♧J♧ Shapeshifter

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I look around me to check if anyone was around. Nope it's clear. I close my eyes as I enter free space when I open them I'm a white snow fox.

I sniff around looking for an opportune place to sleep. I found some unused bushes by a path covered in snow. It was unusually snowy in Ireland. I spin in a circle, flattening the snow for me to lay on.

I lay down and curl up into a ball. Minutes pass and I'm almost asleep but footsteps come my way. I lift my head just a little to see a frustrated green haired man. He was on the phone. I stand on all four of my legs and stretch, letting out a soft mewl. The man seemed to notice my soft noise. He puts his phone down and kneels beside me. I inch away from him, cowering slightly.

"No don't worry. I won't hurt you." He holds his hand out. I slowly get closer to him and sniff his hand. He smells nice. I nudge my head against his hand, telling him he can pet me. He rubs my head, down to my back and stops at my bum. He softly scratches right above my tail. I arch my back and lift my butt up more, purring softly.

"You're a cutie aren't ya?" He smiles. "Well I have to get home." He stands up. I whine softly and run around his legs, almost making him trip. He looks at me with a soft smile. I stand on my back paws and raise my front ones up, like I'm begging.

"You want to go home with me?" I jump up and bark happily. "Come here." He opens his arms and I giddily run into them. He picks me up and pets me as he walks. A few minutes later he walks into an apartment. He sets me on a green and black satan sheeted bed.

"I'm gonna shower real quick. Don't get into anything." He warns. He exits the room and I find myself falling asleep quickly.

◇jack pov◇

I finish my shower and dry myself off. I throw on boxers, basketball shorts and a black tank just for comfort in my warm home. I fix my hair and go back into my room. Instead of my little fox I find a girl with snow-white hair laying on my bed asleep. Immediately infuriated I wake her up. Signe will be here any minute to talk about divorce papers. I don't need her to think I've moved on this quick. I nudge the girls shoulder. Her eyes opened and she rolled over to face away from me.

"Get the fuck up!" I say in my normal loud voice. She opens her eyes and looks at me. "Who are you?" I say harshly.

"I'm your fox duh." She says.

"No cause you're a human."

She jumps up and frantically runs her hands through her hair. "Please don't call the government! They'll hurt me!" Her mesmerizing blue eyes look into mine. A few tears roll down her cheek.

"What do you mean?" I ask, slightly puzzled.

"I can shapeshift." She whispers.

"Really?" She nods her head. "That's so cool! Will you show me? I promise I won't turn you in."

"Pinkie promise?" She raises her hand to hold up a pinkie. I lock my pinkie with hers.

"Pinkie promise." I smile. She exhales slowly, closes her eyes and begins to float a few inches off the ground. All of a sudden it looks like her body was crushed into a sphere, then two legs, two arms and one head show. She shapeshifted into me! I giggle happily.

"Say something please?" I smile.

"Top o' the mornin' to ya." She says with a voice that sounded like mine.

"Woah that's so cool!" I smile. She closes her eyes again and shapeshifts back into herself. "Wait how does the clothes thing work?" I notice she's fully dressed.

"Mid shift you have to get dressed or get undressed depending on what your gonna be. I call that the free space."

"Your gonna have to teach me a lot!"

I'm really proud of this one!


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