scene was back at the house in my room. I stared blankly through my room, my hair was a light pink instead of brown. My eyes shifted as I stood by the window assuming I was waiting for Masky or Timothy at the time. A smile crept on my face as his face popped up in my window, I quickly opened the window and let him in.
The next scene wasn't as happy. I was about 14 at the time I had red hair with black tips and a fringe along with a lip piercing which I still have but don't wear much. I had my thick black cat eye eyeliner running down my face as I cried as my father kept hitting me with the book, I desperately tried blocking with my hands but he hit me so hard I feel and he started kicking me on the ground as he screamed "It was because of you that she left! It's all your fault." I made attempt to curl up in a ball as he continued to kick me. I shook my head and twitched a bit as I came back to reality. "I don't like to talk about my past." I explained "But I've changed a lot, I used to have a lip piercing and a fringe as well as different colored hair." Sally smiled "I think you would look pretty cool with a lip piercing." She giggled "I looked pretty bad ass in a leather jacket and lip piercing." I laughed while Sally stared at me in shock before giggling. "I won't tell slender you said that." I shrugged it off not knowing what she meant. "Well I think this tea party is over. Can you help me clean up?" I nodded. She took the tea set assuming she went to the kitchen to clean it up I put chairs and table back where it was and moved Charlie to her bed. She came back a few moments later and cleaned up the tea set. "If you like you can explore the mansion now, I think I have bugged you enough." Sally smiled. I headed to the spare bed and grabbed my book bag, digging through it I grabbed my iPad left the room to find a quieter room to draw.


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