32: Bar

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AHH IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR LIKE 3 WEEKS! IVE BEEN SUPER BUSY LATELY! Now that we've got all the yelling out of the way, I have some "important" news to share with you all! I have a job! I am babysitting my two 11 month old little cousins for the whole summer. So if I'm not updating, that's probably the reason why. Also I can't sleep and it's like 1:30 am, so this may be kinda crappy. You can go to the imagine now :)

(Y/N): Your Name
(F/N): Friends name

*Your POV*
"Come on (Y/N)! Please!?" Your best friend (F/N) begged you

"No! I don't want to!" I yell in return

You see, (F/N) wants to go to the local bar and get totally drunk. I on the other hand, don't, and we have been arguing for almost 20 minutes because she only will go if I go. She wants to go and have the time of her life, but I would rather be at home with my boyfriend Mark. He's never seen me drunk before, and to be honest it's not a pretty sight. I get all crazy, and I do stupid things

"Please (Y/N)! You don't even have to drink. You can get soda or something" she tries to compromise with me

"Ugh! Fine!" I yell

"Yay! Now go get something to wear!" She says pushing me towards my bedroom.

I walk to my closet and decide that I don't want to look that nice, because I don't want any attention. So I grab a pair of jeans and a tank top and put them on. I also grab a pair of sandals and slip them onto my feet. I leave my hair down and I go back downstairs.

"Your wearing that?" (F/N) asks looking at my outfit

"Yea. I'm not looking for any attention tonight. I have Mark and that's all that I care about"

"Yuck! That's why I don't have a boyfriend. All you care about is making sure that your only with him! What if you want to try new things? He would be there to stop you!"

"No he wouldn't. I just really love him and he loves me. I don't want to do anything to change that" I say grabbing my purse

"Whatever" she mumbles and walks out the door, me following behind her

I decide to text Mark and tell him where we're going to be

To Mark: Hey babe! Me and (F/N) are going to the bar. She wants a drink, but I'm going to hold back. See you later! Love you xoxo

I hit send and climbed into the car. I put the key into the ignition and turn on the radio. I found a song that I like and I started driving

"So are you excited?" (F/N) asked me

"If you call excited sitting alone all night, then yea I'm super excited" I said sarcastically

"Why don't you have a couple drinks? You should have some fun!"

"I don't know" I mumbled

Then I heard a ding come from my phone. I look over to see that (F/N) was reading whatever my phone said

"What's it say?" I ask

"Mark texted you saying to have fun. He also said that you could drink if you wanted to" she said not looking up from the phone

"He didn't say that" I say thinking she's just trying to get me to drink

"Nope. See?" She says showing me the message saying "Have fun babe! And don't be afraid to have a few drinks. I could always come pick you and (F/N) up. Love you more xoxo"

I look back at the road and sigh. I whisper a "I'll think about it" and take a right turn into the parking lot of the bar. I park the car and (F/N) and I climb out. We grab our ID and walk to the line. After waiting almost an hour we finally get to the front of the line. We show the usher our ID and they let us in. When we walk in, there is loud music with people dancing -some very inappropriately- and people drinking. (F/N) dragged me to the bar and she ordered herself a drink. She looked at me and asked if I wanted something and I hesitantly agreed. I saw her whisper something to the bartender and he looked at me and nodded. I looked at her in confusion and she just smiled innocently at me.

The bartender handed us our drinks and we walked off. I took a small sip of my drink, and I squeezed my eyes shut. The flavor of the alcohol burned my throat. Whatever is in it, is very strong. I take a couple more sips, then I see the room start to spin a little

"What did he put in his?" I ask (F/N)

"Like everything! You need to have a good time!" She slurred already getting drunk

I went to stand up but I almost lost my balance. I grabbed the table and started laughing.

"Come on let's go dance!" I yelled dragging (F/N) to the dance floor. We started dancing to the beat of the music, then we kinda danced to our own beat. I felt someone start to dance against me, and I moved away. I tried to look for (F/N), and I saw her grinding up against some random guy. I walked back to the bar and got another glass of alcohol. I sat in a booth. I took my phone out and put my password in. I went to contacts and clicked Marks name

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

*Mark's POV*
*ring ri-*

"Hello?"  I answer my phone

"Heeeeeeeeey Markimoooooooooo" she giggled

"(Y/N) how much have you had to drink?"

"Hehe I don't knoooooow! Maybe like 1 or 2? Or 9? Hehe"

"Are you with (F/N)?"

"Nooooooo! She's off dancing with somebody"

"Uh, how about I come and get you both?"

"No! I'm having fun!"

"I'm coming to get you. Go get (F/N) and wait outside"

"Ugh fine you party pooper" she mumbled and hung up

I chuckled and started to drive to the bar (Y/N) would be at. When I pulled in, I saw (Y/N) and (F/N) standing outside giggling. I parked the car and walked up to them. When they saw me they smiled

"Maaaaaaaark! You're hereeeeee!" (Y/N) slurred hugging me. She wobbled in my arms, so I tried to steady her the best I could.

"Heeeeeeeeeey Mark!" (F/N) slurred

I led them to the car and I placed them both in the back seat. As I drove, I heard them giggling and laughing at whatever they were talking about.


"Yes (Y/N)?"

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you"

"Ok good" she said giggling at the end. I looked in the mirror and saw that (F/N) had passed out, and (Y/N) was looking out the window. I sighed. Well I'll just have (F/N) on the couch tonight and she can go home tomorrow I thought

As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that (Y/N) had fallen asleep too. I groaned and opened my door. I walked to the back doors, and gently opened it. I picked up (F/N) and carried her bridal style into the house. I laid her onto the couch, then I went back to the car and saw that (Y/N) was still sleeping. I picked her up and she started to squirm around. Then she stopped and laid limp in my arms. I brought her inside as well and laid her down in our bedroom.

I went and grabbed a blanket from out closet for (F/N) and I went and covered her up. Then I placed a cup of water and a asprin on our coffee table next to the couch. I did the same to (Y/N)'s nightstand and I got into the bed as well. I pulled (Y/N) close to me. She moved so her head was on my chest. I know both her and (F/N) are going to have massive hangovers tomorrow morning. I also have to go back to get the car from the bars parking lot, so when (Y/N) is up to it we'll go and get it

I placed a kiss onto (Y/N)'s head, and I closed my eyes letting my slumber take over

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