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'What a fool' I thought to myself as I woke up. I shouldn't have ever accepted. I sigh and roll off my bed and land on the soft carpeted floor with a thud. Laying there I begin to wonder why I had rolled off my bed in the first place. "Um Fallen? Are you ok? I saw you roll off your bed." Asked Sally. I sighed and sat up "Yea, just being lazy, don't really feel like training today." I explained "Oh, well Masky told me to tell you that when you wake up that you won't have training for a little while, he also said he wanted to wait a bit with missions until your blood lust is under control, whatever that means." Sally explained rambling on a bit. I let out a small laugh. "Well then, we can spend the day together and you can introduce me to some of the other creeppastas." I smiled while Sally happily pulled on my arm until I stood up only to drag me out of the room. "Wait, Sally, I haven't changed my clothes yet!"

"I want you to meet smile dog first!" Sally said as she dragged me towards a giant blood red and black husky. "I don't think this is a good idea." I mumbled before crouching down and holding my hand out to him to smell. He growled a bit before sniffing my hand then pressing his muzzle to it and nuzzling my hand. I gently ran my fingers through his pelt as he put his ginormous paws on my chest. "That's new, he isn't that friendly towards me." Said a voice. I jumped a little at the voice. "Hey, uh Jeff was it? I'm sorry, Sally wanted me to come meet Smile? Was it?" I laughed nervously "Its fine, really, I've just never knew anyone else other then 'The darkness Cathy brought' that Smile actually would let him. My heart skipped a beat at the name. "C-Cathy?" I choked out "Yea why?" "My mothers name is Cathy." "Wait, doesn't the ancient book say that her child would be born with two color eyes? Red for pain, black for the pit of fear and insanity their selfs? Isn't also said there name would be Fa-" Jeff put his hand over Sally's mouth to shush her before looking at my eyes. "Holy shit...." Jeff whispered then looked at Sally. "We need to find that book." "Fallen, stay here and play with Smile, me and Sally need to find something." I nodded before he left and continue to sit there and play with the oversized husky.

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