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Requested Story :)...

BTS//Jungkook and Jimin - We Don't Talk Anymore (Charlie Puth and Selena Gomez)

"Babe," I poked Marks shoulder. Mark continued to replay the scene he kept dying in, in 'The Evil Within'. "Baby."

"Hm," he grunted, clearly agitated I was bugging him.

I wasn't shocked, however. He had recently been getting more subscribers and had been recording longer videos and playing popular games. "Nevermind."

I was staying at his condo. It was well kept, and was quiet, if he wasn't recording, and that was rare.

I took a seat on the couch in the living room, soft as always, and missing one thing. Missing Mark.

I couldn't handle him not having any time for me at all, I really couldn't. I wasn't in this relationship so I could say I had a boyfriend, I was here for how special he is to me, how much I love him, and more, but definetly not to just say.

Mark came out of the recording room, looking tired, as per usual. "Hey hon, I'm going to bed," he yawned.

"I'm leaving," I croaked. "I love you, but I can't do this."

"Do what?" he suddenly looked fully awake.

"This. I want a relationship where my boyfriend can do his job, but also have plenty of time for me, and Mark, right now this isn't you. You're constantly in the recording room, and I completely understand, but you never have any time for me anymore."


"Goodbye Mark."

The door closed behind me.

"Hey sis," Amy walked into my apartment. "How's it going?"

It's been four months since Mark and I have even seen or spoke to each other. "Good," I lied. "How about yourself?"

"Likewise, I've hearing a lot of stuff going on with Mark recently, have you?"

I cocked at eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

"He's been recording way less these last couple months, and he recorded a video and uploaded it yesterday explaining why," she grinned. "Why don't you have a look?"

I hesitated. "Maybe in a few, we have plans, remember?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," she smiled softly to me. "Are you ready then?"

"Yup," I said, grabbing my bag.

We walked along the streets of LA till we found the small coffee shop we fell in love with a few years ago. "Two? Go have a seat, I'll be right with you," a young girl smiled to us.

"Thank you," Amy said, dragging me to a back booth.

"In a rush?" I said, acting if I was choking.

"No, you get best service over here," she winked. "So no better place."

"O-kay then."

I took a menu from the side and searched for what I could order.

I looked up at the doors and there he stood, all by himself. He walked our way but didn't seem to notice me when he sat in the seat behind Amy, facing me. I started to tap the table. "What (Y/N)?" Amy said, laughing.

Mark looked up and I hid my face. "Behind you," is all I could push out, and Amy looked behind herself.

"Oh, hey Mark, how are you?" she smiled. "Why don't you come and sit with us?"

"No," he hesitated. "I don't think (Y/N) would enjoy it if I did."

I would, I really would.

"Come on, I doubt that," Amy smiled to me. She started to whisper something I couldn't comprehend.

Mark came over and sat right next to me. He smelled the exact same, and I missed it so much. His cheeks looked like they were engulfed in red. "Hi," he said putting his hands under the table and looking away.

And by habit of seeing him, I grabbed his hand.

I grabbed it tightly.


The waitress tripped and dumped the beverages onto Mark, missing me completely. "Oh my gosh sir, I'm so sorry," she cupped her mouth.

"No, no, it's okay," He stood up. "Home isn't far, I'll go change real quick."

Amy pointed to Mark and told me to go.

I followed her demand.

"Mark, hold up, I'll go with you," I said, catching up with him outside.

"I was dumb," he said softly.

"You were, I'll admit, but," I chuckled. "I still loved you, and I still do."

His sticky hand grabbed onto mine as we walked into his house.

He quickly changed and came back.

I've gotta kiss you.

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